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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Visual; Mikoto. She's all around beautiful and I like her unique model (and the class itself). Personality; Mikoto, I guess. We don't see a lot of it but you can feel the pain she felt by losing her child. Intentions; Emmeryn, because she tried to end the conflict by ending her own life. Role in the Story; I'll say Mikoto again. Her death is the real kickstarter for the conflict and gives more weight behind Kamui's choice. Overall; Both had relatively small parts but overall, Mikoto's sacrifice was more poignant to me. A mother longing for her child and dying to protect them is a simple but powerful role, in my opinion. And she's a total babe and I wish you could marry her.
  2. The correct expression is "I couldn't* care less", you fools! I dislike Aqua and Kamui for story reasons. I don't care about the children besides Midoriko, Velour, Ophelia, Matoi, Shinonome and Kinu. Even then, I mostly just like them for their appearance. I don't really like Pieri (psychotic womanchild), Joker (abrasive asshole), Belka (willing to kill even her allies) or Tsukuyomi (arrogant brat). Although I use some of them for their usefulness. A lot of the children have bland personalities or are simply copies of their parents. They also join later, when you've already assembled a group of characters you like. Elfie Is popular, if only because she's a good knight.
  3. Skills are more oriented towards the player phase (all the strike skills, poisons) but I don't think the game has fundamentally changed since Awakening as far as player phase or enemy phase being more important.
  4. Now I'm imagining Shinonome doing a German suplex on the Golem. Try not to destroy too much of My Castle, Shino.
  5. Fair enough. I found Hinata underwhelming but if people found a niche for him, props to them.
  6. Isn't comparing an Est to a prepromote kind of extreme?
  7. I'm going to agree with H23 and N10 being some of the best (albeit challenging, but that's good!) uses. For the ones I disliked the most, that lava map where the DV points can make everything a damage tile AND slow you down was really annoying. And fuck N12 and those jars.
  8. I didn't say Hinata was the only 'tanky' unit you have, just that he's not as fast or even hard hitting as many others. Hinata is a big ball of mediocrity and you already have a better Samurai by the time you get him. Here's a side by side look at all those characters HP, Strength, Speed and Defense growths in their base classes. Oboro: 45 55 55 50 Crimson: 40 60 60 45 Hinata: 65 45 35 45 Saizou: 45 55 50 50 Tsubaki: 55 40 35 45 He's better than Tsubaki so,,, yay? I'm just looking at their base values. Anyone can receive the benefits you listed but I'd rather boost good units to make them better than salvage bad units. Oboro doesn't need anything to be a wrecking ball.
  9. "Need" is a subjective term here. Sure, hyper offense is a viable strategy for some situations but it's also nice to have units like Rinka (yes, even she has uses) who can reliably take a hit and not be ruined afterwards. In my playthrough, Kazahana could barely survive getting one-shotted by enemy Berserkers and the RNG isn't so kind that you can rely on dodge-tanking.
  10. He's pretty outclasses by Kazahana who has significantly better Strength AND Speed. But if you are determined to use him, I'd recommend making him a Blacksmith/Weapon Master and pair him up with a Bowman, Lancer or Herb Merchant. He might make a decent great knight as well. Strength Seal (weapon master) would probably compliment a more tanky role (the only thing he's good at). Hisame has balanced and agreeable stats so the mods you give him are up to you. Hisame looks good with Brown, Dark Blue or Dark Red in my opinion so I'd go with #12, #17 or #30. [spoiler=Hair colors]
  11. Same, I even made that Femui a Dread Fighter so Midoriko could have two ninja parents.
  12. Yikes, guys. Sorry to mini-mod but can we all just take a step back, breath deep and not make internet arguments personal, ya? @Sunwoo, We're just discussing a fictional story, there's no reason to fling accusations of people lacking empathy. I agree with your points but let's keep things civil. @AbsoluteZer0Nova, while I understand and can agree with the statement that those guys fell into the "too dumb to live" category, that's irrelevant to the discussion because that's not a defense of Nohr's actions in Hoshido. It does sound like you are placing the blame on the victims when you say "they brought it upon themselves". @JupiterKnight, Damage is damage. One's ability to eventually recover from damage doesn't negate or even mitigate the wrongness of the person doing the damage. If someone purposely wrecks your car, you aren't likely to forgive them just because it was insured.
  13. Midoriko for best daughteru. I like her more than Kanna, my own child. Her comics were kind of meh tho. There is a world of jokes to make about selling "medicine".
  14. So death and destruction isn't deplorable because stuff can get rebuilt....? "Wow, don't have a cow man. So we killed a lot of people? Make more then!"
  15. Looks like Shinonome and Sumeragi. Grandfather and grandson bonding. It was never to be.
  16. Even if they were literally speaking Japanese, it's not out of place because it's a fantasy setting and Hoshido is not actually Japan, no matter how similar they may appear. So maybe everyone speaks Fatesion which has a lot of grammatical structures similar to Japanese but isn't. References to things like keigo or honorifics isn't really a discussion of linguistics in general. They are just concepts that Japanese gamers are familiar with because it's probably the ONLY language they are familiar with. In Japanese, like the actual proper language, there are A LOT of words that are borrowed from other languages but have been made into Japanese. "Pasokon" (derived from personal computer, ie PC) is certainly an English loan word but it doesn't mean a thing to English speakers. It's only a word recognized by the Japanese. Likewise, while we as non-Japanese might recognize Nohrian things as being non-Japanese, to Japanese gamers, the words and names are just a form of Japanese. It's kind of a difficult subject to grasp if you only have a western perspective. Very few Fire Emblem games make reference to alternative languages even though the stories span entire continents.
  17. Uh...is it weird to you that a game made by the Japanese has everyone speak Japanese? Should they have referenced grammatical structures that don't exist in Japanese? Although the two nations (Hoshido and Nohr) are inspired by real world nations, they are just fantasy nations. Unless stated otherwise, they all speak the same language and naturally it's going to be the one used by the intended audience.
  18. So I've come up for an alternate ending to the Nohr route. The "How it should have ended" of FE Fates, if you will. The conquest of Hoshido in complete and Garon is in control. Kamui, Aqua and the Nohrian siblings wait outside the throne room and Kamui tells them what he and Aqua have been scheming. Kamui: Garon is an evil slime monster and not your real dad. Elise: Kamui... I know you didn't take well to finding out you're adopted but you can't just say he's not our dad either. Kamui: No, I mean he really isn't you dad! Marx: If it turns out you're lying, I'll kill you. Kamui: Open the door and see for yourself! Kamui: Ahah! Behold the true Ga...ron... *Kamui opens the doors to reveal King Garon sitting on a completely normal chair with no sight of the Hoshidan throne* Garon: What's up? Kamui: B-but... the Hoshidan throne! Why aren't you sitting on the throne!? Garon: Oh, that old thing? It didn't agree with my aesthetics so I refurnished the place. *Marx unsheathes his sword and glares at Kamui* Kamui: ...Fuck.
  19. If a person can love a horse, I don't see why a horse can't love a person. Give love a chance.
  20. Nope, it's just how they're cataloged. First it goes Mozume, then the shared children, then the Hoshidan children and finally the Nohrian children. Source
  21. This is pretty significant. Even if Kamui's own hands aren't covered in blood, he still enables others to kill. Each Hoshidan he defeats is now at the mercy of the Nohrian higher-ups that Kamui knows are psychopaths. A no kill run is patently absurd anyway. I'm pretty sure all the people Elfie impaled on her lance are ex-members of the being alive club. The recall watching an anime called Peacemaker where the protagonist vowed to never kill. He was portrayed as a morally white character, completely ignoring that his group does routinely kill all their enemies. In fact, one of the antagonists the protagonist defeated and "spared" was executed immediately afterwards.
  22. In related news, I heard from my dad (who is the prime minister of Nintendo) that in the localized version, this line will be included: King Garon: Burn them all. Burn them in their homes. Burn them in their beds.
  23. A larger part of the problem is that Kinu is fast and constantly moving away from the player. Plus there are archers that might limit how you are able to move forward.
  24. Speaking of characters being spontaneously pardoned for their villainy...
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