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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The latter two aren't so bad. They might stand out to some people, but they make enough sense in context.
  2. These 4koma keep reminding me of all the things I never knew I wanted in the game. Bear cavalry, customizable weapons/mounts, a Meido/Butler triangle attack and Flora having a personal skill that turns enemies into cute snowmen.
  3. This is kind of important though, and the point of Tsucky's comment. You can and should infer that the invasion of Hoshido is brutal when you have people like Garon, Ganz and Macbeth at the helm. It's not shown directly but it would be naive to assume otherwise. While Hoshido's attacks doubtlessly lead to civilian deaths, they don't have an upper brass (or anyone, really) staffed exclusively by psychopaths.
  4. It's less special sounding in the context of the series, though. Almost all the protagonists of the series are princes or other people of noble birth and dragons are another common element in many games. Both parts together, yes it's super special awesome OC donut steel but I'm generally more accepting of the protagonist having unique features provided it doesn't make them overpowered.
  5. 1. Yes, it's possible. You will have limited money at times but it's not impossible to get the money for seals. Feeding Lilith and later getting Midoriko + Great Merchant gave me a lot of added income. I ran out of Parallel Seals to buy before I ran out of money. 2. Oni would give him access to Resistance Seal and Ogre Strike. Lancer would give him Defense Seal, Speed Seal, Breaking Sky and Flamboyance. 3. Rally skills haven't really changed (I think Rally Luck was buffed) so sure? 5.Luna can Buddy Seal Nyx to get the Dark Mage class set. Edit: Maybe Luna can't support Nyx, I didn't check (lol)
  6. I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) the story was suggesting that Kamui was "saving" Hoshido, just that he was trying to spare as many people as possible while being complicit with the invasion. The only way this could make sense and sort of maintain Kamui's moral standing is if he felt a successful invasion was inevitable and that he'd do more good helping a conquered nation than he would dying defending a country that was lost. Of course, we know that's not true and even if it were, I don't recall Kamui mentioning this as a reason for assisting in the invasion. This is the same problem that Suzukaze has. He assists Kamui because Kamui is a "good guy" but what Kamui is doing, regardless of how much he dislikes it, is wrong. Um, Mordor was a Mordorlike place in LoTR and they were pretty good at conquering. Then again, LoTR is a more classical battle of good vs evil, and other materials real that some places are not wasteland and produce a lot of food. So I guess it's more excused.
  7. What really grinds my gears is how transparently evil Garon is but Marx flip flops between trusting/supporting Kamui and treating him like a potential traitor. As far as Kamui knows, Garon tried to kill Kamui twice before the route split and as soon as he returns, Garon tries to get him killed yet again. Garon sends Kamui on what everyone knows is a suicide mission and then cackles about how much he'll enjoy having Kamui suffer... and he does this all in front of Marx! Does that not set off any warning bells, Marx? Well it must have meant something, because Elise, Leon and Marx go behind Garin's back to support Kamui. But by the end of the game, when Kamui goes as far as supporting the invasion of his own homeland, Marx has the audacity to question his loyalty and threatens to execute him if he's lying. Fuck off Marx, I deserve a better brother than you. The fact that it took Garon literally being a monster, instead of being a morally reprehensible human being, for Marx to turn on him is an awful failing in the story.
  8. I'm imagining a conversation between Kamui and Amiibo Robin: "Why did you leave your world to come to ours?" "My 3 wives learned about each other and came looking for me." Cordelia followed him into Fates
  9. Incompatible cultures. If Nohr were a country/empire built on aggressive military conquest, it's not hard to see why Hoshido wouldn't want anything to do with them. Even as far as trading goes, maybe Hoshido has everything they need and don't have a reason to trade with Nohr, at least not enough to satisfy all of Nohr's wants and needs. Of course, this is just one scenario. It doesn't NEED to set up that way (I'm just making inferences based on the original advertised premise).
  10. Eh, the characterization is all over the place. If you side with Hoshido, Kamui specifically states Garon's crimes as being part of his reason for defection. I don't recall any terms of endearment towards Garon uttered by Kamui in that route. Even when you side with Nohr, Kamui is obviously unhappy about the things Garon orders people to do. Maybe Kamui is trying his hardest to be useful to his country and family, but I wouldn't really describe their relationship as very father/son-like. But yes, clearly the invasion is the plot direction they wanted the most, even if it meant derailing Aqua and Kamui's characters.
  11. A good tome early on but out-shined by tomes you get mid-late game. As a Sorcerer, you're going to want to abuse her naturally higher crit rating so Mjölnir is a much better boost and does greater crit damage (x4). Lightning is another option when you want to try multiple hits instead of crits to take down an enemy.
  12. I think that's where a lot of the accusations of Kamui being spineless come from. In any other Fire Emblem, the lord would seek out allies (ie be an active player in their own destiny) if they found themselves surrounded by enemies. Kamui follows orders he knows are wrong and the most he can do is damage control. It's not even excusable considering he had the option to side with Hoshido. That's why I wish they framed the story as Nohr needing Hoshido's resources to survive so the moral quandary would switch from "I'm on the bad guy side but I don't wanna be a bad guy! (then you shouldn't have chosen them, dummy)" to "This isn't the moral thing and I hate doing it but it's necessary".
  13. Garou and Spirit foxes are existent species, dragons are presumably extinct. If a guy with a holy sword and the ability to change into a water dragon isn't a dead giveaway of his specialness, I don't know what is. XD I don't think the series should have ended at Awakening, although it did mark a decline in writing quality. I really lament that the story was not good because I love games with good stories, but the gameplay improvements are noticeable and show SOME people on the team are working hard. God damn, what an amazing story it could have been.
  14. I just watched the chapter 27 scene again and Leon and Camilla specifically ask Kamui why he never told them about fake Garon before and his answer wasn't "I didn't think you'd believe me", Kamui and Aqua just said something (inferred to be the curse) prevented them from doing so...except they wouldn't have worry about that had they just convinced them to go to IK before. This theory actually makes sense, but it paints Aqua in a very negative light. By her own choice, she'd have been keeping secrets (even from Kamui) that could have stopped the war early on but she chose the least efficient way that lead to the deaths of who knows how many people. Does Aqua not care about the country that she grew up in or her siblings she had to leave behind? Kind of makes a dark foil for Kamui, when you think about it...
  15. Foreshadowing is good (granted, the throne was such a throw away scene in the early game, that I wouldn't blame the player for forgetting about it), but I'd consider it's specific usage too convenient. It's a chair that shows the true character of anyone who sits on it... Hey, that'd be perfect to reveal the water familiar impersonating our batshit crazy king! Something occurred to me. The Awakening trio aren't just random mooks in Nohr, they're the direct retainers of the Nohrian royal children. Surely they would have the trust of Leon, Camilla and Marx to be able to convince them there is more to the conflict that meets the eye. Y'know, had they bothered. They would at least be with Kamui long enough to figure out he's the guy they're looking for. Is "the Nohrian siblings will probably murder me in cold blood if I even suggest that maybe Garon isn't who they think he is" really the excuse you want to offer? Oh...Marx loves Garon so much, he threatens to execute his own brother/sister (Kamui) over perceived slander against Garon. And this is after Kamui aided the invasion of his homeland and has been nothing but loyal. Maybe Marx isn't such a good guy after all.
  16. I suppose I should play the devil's advocate for a moment, so I don't sound too unfair. I liked that Kamui regretted having to kill Hoshidans and tried his best to spare enemies. A pinch of despair is good and a story shouldn't be a unbroken string of victories for the hero. And now for the ice burg that sunk our beautiful ship. Aqua's plan, that Kamui agreed with without even considering other options, is patently absurd. The best way to stop Garon is to burn an innocent country to the ground and THEN tell people Garon is actually an imposter they shouldn't be following? Had Aqua and Kamui tried to convince the Nohrian siblings to travel to IK and tell them the truth (the full truth, that Aqua hides even when she had the chance to talk about it), maybe the entire invasion could have been avoided. The Awakening Trio and Lilith are also complicit in this massive communication failure. And then they dragged Suzukaze through the mud by convincing him to help with the invasion of his own country. Don't forget the arguably worse plot contrivance that a magic chair in Hoshido (and a one use exploding crystal ball) are the only ways to reveal the true villain.
  17. But Dark Flier and Dread Fighter are DLC but you can still recruit characters of those classes over My Castle, even if you wouldn't have access to them normally.
  18. She's still going to look 10 even if they say she's 16 and give her a deeper voice.
  19. Being able to add supports would be kind of amazing. Think of all the characters we could save.
  20. I don't think there are any rules about who can recruit them from the jail. I think your success rate depends on how far along you are in the story relative to the enemy's level. What I have noticed is that there seems to be "progress" towards convincing them to join you. Sometimes after a failed persuasion attempt it will say "You can expect them next time" (paraphrasing from Japanese) and they will be recruited next attempt, no matter who is at the jail.
  21. People slamming Marx or being disappointed that he isn't an equal match for Ryoma are missing the bigger picture. Marx has 8 move, can tank most physical hits, can one shot several enemies and has a penalty-free ranged weapon. Give him your speedwings and he's even more of a monster. Ryoma is the only thing he can't roflstomp because of that crazy evade, and mages. He's not a bad unit by any stretch of the imagination. Dat Rinka tho. Does someone want to be a champ and hack the game to make her good?
  22. You can capture any generic and non plot-relevant boss characters (except for Faceless and Invisible enemies). I'm pretty sure you can't use capture on DLC enemies.
  23. She does well with a Bolt Axe as a Shura if you throw a few +magic stat boosters her way (Orochi and Sakura don't need them anyway). It's not worth investing in Tomes however, unless you hope to get lucky with Ogre Strike. Spending a level as a Blacksmith to get Smithy Skill is probably worth your while as well.
  24. Here’s some children bio’s. Some of them will be recruited in paralogues and others in main story chapters. Some won’t appear at all in routes they aren’t native to. [spoiler=Shared] Shigure-A fellow member of Aqua’s water clan. He can be recruited late game in Nohr and Hoshido. Midoriko-A war orphan from the last Hoshido/Nohr war. She makes and sells medicine to make ends meet but she was looked after by both Suzukaze and Saizo. She can be recruited around midgame in both routes. [spoiler=Hoshido] Kisaragi and Shinonome: Members of a branch family to the royal Hoshidan family. Both can be killed mid game in the Nohr route. Kinu-A young fox of Nishiki's tribe. Young and mischievous, she enjoys playing tricks on humans. Hisame- A serious and mildly short-tempered subordinate of Ryoma. He is killed by Kamui in the Nohr route. Matoi-Alongside Hinoka and Tsubaki, a trainee Peg Warrior under Yuugiri. She can be killed in the Nohr route. Shara- A somewhat disturbing mage with bizarre spiritual beliefs. She believes she houses a god’s spirit and never stays in one place for very long. [spoiler=Nohr] Seigbert: Marx’s cousin and a knight who serves the same lord as Silas in eastern Nohr. He becomes vengeful against Hoshidans after someone close to him was assassinated. He’s recruited mid-game in Nohr but is killed during the invasion in the Hoshido route. Ignis- A knight from the same order as Benoit who is stationed outside the capital. He is a loyal Nohrian knight and takes a lot of convincing to join the rebellion. He is recruited late game in Nohr. He is killed in the Hoshido route. Velour-From Flannel's tribe and his fiancé. She is driven feral by a dark magic but Elise cures her and she becomes playable midgame in Nohr. She is never cured in the Hoshido route and in her madness, killed Flannel. Kamui puts her down in this route. Lutz-Harold's son who he unknowingly sired when he was only a teenager. They have a rocky relationship at first because Lutz believed Harold abandoned him and his mother. If Lutz and Harold get an S support (s supports are for any paired ending) Harold will meet again with Lutz’ mother and the three of them will start a family again. Ophelia and Soleil- Are former lovers but became estranged after a disagreement. Ophelia became a mercenary with Zero (who is also a freelancer for hire) and Soleil became a wandering ‘hero’. Ophelia is recruited early on in Nohr and Soleil is recruited mid-late game. They'll get back together if S ranked. Ophelia can be killed in the Hoshido route.
  25. Good ideas Azz. I think I'll write some bios for my children characters too. A number of the children (Lutz and Eponine, maybe more) are, at least initially, resentful of their father's for neglecting them in the outrealms. They later reconcile but that's how they feel at first.
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