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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I'm pretty much Nishiki. I have a playful and occasionally mischievous personality and I take repaying debts seriously. I also have the orange hair. I'm proud of it's silkiness. It's so fluffy, you simply can't not touch it. I am reserved around people I don't know well so I have some elements of Sakura as well.
  2. Hmm, not quite. People can take offense to practically anything so that's not the proper metric to whether something should be taken seriously or not. It really depends on the writing and context of how these elements show up. The one-sided romance between Priscilla and Raven is to characterize Priscilla as having a childish and naive wish. Incest in Fates is fetishized and trivialized. Let's compare two characters. Henry and Pieri. Both are amoral and have child-like personalities. So why can I treat Henry as an amusing character and Pieri as a legitimate psychopath? While Henry often comments about murder and bloodshed, it's usually a theoretical and an over the top reaction. It's dark humor. There is nothing theoretical about Pieri murdering innocents for fun. She's a legitimately bad person and it reflects badly on Marx. EDIT: If by "how others react to it" refers to other characters in the game, then I'll agree with your point. lol, I don't even know where to start with you.
  3. A lot of people disliked Tharja for being an abusive stalker. I think the problem with this attitude is that it can apply to anything. Incest? It's not real guys, chill! Pedophilia? They're just cute anime girls, not real people! Those sound extreme but people often use such excuses to rationalize unfortunate implications. Everything is "just a joke". "It's there to make you laugh!" People are too afraid to take story elements seriously. Fire Emblem doesn't have a lot of self respect when childish psychopaths and sexually deviant sadists are just another "joke".
  4. Then it's NTR for Kamui because she actually loves the player. I think the person you were replying to was joking anyway.
  5. For streetpass, it works as I described. I haven't tried anything with the log book.
  6. I believe the word you are looking for is "flat." You don't want them to dull down characters and make them flat. I will disagree with you on that matter, however. The sort of "problem" characters people complain about aren't better written because of their exaggerated and unpleasant personalities. Some of their behavior is downright disturbing such as Zero x Elise where Zero is sexually attracted to a child and specifically says "Elise-sama's tears...how wonderful." That doesn't say "interesting" to me, it's pretty messed up. But to each their own. I suspect the localized version will be making some changes to these characters.
  7. This is starting to overlap with story changes but I'd also change: Garon: Make him less "For teh evuls" and more a pragmatic but brutal leader. Marx: Change him from being stubbornly loyal to Garon to him being a patriot. His antagonism for Kamui joining Hoshido would be less about betraying Garon and more about Kamui siding against Nohrian interests and the needs of the Nohrian people. If they MUST keep "No bully! My daddy is da best!", at least show us WHY he has so much faith in Garon.
  8. You can't buy DLC skills or characters. This includes Amiibos. You can buy characters who are in a DLC class, however.
  9. Oh, the changes I would make... I'm more invested in 'fixing' Nohr so let's start there. 1. Change Camilla's obsession with Kamui to just a special fondness. Make her loving towards all her younger siblings, acting as the Team Mom. Give her some pants too. 2. Change Pieri's joy of killing (particularly of innocents) to just an indifference to killing enemies. Someone so openly psychotic and immature shouldn't be the retainer of the crown prince. 3. Make all the Awakening characters not actually from Awakening. They contribute nothing to the story. 4. Make Charlotte and Benoit the retainers of Leon. It would mimic Elise's retainers and Zero's personality doesn't suit Leon, in my opinion. Odin and Zero would be mercenaries instead. Give Odin better stats. 5. Make Belka a former assassin that slowly warms up to people. Enough with the "But yeah, I'd murder anyone, even you, if I was ordered to." 6. Make it so Silas was always Kamui's friend instead of "Who are you?" 7. Give Felicia, Joker and Suzukaze (especially him) better reasons for being attached to Kamui. 8. Give Rinka a better strength growth (maybe 40%) and magic growth (maybe 30%). 9. Give Kamui-sexuals more support partners. Ryoma x Crimson, Yuugiri x OtaconYukimura, Flora x Joker etc. 10. Make Soleil actually bisexual. Play up Eponine's Robin Hood traits and curb her yaoi obsession. And this.
  10. I assume Sunny Side refers to their lowest stat. Wouldn't that be pretty bad if they got +magic as a physical unit?
  11. I'm looking forward to seeing if any of the negative characters or story elements were salvaged.
  12. These actually sound pretty good. I've updated my post to contribute to the thread.
  13. I predict a lot of people making self-deprecating comments to avoid embarrassing themselves, lol. My personal skill: Animal Ally: At the start of the players turn, adjacent (or paired) allies that are mounted, Garou or Spirit Foxes recover 10% HP. This unit also gains 10% HP if it is a mounted class.
  14. The game already does with team colors (red enemies, blue allies, green neutral). I don't see why they couldn't just assign everyone a color (or in the case of children, have them inherit the parent's color) and apply it to the variable parts of their model. It seems trivially easy to do.
  15. RD didn't have reclassing though. I sure would love unique outfits or at least unique color pallets.
  16. Yes, the D-pad can be used for anything the circle pad can.
  17. I'd prefer the Druid/Sorcerer outfits of the past. Those sprites you linked look generic because, well, they are generics but they could designed to be much flashier (look at Nergal for example). If Nohr is supposed to be a gritty medieval Europe, can't we have some proper wizard robes?
  18. It's true, nothing in her personality contradicts her having a sexy outfit (unlike the shy Olivia who for some reason wears a super revealing outfit) but nothing is really in favor of it either. All the other women in the royal forces (Luna, Belka, Pieri, Elfie) are wearing (mostly) modest outfits so Camilla is a bit out of place. Cleavage is fine, I don't know why battle panties are in style.
  19. I haven't read all her S-supports but does she undergo a "gay therapy" conversion with her non-Mamui partners? If not, that might evidence against your suspicion. Or you could be right. Lord knows that if there is a fetish, it has shown up somewhere in Awakening/Fates.
  20. Indeed. Reading through that blog post, it's 50% canon traits and 50% head canon. Mind you, I'd LOVE it if Camilla was nearly as well developed as that person believes they are but it's pretty obvious her main appeal is supposed to be as a sex bombshell, hardcore yandere. I don't think the point of her intro cinematic (T&A T&A T&A T&A) was "But she has a great personality, bruh, really." I wouldn't really call it censorship if they gave Camilla pants and toned down on her Kamui obsession. I'd call it making a better character. To say Camilla as she is is "the perfect design" is to admit her character is base level pandering. They COULD make her more than a pair of walking tits, but that would be too much effort, presumably.
  21. You know, while I agree that Soleil was poorly handled, I don't think "cure the gay" was the intended motive. The game still has two other bisexual characters (the status of them both being creeps is another matter) so I wouldn't describe them as being homophobic. I think the real guilty trope is "bait and switch lesbians". Girl on girl is hot, right? But where is the fun if they DON'T want Kamui's dick? So they make it seem like she's practically a lesbian but is willing to bat for the other team, so to speak. Soleil can marry any of the second gen males + Mamui so she's definitely bisexual, the problem is Femui forgets her own potential bisexuality when supporting with Soleil.
  22. All of Zero's euphemisms have been changed to innocent comments about jelly donuts.
  23. Derp, I guess I need to work on my Japanese reading comprehension. The color hint will be helpful in the future.
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