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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Maybe not intentionally shitting in our cereal but a lot of the changes are arbitrary and sound worse in my opinion. Like, who on the team said "Guys, Americans can't say a name longer than 2 syllables, Kazahana, Suzukaze and Mozume need to be shortened. Keep Sakura the way it is though, and make Belka's name longer."
  2. Do they have to choose names like they're naming Pokemon? Subtle references to mythology/literature are fine (Cordelia, for example) but I don't think they should make things punny. Maligknight: The Dark Knight Pokemon. This Pokemon likes to guard bridges and challenge other Pokemon to duels. It seemingly has poor defense but no matter how many flesh wounds it takes, it can continue to fight. Dark/Steel type
  3. It depends on how you want to define "part of their culture". In regards to freaky weird shit, there is a market for that in Japan but heavy otaku pandering isn't well received by the majority of Japanese society. There is a greater tolerance for a casual interest in anime, particularly for children and young adults but you should never "out" yourself as being a fan of the sort of stuff Team B vouches for.
  4. I don't know about "drastic" but it does speed things along. You can do it after set time intervals and after every chapter you beat. It's not like you will consistently get the same characters to skinship so I wouldn't call it really important.
  5. I do like Kunai's being changed to daggers or knives. It was pretty silly having a specifically Japanese name for a Nohrian weapon when they went out of their way to make the Hoshidan names unique. The other names though... I hope they change the boss at the Infinite Chasm from Mozu to Mozume. To be fair, there was never a reason to change her name. "I will tell you my most closely guarded secret. My true identity is...Severa." "Who?" "Severa. One of the heroes from Yilisse?" "What?" "I was really popular in the last game!"
  6. Not much, unfortunately. The only items you can buy from other shops are ones with unlimited stock, so Bronze, Iron, Steel and Silver is the only weapons available. You can get some healing staves and unlimited class changing seals from the level 3 item shop, which is nice.
  7. You are confused. I was citing those IPs (specifically the ones brought up by Freyjadour) as having few games and, appropriately, less content. I said in my post I am okay with this kind of representation, so there is no need to defend it. So your argument basically boils down to "Because the game isn't literally "Super Icarus Brothers" there is no Sakurai bias." Thanks for the laughs. You and Freyjadour should hook up. I don't think you understand what bias is. Mario gets tons of content because it's Nintendo's top series. Donkey Kong also has a lot of games under its belt. I'll grant you Starfox, as it's a limited series but if you look at the numbers... it has about half of the content Kid Icarus does! Wow, you really chose some bad examples.
  8. Not really a fan of of clumsy maids but Felicia is pretty...cool. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!!! I like the duality between Saizou and Suzukaze. Christmas ninja are fun. Both classes are useful but ninja win because Snake Venom is amazeballs.
  9. Personally, I'm okay with having a 'avatar' with a pre-established personality as long as I like the personality. Comparing a character to Marx or Ryouma (and Takumi to a lesser degree) will make anyone seem underwhelming. They have good stats and ridiculously powerful ranged weapons in a game that did a lot to nerf ranged swords/lances/axes. And if Kamui turned out poorly, you probably goofed somewhere. In his default class with a +Strength mod, he has 75% str growth. It was a pretty bad support, even outside of the spiked drink incident. In one line he basically shames her for being physically affectionate (this coming from Mr. Skinship) and treats her like property. There are other questionable supports from Kamui too.
  10. If anything, there would be a nation-wide shortage on shampoo after the royals take it all. Hoshido should be leading a war of aggression against Nohr in order to seize their valuable shampoo factories.
  11. I liked Robin more too. He represented who the player literally is, the tactician of the army. Sure he was well liked in the army, but his role never felt out of proportion in the story. Kamui, on the other hand, has several characters who's entire existence is devoted to him and much of the drama is over Kamui's choice of allegiance rather than the setting or motives of the war. I would have much preferred him to be a viewpoint character so we can really get into world and character building outside of "Kamui's such a swell guy, I want him on my side!"
  12. "Damage control" were the words that immediately came to mind when reading the interview. It doesn't sound like Team A was really keen on ANY skinship. So it's less that Team A won, rather that they mitigated the creep factor as best they could.
  13. I think I understand the greater plot of Fates. The conflict is really just between two rival trap making empires. Nohr has the lead on pretty boy faces but Hoshido is making leaps and bounds in gender-bent Pegasus riders and long haired dudes. Kidnapping Kamui was the final step in the plan to breed the ultimate trap. Which makes Femui x Leo canon. Trust me, I took an entry level literature course at the local community college. If only Sumeragi had Austin Powers on his side, he might not have fallen for that trap.
  14. But Foleo wasn't even born at the time. Maybe Garon has the Star Wars emperor level of foresight. "Foleo will be a trap greater than either of us!" Or something. I still do a double-take whenever I see a Butler or Mountain Priest Foleo.
  15. I don't care if he is a royal, no one can afford that much shampoo.
  16. I don't like him but OP's poll is biased so I'm not going to vote. Kamui is given far too much attention in the story, constantly praised and adored, and excused whenever he does something wrong. In Hoshido he's generic and in Nohr he's a spineless tool bag.
  17. That's what I mean by arbitrarily saying representation doesn't count. So what if the models were ripped from Uprising? Are they suddenly not in the game? I'm fine with characters from limited series (Duck hunt dog, Xenoblade etc) getting characters. But let's compare some of the numbers. Duck Hunt: 1 character, 1 stage Shulk: 1 character, 1 stage, 1 assist Kid Icarus: 3 characters, 3 stages, 5 items, 2 assist trophies, unique specials for Palutena, a boatload of Uprising enemies and a Viridi Mii costume. The bias is real and not limited to Kid Icarus.
  18. There sure is a lot of arbitrary "this representation doesn't count because I didn't like it personally" in this thread. IK has as many characters as it has games (not counting remakes), and only 1 game that was ever really popular. There's also a mode in the 3DS version which is bursting at the seems with IK monsters. Palutena was given completely unique specials, a trait only shared by Mii Fighters (and many of those moves are blatant copies of other character's specials). Pitt and Palutena are fine characters, but let's not pretend there wasn't Sakura-bias involved. In regards to faithful portrayals, I appreciate it but it's not always necessary. Just look at Kamui and the creative movesets they can make. That said, I do wish Ganondorf drew more from his canon portrayals. Where are the spells and swords?
  19. I'm not sure if paying it off is a prerequisite. Online orders aren't paid until they ship. It might just be a local supply misunderstanding. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone who paid ahead of time had their order canceled.
  20. Believing in all the story hyping/premise. I would have disliked the plot either way but at least I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
  21. I think you are misinterpreting the point of the line. Unless Hinoka is a jerk to Nohrians for no other reason than the fact they are Nohrians, she's not being racist. She is confronting people who just assassinated her mother and intended to kidnap (from her point of view) her brother AGAIN. That's not baseless prejudice, she's being hateful towards people who wronged her. Even if in the past she got over hating Nohrians, she's reacting to a very current event. People always hate their enemies. It's not a mark against your character to hate people who are invading your country and killing your people. People should care if "racism" is justified or not. Do you think a character like Shinon or Jill is remotely similar to Hinoka? Heck, Oboro is actually mildly racist but I haven't heard any talk of her "greying" Hoshido. tl;dr version: You're focusing too much on the "Nohrian" part. Had she simply said "You dastards!", like so many other Fire Emblem characters, it would convey the same thing, that she doesn't like them. [spoiler=FFTA2 says hi] Why do Tricksters have such ridiculous range on throwing cards?
  22. As others have said, another Pokemon and Inklings are the only shoo-in candidates, as far as I'm concerned. Zelda didn't get any new characters in Sm4sh so I think they'll get someone. Maybe they'll have Impa based on her Hyrule warriors portrayal. I think it likely the Fire Emblem roster will shrink to Marth, Ike, Robin and Kamui but it's possible the next FE protagonist will get in if Sakurai is still in charge, Isaac, Andy or Krystal would be neat. I will continue to advocate for Ridley and continue to be disappointed.
  23. There is one exclusive character and the best Yatogami is in the 3rd route. The 3rd route is arguably the canon story, covering the plot threads hinted at in the first two routes.
  24. I really wish they put "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb." as Garon's lines.
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