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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. It's actually Caeldori. But I'm totally using Riceload from now on. Best Hoshido name ever. *Sees your sig* Your friend is a liar. Leon is a punk bitch. That guy looks like he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet underneath that little black armor.
  2. I subscribe to the Pokemon style of remakes, where the general feel of the game is preserved but the mechanics are upgraded to modern standards. I'd like an FE4 remake or FE7 remake, this time with a playable tactician that has minimal story interaction. These stories and setting have a lot to offer and I'm tired of Akaneia games. That said...
  3. Whoa, are you me? I was just discussing this exact topic with someone in a private conversation. I agree with you wholeheartedly on this. Expanded character interaction is great, but skinship is only something that works for a few kinds of relationships (S ranked characters and maybe parent-child relationships) and even then it can be a bit 2lewd4FireEmblem. I'd welcome back base conversations as optional ways to develop the relationship between the Avatar (presuming it stays in) and other characters.
  4. Which would bring me to my next point, the focus on marriage and children (especially for a game like Fates where children are completely nonsensical) is also bad for characterization. It's not just that people can't have significant platonic relationships, they NEED to have romantic ones or you lose out on characters and paralogues.
  5. S supports could be used to mark paired endings, regardless of the nature of the relationship. A character could have many friendships but still have one friend they hold higher than any other. There is a huge range of human relationships, and it's limiting on characterization that romance/marriage is considered the most significant bond two people can share. Family bonds are just one example of a relationship that can be equal or even greater than romance, but is still considered inferior by the current support system.
  6. Being opposed to the principle of its removal is a matter of perspective. Normally I would be opposed to cut features in a localization, but I don't think skinship (in its current implementation) is a good thing for the series. It's not simply a matter of choosing not to use it, its inclusion changes the tone and target audience of the game. I've had enough of shipping, anime tropes and player pandering, and skinship is yet another push in the wrong direction. If the feature was cut before the Japanese version was released, it wouldn't be so controversial. With that in mind, I consider the localization a continuation of the development and think the game is being improved to throw out a bad idea.
  7. I think I'd rather have the Bride's weapon combination but on a new class. Butlers pretty much already resemble what a Groom would be and big wedding dresses in battle look kind of silly.
  8. People might not like Marx and Ryoma being generic classes but those two classes are representative of their entire faction (as shown clearly in the first trailer). I think it's fine so long as they get some aesthetic features (such as a color palette) to make them unique. You could change Marx from a Paladin to a Knight Lord but if they still look and function in a similar way, what really changed? The skills? Sure, but everyone already gets a personal skill so two characters sharing a class aren't exactly the same. Now, if they want to make their class truly distinct, in stat growths and weapon ability, then sure, unique classes can be neat. Most of the generic classes look pretty good in Fates so I can't complain.
  9. More classes to play with, like a Halberdier/Sentinel class or Hoshido style Bow Knight or something brand new. I'd like more skill scrolls as well. I want a skill like Acrobat again. Some actual dark tomes would be nice. A DLC chapter that covers Kamui's kidnapping would be super cool as well.
  10. Pre-release, I was worried Oboro would be a squeaky voiced Takumi love-fanatic (seriously, terrible choice of voice clips on the Japanese website) but I was pleasantly surprised to find out her interest in Takumi isn't brought up very often and she actually has a more well rounded personality. 10/10 would waifu again. I didn't like Hinoka's design at first and found her to be bland and forgettable but it slowly grew on me.I also like the strong older sister type, so it's a shame she doesn't get more attention in the story.
  11. It's a placeholder date. I don't know why they didn't update it but it will probably be on shelves the same day as everywhere else.
  12. You are mistaken. A LOT of people were bothered by Joker's abrasive attitude and there was quite a shit storm over his treatment of Deere. The dislike of Asama is a more recent topic because few people actually read his supports.
  13. I'd touch Rinka's abs once. For science! To rub away the lies.
  14. Less "an excuse" and more "entertaining". Of course, people can dislike the aforementioned characters if that's not their cup of tea.
  15. Dr. House and Sherlock Holmes have their brilliance to balance out their jerk behavior though. They help people in their own way. Asama just comes off as mean-spirited and tactless.
  16. I don't think there was a reason to censor it. If you get swimsuit DLC, should one be surprised that you get....swimsuits? It's fair game to criticize having swimsuit DLC in the first place but if it does exist, it's positively silly to cover it up. The reason why Camilla got more heat (gweh heh heh) is because of how blatant the fanservice was in the middle of a serious story. It's like "THIGHS ASS TITS SEXY WALK SEXY POSE!! By the way, this is your sister so I hope you aren't fapping to this, tee hee".
  17. You know, I think people might be jumping the gun on skinship being out. The NA version will be different, can't avoid that, but it won't necessarily mean the My Room functions will be significantly worse. It could be an improvement, for all we know. The Summer Scramble was released May 2nd so it's actually less than 3 month after the game's launch. So the only difference is that they didn't tell you about the censorship until after the game launched. If anything, Nintendo is more honest than before. My new question would be, do people (like the person I originally quoted) regret purchasing Awakening on account of that censorship? Doubtful. That's why I find it hypocritical and petty to not purchase the game over such a trivial inclusion.
  18. I wonder if those videos will ever be restored. They might as well delete them if they want to quietly hide them from the world.
  19. Good analogy. It's questionable why so many alleged pizza fans stop going to the pizza shop just because ice cream isn't offered in the buffet course.
  20. Optional (paid) content but content all the same. People who wanted the unaltered Japanese experience would be disappointed.
  21. Your favorite game is Awakening. Did you purchase it at full price even though Tharja's butt got censored?
  22. I feel bad (not really) for the people who won't buy the game because skinship was cut. This is the first time it ever appeared in the series but NOW it's the deal breaker? I didn't even want it in the game but I bought the Japanese version anyway.
  23. I wonder if someone will eventually fully incorporate the sound and touch functions of the the waifu simulator. It's a bit tedious to use in its current form.
  24. We still don't know how that support will be written. They could have changed it completely (I hope so, the tropes they used are dumb, even beyond the controversy) or they could have just tweaked the problematic parts. What they said was that there won't be drugging or gay conversion suggestive elements.
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