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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Eh, the design is too understated, particularly the white side. I know some people like to hide their power level (although how well you can do this while playing video games in public is debatable) but if I had a special 3DS, I'd want it to actually resemble the series it draws from.
  2. Yes, please. My ideal system would be to have S rank supports mark paired endings, romantic or otherwise. Not all human relationships need to involve boning. I may have to appropriate this for my sig. Don't worry, your Waifu is safe now.
  3. Nomads, Light Mages, Shamans to replace Stripper Mages, Manaketes with a ranged attack, Halberdiers (although I'm also fond of Holy Lancers), and Summoners. Tacticians, Dark Fliers and Dread Fighters should return as standard classes as well.
  4. I didn't play much Mass Effect but wasn't the lack of homosexual pairings more about the views of the developers rather than attitudes expressed in-universe? I'm curious as to the intentions of the developers. Some people might theorize that they were testing the waters with "safe" personality types, before adding more balanced and respectful individuals, but I think it equally likely that they just want to see how much fujoshi $$ they can get and would add more characters in the same vein as Zero and Shara. If there isn't moral outrage over negative depictions of bisexuals (not that I'm advocating for moral outrage) a part of me doubts IS will try to "fix" how they do things. I don't think a gay Shepard came about independent of negative fan feedback. Edit: To clarify above, I think gay Shepard was finally made an option because of high fan demand/complaints rather than an epiphany on the developers' parts. If people in Japan are okay with how IS depicts bisexuals, there won't be much reason for them to change.
  5. Kamui wouldn't make a good Shiro. He doesn't even die when he's killed. :/
  6. I saw Zeveran as more of a flirt and a scoundrel/free love sort of guy compared to Zero who is frequently a creep that purposely unnerves people. I think DA:O handled romance/multiple sexualities the best. Some bisexuals but not too many (looking at you DA2), as well as characters you can't romance because they're just not looking for it.
  7. I guess it's subjective but I like all the new classes you can get. You can get Lodestar, Great Lord, Witch, Ballistician, Vanguard and Grandmaster, Dread Fighter and Dark Flier (and the first four classes you can get for free).
  8. Branching and non-personal (barring special characters such as the lord, dancer, etc) promotions for me. As someone said above, I like having choices and it improves replayability. I would like it, however, if each base class had a unique promotion, such as Swordmasters being unique to Mymidons.
  9. Halberds. I think it would be neat if more weapons enabled skills, such as a weapon having more reach which lets you always attack first during EP. Shields that prevent a certain percent of the damage a unit would have taken and/or increase evasion. To offset them, you could reduce the character's speed, increase their doubling threshold or give them an additional 'Armored' weakness. Crossbows which would bypass defense but do set damage. Magic weapons that have their damage calculated by the user's higher attack stat (magic or strength). I feel like magic weapons in their current state are useless for most classes (or redundant with that class' Tome availability)
  10. Looks like the DLC is cheaper in America, if you buy the bundle. In Japan it's 2900 yen to get everything, which is about 25USD compared to the 18USD here. Since they only mentioned 11 maps, I wonder if we won't see any more Fates DLC. We haven't had anything since October.
  11. Zero has gay fans as well but I'd agree that he likely exists to satisfy fujoshi rather than gay men.
  12. @Phillius, I'm willing to forgive your shitposting this time because you linked a fluffy tail video, but I insist you stop here. Shitposters and Waifufags will be terminated with extreme prejudice. I'd go with Fubuki. Shiro, and all variations of it is overused for OCs. Maybe it doesn't matter to you, but if you stick to a Japanese name, it might be prudent to explain why Kamui kept his/her name despite being taken by Garon.
  13. Here is another vote cast at FE9 fliers. I really hated having my wyvern riders swoop up, land, and have the rider awkwardly poke the enemy. I really dislike a lot of the Tome/Spell animations in Fates. A lot of hybrid classes simply hold the tome/spell without any of the flair of Dark Mages and Spell Casters. Some of them don't even get a unique critical hit animation. This goes for magical weapons as well.
  14. Favorite: Blazing Sword. I loved all the characters, particularly the chemistry between the main characters. The politics, world building and villains were interesting as well. Honorable mention to Path of Radiance for its world-building and cast as well. Least favorite: Fates (particularly Conquest), the most disappointing train-wreck of a story ever. Radiant Dawn gets a dishonorable mention for part 3 plot elements (you know the ones) and gutting the support system. [spoiler=Fates spoilers] I could write an essay on why the story fails its premise in every way (and going by the number of posts on the subject I've made, I already have) but its most critical failures are: Cartoon villains, shoddy world building, obsessive player worship, stupid protagonists, the family theme undermined by sibling S ranks, plot contrivances/plot holes plus a 3rd route that completely invalidates its first two routes. Fates is the very definition of disappointing, especially considering how ambitious they were by splitting the story into 3 games.
  15. There is nothing wrong with merging characters. A single character with a specific role in the story is going to be better than two characters who share the same role (I'd say Felicia is made redundant by having Flora and Joker in the picture, for example). Although you should endeavor to have as many fluffy tails as possible.
  16. Well, it's not like they directly advertised the ability to marry your siblings before the game was released. People only figured it out by noticing a screenshot with sibling S ranks listed on it, iirc. The hopes (or fears) of Fates being anything like GoT will be quickly dispelled after playing the game and finding out the incest is all fluff.
  17. I'd disagree that the quality of narrative elements in purely subjective but I respect that you don't want to argue about it further. We've all been there and back again. For the sake of counseling our dear Ghast, however, I do want to bring up points important to the flow of the story, this one being that Marx and the others wouldn't turn on Garon until he was literally a murderous goo monster, and not for anything else he did. One part I find interesting in that no one talks about it is that both Leon and Camilla say they cant fight Gooron because he's still their father, even after seeing his true form. Gooron could have just chilled there, not try to kill all his children and continue to rule. Drop the villain ball, Garon! It's seriously bad for your health!
  18. That's kind of lame. I was hoping to make a Grandmaster Kamui with Warp but if you need to be level 35 to use it, that's pretty much the last few chapters only.
  19. Warp is a level 25 skill but you need to be level 35 to use the scroll? I wasn't aware scrolls had a level requirement
  20. I've read the Japanese and what he says (being as literal as possible) "However, if you're lying, you will be judged a traitor and the entire army will become your enemy. " He doesn't say specifically how he would react, but considering he uses "betrayed us" (私たちを裏切った), I think it would be reaching to say he wouldn't also turn against Kamui. It's irrelevant whether he would personally kill Kamui or not, however. The problem with the narrative is that Marx's support of your rebellion hinges on Garon literally being a monster, instead of merely being a figurative monster. If Gooron didn't immediately try to kill them all after the reveal, it's uncertain if even him being a slime monster would be the deciding factor. I've heard one interpretation of the initial encounter of Kamui protecting Suzukaze and Rinka as being because of his naivete of the consequences of disobedience, which I could accept. What I don't accept is that Kamui could not and would not ever defect back or try to rebel, despite all the shit he sees and puts up with, including him immediately being sent on a suicide mission (to subvert an innocent village no less). Because we don't actually control what Kamui does outside of choosing which route he takes, I'm led to believe that Hoshido!Kamui and Nohr!Kamui are the same person (not a good/evil split). Hoshido!Kamui is a moral person, but Nohr!Kamui doesn't take the moral choice and try to stop the war, even if it means making Garon his enemy. He supports Garon, almost to the very end with "But Kamui tried not to kill people!" being his flimsy excuse of not actually being a bad guy. Pro Tip: Defeating enemies and leaving them vulnerable to your evil bosses is still bad.
  21. Do you have a source of the script for the Japanese? I want to translate it and compare my conclusion with a Japanese friend. Also, who claimed it was a mistranslation?
  22. Those are some interesting ideas for story and game play integration.I like the idea of Garon sending you on a suicide mission AFTER you disobey him, as opposed to right after Kamui displays his loyalty by returning from Hoshido, as it is in the actual game. Talk about mustache twirlingly evil. As for the story, I think it was a poor choice to constantly show the protagonist's helplessness in defying his orders. I don't care if you want to call that realistic, I want to play as someone with real agency! Imagine if an RPG made your character incredibly weak with no fighting talent because "realistically" that orphan abandoned on a farm won't grow up to be a powerful warrior. Great, you nailed realism and ruined game design! I read it and agreed with everything you said but didn't have anything to add. Sorry. I will say that I wish the Hoshidans would eventually give up on you. When they care more about their traitor brother than they do about each other, we have a problem.
  23. I was just saying that even without the dick riding, Nohr!Kamui was bad as a protagonist and bad as a person. I'd agree there is some potential to explore in a moral character being forced to involve themselves in evil schemes (that's the basis of my rewrite), but as Kamui was fucking things up from square one, I can't bring myself to like him. Kamui's tragic hero character is so closely tied to the critically flawed Nohr story, if you were to change the story in a satisfactory manner. Kamui himself would become a different character. Does that make sense? I don't consider Kamui a lone grace of a terrible story, I consider him a core element of what makes it bad. Had the same events happened, but Kamui had a better response to them (clenching his fists in pockets, looking sad), I'd find him more sympathetic and interesting. I enjoyed Takumi's antagonism, compared to everyone else who treated Kamui like their ally in need of saving, but after a while it got kind of annoying. I mean, I know Kamui wronged Hoshido but I don't feel as guilty about how it affects Takumi because Takumi hated me from the start. Had it been Hinoka, it could be built up to be much more of gut punch. Imagine after several encounters with you she realizes that the brother she had fond memories of and had devoted herself to saving was gone forever, by his own will. The rage and sorrow she (and the player) would feel would be intense! Takumi swearing revenge every time I beat him and spare his ungrateful bum just makes him look like a punk. Hinoka's compassion for you turning into hatred would be a big emotional turning point.
  24. On behalf of Ghast, I request a normal Ryouma and JoJo/Fist of the North Star style Ryouma portrait to be used interchangeably and alternated without cause or warning. His flaws manifest in a terrible way. I like that he has doubts and eternal regrets but feeling sad doesn't bring people back from the dead. Kamui's first mistake was returning to Garon, but he just doesn't learn his lesson. It's apparent that the upper brass of Nohr is evil to the core but Kamui doesn't rebel. He doesn't defect. He doesn't have any plan other than to let the villain win and THEN he decides it's time to do the right thing. It's not simply that Kamui fucked up and was forgiven. It's that he continues to fuck up and can't acknowledge the fact that his actions were making the world a worse place. It wouldn't be enough for the story to call Kamui a piece of shit, because he is. Being a hero doesn't mean feeling sorry for your mistakes, it means making up for and fixing them. If there was any room to doubt, both Hoshido and Revelations exist to show that choosing Nohr was a mistake.
  25. I'm going to agree that Kirokan is the least biased/most even minded person to discuss the plot with. A good start for covering the plot and all the events is his chapter summaries. There is also a line by line translation the the whole script floating around somewhere but I forget who wrote it. Next, you should identify which characters you need to draw (a lot). The list should include: Garon, Macbeth, Ganz, Marx, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Mikoto, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Kamui Aqua and some others. Next you should make the first draft for the script, covering the plot and peculiar things that come up. After that you should wait until the game is released internationally so you can see what changes were made for the localization. You should be mostly done by then and the final part will just be recording and editing. I can discuss the plot with you and tell you what parts of the narrative I think are problematic and you can cross check that with what Kirokan (or other dedicated story people). I'll add you on Skype later, if that's alright.
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