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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Her applying Kamui's 'training' to other males was actually pretty funny. Willingly applying rule 63 to others is much better than it being magically induced (and less contrived that Kamui has such a specific magic powder). You aren't alone on wanting the Soleil x Mother support to change. Let's keep these relationships wholesome and limit the incest to siblings and cousins, mmkay? I think this is what a lot of people were hoping for. They can't redo her S support options but they can at least stop playing up the 'almost a lesbian except not really' angle. I'll have to read her other supports before I can really say how much they improved her character though.
  2. I wouldn't say that even the staunchest of story critics on SF play games for the story alone (Fates has great gameplay yo), but they do give it more weight than the typical player. As far as reviewers are concerned, as you said they are probably looking for a complete package, solid gameplay and a serviceable story. A lot of the plot holes and contrivances don't immediately jump out until you really sit down and analyze how and why everything happens. Fates is just smart enough, to the casual player, to look like a lot of effort was put in. I'm not bothered by the positive reviews. I never expected reviewers to really care about the writing. Most video game reviews for even the most mindbogglingly dumb plots usually only mention it in a footnote. In regards to the 'water' complaints, water being a central element of RS doesn't mean the water routes weren't tedious and boring. The world being covered with water was a central theme of Windwaker but the time it took to sail from place to place was complained about enough that they added a faster sail in the HD remake.
  3. As S supports go, this might be one of the best I've read for these reasons. Organic relationship progression? Somebody pinch me! The bait-switch lesbian trope and fainting around girls subject matter is pretty lame but they tackled a lot of the problems of the Japanese version with grace. -no more drugging -clearer indication that Soleil is bisexual/no gay conversion -no "you should treasure yourself more" line. They turned a seriously problematic support to a somewhat humorous one. Well done, localization.
  4. There is too much thunder magic. I want to see some more fire.
  5. Bolded relevant words. This is low HP Emblem so an extra +10 damage can be the difference between surviving an attack and getting one shotted. It might work for some characters (Ryoma seems like a good candidate) but I think it's a pretty big risk.
  6. Smithy Skill is also pretty rad. It might be worth it to do Blacksmith for a level and then switch to Chieftain.
  7. Battle Points. You get them by doing My Castle Battles. Battle points can be used to 'purchase' Nohrian weapons and Visitor Points (acquired by visiting other castles) can get Hoshidan weapons. I know some people are purists about getting items outside of normal missions but I think it's fair game to get items that just aren't available in your version without DLC. The Shining Bow, for example is perfect for Sakura as a War Priestess and the only magic bow in the game, but you get exactly zero if you bought Birthright. Considering how magic barren Hoshido is, it might be worth getting.
  8. You can get a Shining Bow with BP (if we're counting that as an option).
  9. Esme's summary sounds accurate. My best casters were Nyx!Ophelia and Elise. Camilla has a terrible base magic and Nyx will get ohko'ed by anything without a seraph robe. For Hoshido, Sakura (tomes or a Shining Bow) might be your best magic damage dealer. Orochi can hit for a lot of damage but she'll get doubled without Horse Spirit, or some other speed boost. I haven't used her yet but Shara has the growths to be good. A +magic Kamui is a good choice for any play through because you'll probably have enough physical attackers regardless of your route choice.
  10. Not by blood but socially they are siblings. The odd thing about them is, while Camilla is the only sibling to canonically be attracted to Kamui, Kamui straight up tells her he thinks of her only as a sister. In their C-A (for both genders) Kamui wants Camilla to stop being so affectionate because he doesn't want others to get the wrong idea about what kind of relationship they have (platonic siblings). The S rank flips that on its head by saying that Kamui is in love with Camilla.
  11. Warp is always amazing. Give it to Azura and she can Sing ANYONE ANYWHERE on the map. Give it to a staff user and you have map wide healing utility. It's useful for combat too. It's easily one of the best skills in the game. Galeforce is not as good as it used to be because it doesn't work in attack or guard stance but the ability to move again (particularly with a high movement/Warp unit) is really useful.
  12. What if the game had S ranked pairing that weren't explicitly romantic in nature? What if the children were just trainees/apprentices of other characters instead of their offspring? What if incest was treated with the gravity it's due, mindful of where these feelings came from and the social consequences of such a union? What if Camilla's incestuous feelings towards Kamui were examined in greater detail and she wasn't flanderized into "my kooky sister who probably wants to fuck me"?
  13. You can purchase those skills via My Castle so make your dreams a reality~ I'm convinced there was a programming error and Rinka was supposed to have Asama's growth rates. Get to work modders
  14. 1. In revelation, if you marry a first gen character, which class does the child get? Do Nohrian characters change into Dark Blood and Hoshidan characters into White Blood? 2. Is there any benefits to raising your weapon rank besides using new weapons? Kamui can A rank Dragon Stones but his best weapon is only C rank, so what purpose would getting to A rank be?
  15. To compare Grandmaster with Dark Blood (same weapons +Dragon stone), Grandmaster has 10 higher skill growths and 10 less speed growths. You could go for +Speed or +Magic for your asset. The flaw is up to you but -Luck and -Res might be alright.
  16. You missed some key words. "Of course, trying to keep everyone alive is one way to enjoy the game, but if you play the game on Normal, you can enjoy the game casually, making steady progress. Even if one of your characters ‘bites the dust’ it won’t be an obstacle to your progress. When someone playing a Fire Emblem game for the first time experiences their first character loss, that person may think ‘Wow, this game is really hard.’ I don’t think this is good. I don’t want Fire Emblem to be the kind of game in which you feel you have to restart every time you lose someone." He didn't say "I don't want players to reset after a character death", he said "I don't want players to feel obligated to restart because the game will be too difficult to beat if a character dies." It's a matter of the mode's difficulty, not its intended play style. It's odd that you took away "the game should be played Ironman style in classic" when he was specifically talking about not making the game too punishing.
  17. I know this thread is for unpopular opinions but don't you think Marth has more relevance to the series than Lucina? While I think she's a fine character, she only became popular because 1. she was the heroine of the game that revitalized the series and 2. she's literally fem-marth! lol I agree with you on that his goal was to duel Greil but when you have a no-holds duel with bladed weapons, death isn't just a possibility, it's a probable outcome. You can say that BK wasn't specifically there to kill him but that doesn't mean his actions were short of murder. Besides, his other goal was to find the medallion so it's not like Greil and his family would be able to walk away from that encounter if they didn't hand it over.
  18. 1. "Do you want to die?" wasn't an offer for Greil to withdraw, it was telling him he'd die if he refused to use Ragnel. This line also contradicts Jotari's interpretation of BK only killing Greil on accident because it implies it's going to be a fight to the death. The only accident was that he didn't know Greil had a handicap. 2. As Jotari said above, BK said "Oh the horrors I will visit upon her" which implies torture at the very least but could also mean rape. I think it was a bluff too but that doesn't change the fact that he mortally wounded a man, mocked him and threatened to murder his son and possibly rape his daughter if he didn't comply. In short, BK is a pretty shitty guy that is treated as noble in RD.
  19. These are my thoughts. He is also especially sinister and mocking in PoR, suggesting that he'd rape Mist and murder Ike in front of Greil if Greil didn't cooperate. But I'm supposed to be sad when he dies? Yeah...no.
  20. Blarg, so many pointless name changes. I mean, they could always be worse (see Caeldori) but why must Shinonome be changed to Shiro? If they thought it was too much of a mouthful, they could have least given us Shino. Midoriko was shortened by a few letters and Velour elongated by a few letters. It really feels like they saw the names, misread them and stuck with their misunderstanding.
  21. YAS! Even before the game was released, I thought it would be a great chance to bring back light magic (we already had dark) because of the light/dark themes in the factions but not only is there no light magic, there is almost no dark magic. And then they dramatically increase the availability of Shadowgift while making it almost worthless.
  22. What about it is arbitrary? They decide what weapons can or can't double/critical/activate skills and so forth for balance reasons. The new system is easier to understand than weapon weight (which is never explained).
  23. I think the aesthetics of a medieval fantasy setting are too integral to the Fire Emblem experience for me to even consider a science fiction setting. I'm perfectly okay with them sticking to their current genre.
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