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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The way Marx said his lines made him sound like a bully from some 90's high school tv show. "What are you knuckleheads doing here? This is OUR turf!" "Oh gosh, it's Xander and the jocks! I hope they don't shove me into a locker again."
  2. Fate Stay Night Lancer gets a lance with Lethality+ (Always triggers unless enemy has higher luck) Fate Zero Lancer get's 2 lances, one with the Luna effect and another with the Misfortune and Sin health halving effect. Neither unit is very good because they get zero luck and their support partners are terrible. We already have Roy for a Smash original character. He was so popular in Melee they made him the main character of FE6.
  3. And because it's turn-based, you don't need skillful hand-eye coordination or quick reflexes to be good. Playing well is just patience + knowledge of game mechanics. Difficulty is how much you need of those too traits.
  4. They all look pretty bad to me, except for the black one. Too bad they didn't do a "color pallet of other Fates characters" thing for Kamui like they did with Lucina and the Awakening girls.
  5. +1 for "the game is easy after you have mastered all the mechanics" or rather, "you'll know how to play the game well after you learn how to play the game". I'd still say the games provide plenty of challenge, with permadeath making careless moves result in a game over. If the game was really as easy as you say, there wouldn't be a casual or phoenix mode.
  6. Kamui only got 2 songs as well. Granted, he doesn't have a stage of his own but both songs he got are just versions of one, and there is so much good music in Fates to choose from.
  7. The only other Fire Emblem characters who I think had a ghost of a chance would be Tiki or maybe Anna. Lyn and Ephraim are so 'old news', it's not even funny. I will give Kamui two things, he's recent and he is unique among FE protagonists. There's no better choice than him if you simply must have another FE character.
  8. "THAT'S EVEN BETTER!" Uh... thanks Elise. I'm glad I have such an... understanding sister, in the event I turn out to be a transgender.
  9. It's hard to say any romance was hinted because only one line in the C-A suggests Soleil might like Matoi, and no lines at all to suggest Matoi thinks romantically of Soleil. The only reason we even understand Soleil's intentions is because we have a meta-understanding of her character. If the support showed them growing close to each other (even without it specifically being romantic), one could interpret that as the beginning of a romance but the support isn't really about them bonding, it's just Soleil offering some advice to Matoi. There is no personal investment shown on her part. To recap: C rank: Matoi is thinking about something and Soleil notices. We don't find out what Matoi was thinking about. Nothing happens. B rank: It's implied Matoi tells Soleil about her romance woes (another meta-understanding) and Soleil gives her advice. However, we don't know the specifics of Matoi's dating problems (that conversation happens off-screen) so Soleil's advice is harder to understand for the reader. Essentially, a question is answered but we don't know what the question was so it's confusing. A rank: Matoi and Soleil recount Matoi's failed implementation of the dating advice...but we neither see the date or what Soleil specifically told Matoi to do. It's even more vague than the last support. Now we have the bullet point version of the advice Soleil gave for the problem we didn't hear about. It's not even a great endpoint as a platonic support because Matoi's issues aren't resolved in a meaningful way. S rank: Matoi reveals to Soleil that Soleil's feelings were obvious in hindsight but very little in the C-A suggests anything of the sort. Matoi now has strong feelings for Soleil but it's never shown her reacting positively to anything Soleil said besides the off-hand cute remark. Sorry if I sound overly critical but I feel like the dialogue relies too much on the audience having a prior understanding of your intentions. WE know it's a Soleil x Matoi romance support but that's because you told us.
  10. Hm, I feel like they could have gotten more done, and much of the details of what they talk about is left out and only implied to have been said between the support conversation. It feels, I dunno, inverted? Like the important parts are only implied and the parts leading up to the important dialogue are what's shown instead. Personally, I'd condense the C and B into a single conversation so Matoi's pondering (and the subject of the entire conversation) are understood at C rank, use B rank to discuss and implement dating advice and the A rank to make some kind of resolution for Matoi (and perhaps some regret on Soleil's part that her advice worked too well). The S rank is, well, sudden. Nothing in the C-A really suggests her having any romantic interest in Matoi besides an offhand comment about her being cute (girls can get away without saying nohomo). I like the concept behind it, however. Matoi's stuffy approach to romance is a nice contrast with Soleil's frankness. Keep writing!
  11. With Kamui now in Smash with a move-set more based around his dragon body, does anyone think it might be interesting if Kamui in Fates was developed that way? I mean him focusing on and developing a fighting style different than humans. Perhaps Kamui is trained to use a sword but instinctively wants to use his body to fight. It seems a bit "Shonen" but not all tropes are bad. I like the idea of a Touma that pretty much got absorbed into Nohrian and Hoshidan society. Remind me, is Anankos still cray-cray in your story?
  12. Agreed. Regardless of what one may feel about what content they offered, it feels like it's all bonus content that they worked hard on outside the production time of the main game. I'd also call it fairly priced and flexible so you can just buy the content you want. Plus they let fans have some input on what they wanted for DLC which was pretty neat. If ever there was a developer with respect and devotion to his fans, it's Sakurai.
  13. I don't think supports would be an option, considering none of the other Amiibo do. I think it would be cool if we got a ranged Dragon Stone weapon. It would really "complete" Kamui, in my opinion. But it won't matter because I don't buy Amiibos.
  14. Upon listening to them a few more times (curse you work, preventing me from watching smash directs) I think Ryoma and Sakura are spot on. Ryoma has the tough resolve and Sakura the soft concern appropriate for the situation. Marx and Elise are a definite miss with Elise sounding bratty and possessive and Marx sounding... douchey, for a lack of a better word. "He's MY brother" and "WE'RE your family" completely butchers the feeling of the scene, particularly of the face shot of all the siblings next to each other. They are supposed to be worried and uncertain, so why do they sound like they showed up to claim a soccer ball? Way to pick up the Kamui and go home, just because you don't like the Hoshidan players.
  15. Hm, if I were to write Kamui as eerie, I'd make it a bit more subtle than doing the tongue flick thing. Like, if Kamui was a beast shapeshifter wouldn't it be silly if he coughed up hairballs? Canon Kamui has "mysterious charisma" so I feel like the opposite should be a creepiness you can't quite identify. Morphs, for example, aren't immediately recognizable as inhuman but something about them seems off and the eeriness is achieved. Physically Kamui already fits this. Red, reptilian eyes and pointed ears. You could make Kamui say creepy things (because he has senses that others don't) like "Your body is colder than usual today. Are you dressed warmly enough?" One idea I had for a near-blind Kamui was that he had such powerful hearing he could hear and identify people by their heartbeat. He'd also inform people of their heartbeat if he found it unusual. As an aside to Alazen, whom is determined to make Kamui ambitious, an idea you could implement is Kamui's desire to rule being influenced by his dragon heritage. Dragons seem to instinctively desire power and dominate others. Granted, humans can be ambitious too, but why not capitalize on Kamui's genetic heritage?
  16. Gate of Babylon would probably be a 100% proc rate Astra that does full damage. He'd probably also have Vantage+ We're still on topic because this is a Fate x Fire Emblem crossover discussion. Fite me.
  17. Disagree. I'll still take generic moe-blob Felicia over the bratty voice and lines they gave Elise. There are no rules or criteria for how many reps a series is supposed to have but many people appreciate it if the reps are more in proportion to the significance of the series. People care because Smash is a celebration of Nintendo's franchises. It's the same reason some panned the Fire Emblem Anniversary book because it was mostly about Awakening and Fates. It's more than money, it's about having a place in the hearts of gamers. Zelda is an extremely popular franchise and for good reason. A lot of people grew up playing Zelda games and they'd like to see more Zelda characters playable. You know there was this game called Hyrules Warriors that had a ton of playable Zelda characters, right? If we're going to say "non-reoccurring" is the reason why other Zelda characters didn't get in, then Roy, Robin, Kamui and Lucina (not including cameos, obviously) shouldn't be in either. They are full fledged newcomers. And working on them was development time that could have been used elsewhere. Disclaimer: I don't really care about who gets in at this point. I've learned not to get invested in game rosters because the developers will never have the same vision you do. But I will say, as a Fire Emblem fan, that this series already had enough exposure with Marth, Ike and Robin, and didn't need anyone else. They should have given other noteworthy series, or more unknown but interesting IPs (like Golden Sun) more content. A lot more series than Zelda got snubbed this time around.
  18. +1 vote for wishing Femui was the default. Gosh, what atrocious voice acting. Hearing Elise's voice made me want to turn off the video immediately.
  19. I would have preferred other characters such as Isaac or Impa (seriously, we have more FE characters than Zelda characters) but the new characters look well made, at any rate. Props to them for making Kamui's moveset interesting. EDIT: I don't see how Bayonetta is more of a deal breaker than Zero Suit Samus. In a frantic Smash battle, you'll hardly notice the stripping. How conservative can people be?
  20. I want a playable Lancelot. A Berserker with a personal skill that let's him equip all weapon types. Or a personal that adds +15 might to all joke weapons. Anything is a weapon if he picks it up.
  21. I liked the headcanon that Kamui was either blind or had poor vision but that was more related to their perceived albinism than draconic properties. Of the traits you mentioned, I think thermal detection is non-mammalian enough to make Kamui exotic, but not so much it makes him "weird" (like flicking out his tongue would be). Kamui is primarily human, after-all.
  22. I almost want this. Appearance-wise, Femui is one of my favorites.
  23. We can't control where Fire Emblem goes, unfortunately. We can only help or hurt the series longevity with our purchasing power. If Fates sold poorly, I doubt IS would think "People hated the writing! We'll make a better game next time!" They'd probably just think "People don't like Fire Emblem very much. We'll scale back our efforts next time."
  24. Look on the bright side. Them including Corrin (amongst all the other Fire Emblem reps who don't deserve to be in Smash) shows how much Fire Emblem is valued as a series. Unless you want the series to end, this should be considered a good thing. Maybe we'll even get a home console Fire Emblem after Fates sells a ton.
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