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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The about-face this guy takes on his prior position sounds more like "I forgot the reason why I was salty" rather than a serious reexamination of the issues. So, like Makalov said above me, I think it likely he'll change his opinions again. He's too much of an apologist in his new position, ignoring the depth of the topics. -"Fire Emblem has always been about having fun" Sure, it's a game. It's there to entertain, but this ignores the legitimacy of coherent story telling and proper characterization. -"incest is okay because it's a different culture" I'll accept that there is a market for sis-con and bro-con pandering, and a overall greater tolerance in the fandom, but it's still a big deal that they treated as inconsequential. More importantly, it undermines the family theme the game is supposed to be about. -"they were faithful to the original draft" Okay? It just means that Kibiyashi wasn't such a great writer (or he was rushed and didn't have time to do a good job) and IS was bad for using a bad draft. His original viewpoint could have lost the ad hominem but overall it was more critical and well thought out.
  2. Personally, I'd put her around 23. As others have mentioned, minors usually aren't portrayed drinking alcohol. But if they do confirm her to be below 20, they'll probably just say she drinks juice out of wine bottles.
  3. Fair enough. It just irks me that the "logic" behind the name changes is "Viewers are Idiots". As shadowofchaos mentioned, Names have meanings and you lesson them by cutting off parts. For the record, the [suzu] of Suzukaze is pronounced exactly as it looks, and [kaze] ends in the same vowel sound as Mozume, so if people can pronounce the former, they can pronounce the latter. Kazahana is also pronounced exactly how it looks, but people are likely to get Hana wrong too because they'll pronounce it like the western name "Hannah". People have already mentioned that tsunami is an understood loanword so Tsubaki should be simple.
  4. I'd really like people to stop defending these practices with "People are dumb and they'll never learn!" or "There is room to misunderstand so we gotta dumb it down." Why can't people playing a niche Japanese game series be assed to learn really basic pronunciation rules (like, mastered in less than 5 minutes "basic")? I'll even spare people the trouble. There are 5 vowels and they're always pronounced the same way. a = ah i = ee u= oo e = eh o= oh Boom, you now understand like 90% of how to pronounce things. I repeat, there is probably more confusion over the correct pronunciation of "western" names than there should be for Japanese names. Kjelle? Caineghis? Are these easy to discern? Lazy people and name changes make me salty.
  5. Some may disagree. While "naughty" makes up a good part of his personality, he's also cruel and enjoys making people uncomfortable. I don't know how much of a "caricature" of gay/sexual people he is, but I wouldn't really call it a positive image.
  6. Is pronunciation really a concern when localizing names? Would it matter if people didn't know how to say Mozume? (and for the more dedicated weebs, Japanese is phonetic so it's actually EASIER than English to understand pronunciation). There is a new exclamation point whenever you are able to skinship someone, and it will stay there until all the skinshipping available at the time is done. For example, if you skinship with your spouse but don't skinship with a guest (or vice-versa) the exclamation mark will still be there. Skinship is as good as confirmed to me, but I never doubted it would be in the game.
  7. It's kind of interesting when you consider skill buying mechanics. Since Kamui can marry anyone, anyone can get access to basically any other class and the skills they hold BUT only on a single playthrough, or by purchasing skills. So while any character can get any skill, classes are more limited.
  8. Mine is closest to Rinka. Neither of us have abs. My sister and father have the same birthdays as Mitama and Leo, respectively.
  9. I really wish they would have chosen a better system for passing classes in the case of redundant classes. Like, Flannel doesn't get FIghter from Harold because he already has the class so... why not give him Harold's secondary, Cavalier? It seems obvious to me.
  10. "Niles" does sound very camp, doesn't it? I'm always uncertain about the Japanese's ability to romanize names, whether they have a specific artistic vision or maybe they just don't understand how it works. Silas is acceptable but I'm more fond of Cyrus, personally. Likewise, "Marx" is far more appealing to me than "Marks" even if that's his "canon" romanized name for the Japanese version.
  11. If gameplay is your main priority, I'd say Nohr>Hoshido. Nohr maps are interesting and make you think hard about your strategy. Although i like Hoshido for flavor, I found Nohr an overall more enjoying gameplay experience. I haven't played IK, and while it allows you to get all the characters and shops, I heard a lot of the maps are gimmicy and character recruitment is imbalanced. If you want to do multiplayer, however, IK is the best choice for having the most options, characters and items.
  12. Eh, besides some speculation about some alleged communism naming theme for the Nohrian royals, people got over Marx's name pretty quick here.
  13. Where did he state his re-write is just to guilt trip fans and make them question their choice of getting the game?
  14. Does anyone know what class Kamui's spouse will get if it's a second gen character? I assume it's his second class because that's how it works for first gen spouses but since Kamui's kids automatically get his primary class, I was curious if the second gen would get something different if they were married to him. The only discount available is to download the other routes after you purchase one game for full price. Aprox $40 for base game, and $20 for each route after that.
  15. The former, don't worry. :P I've been living in Japan for 3 years and work in Japanese public schools so I have a feel for the amount of anime that considered "normal".
  16. Technically he had a S rank but his wife had terrible mods so he gave up on their child. Besides A ranking Gilgamesh, it's kind of hard to say who Kirei would support. He talks to quite a few people, but he also murders or at least doesn't care about the people who die. I guess he could A rank Tokiomi and Risei too. And Grail-kun He tried to support with Irisviel and Kiritsugu but it didn't work out. No one supports with Zero!Assassin because he's a plot device.
  17. Not really based on much, tbh. But Rin was involved in one of Saber's...uh....mana transfer scenes so I thought 'why not?'.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Saber's S ranks are Zero!Lancer, Shirou and Rin. She can A rank Zero!Berserker and Irisviel. Kiritsugu S ranks are Maya and Irisviel. He can A rank Illia. As much as they'd like to, Stay Night!Caster and Zero!Caster can't support Saber.
  19. As if their coming back from the dead didn't negate the effect of their death?
  20. They can't S rank because they only have 3 'conversations'. There are, however, base conversations where Kiritsugu will talk to Iri while Saber gets angry in the background. [spoiler=Base Conversations are back!]
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