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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Speaking of which, Anankos sends people with dragon killing weapons to kill Kamui, but did he know that Kamui would become a dragon? Wouldn't it have just been easier to kill Kamui as an infant rather than spare him X number of years for an assassination plot he probably wasn't needed for anyway?
  2. The game as plenty of moments of levity but self-parody is a different beast entirely. It's NoA adding in extra dialogue to say "We couldn't fix it lololol". I almost want to laugh with them but as "fixing stuff" is specially what NoA is there to do, it reads like "We half-assed our job lololol" Some games, like Bayonetta, are all about over the top scenes and self-parody. Fire Emblem is not typically such a series. If they want to go for a certain tone, they need to commit to it. So she's a seal now? Eh, it's a pretty name at least, although I like Kinu as well.
  3. This...is a really convoluted plan. Garon wants to send Kamui to Hoshido so he can assassinate Mikoto. So he hopes Kamui will be overwhelmed and captured by Hoshidans, but that doesn't happen so he has Ganz there to try and kill him because....??? Why not just skip the battle entirely if the plan was always to just knock him into the infinite chasm (for possession??)? Why is Kamui needed at all when Anankos can summon phantoms in to Hoshido anyway?
  4. There's a lot of ways they could have implied Elise was older than she appeared, or was at least expected to act in a more mature way. I would have worded it "You need to act your age." It hints at the schism between her behavior and actual age without pinning it to a specific construct such as adulthood. "technically an adult" sounds like someone quoting a law book to say "She's technically legal bro :)))))" I almost want to think it's a joke for how totally awkward it is but I don't think NoA should be parodying a controversial element within the game itself. If in the localization, Kamui called Garon a two-dimensional villain, you might have a chuckle at their 4th-wall-leaning commentary but at the same time, they're drawing more attention to a negative aspect and making a joke out of a serious game.
  5. You're being intentionally obtuse here. This line isn't in the original game which means it was added specifically to handwave accusations in the west of underaged girls as sexual partners. It couldn't be a more obvious "No really, she's 18 brah". To suggest that this line was included as "cultural insight" is going past giving NoA the benefit of the doubt, and going straight into denial. Japan doesn't regard 12 years old as someone who is socially or physically an adult. The majority of the western audience probably doesn't see 12 years old as an adult. "Technically is an adult" is a rewording of "Technically not jailbait". If they wanted to make an inocculus statement about Elise's expected maturity level relative to her age, they could have said "When are you going to start acting your age?" Yes, they should have removed the option to S support those characters. Would people be outraged? Absolutely, but the game would be made better for its absence. (And they could have added other features to make up for the loss, such as new supports/romances for the Kamui-sexuals) Why is it even controversial for me to state that romancing and impregnating children is not cool? If they had to include it I wish NoA would have just ignored the matter entirely and let the blame fall squarely on Japan. By making flimsy excuses for its inclusion, my disapproval is dealt out equally to NoA and IS. It's the lies I find so hurtful, NoA.
  6. Midoriko will now be confirmed to be older than her father and merely looks like a 10 year old child.
  7. Eh, I like the class difference as they are now. We already have boots for giving some people extra movement. If they want to balance mounted units, add more terrain that hinders mounted movement or ballistas to threaten fliers.
  8. <screams internally> I'm sure I could manage more natural dialogue. Like... "Your behavior isn't appropriate of a sexually mature woman with baby-birthing hips. By the way, Kamui. Have you noticed how available and sexually mature your not-blood-related sister is? Just putting it out there." If we're going fully parody mode, I want Leon to be constantly spilling his spaghetti and saying awkward lines. I think it's pretty obvious that the line is an attempt to placate a western audience and not an appeal to historical precedence. If the writers gave a hoot about authentic history then our psuedo Japan would be far more brutal. And yes, Sanaki not being an intentional target of the player's lust is relevant as to why you don't hear complaints.
  9. One problem with that is that while it might be understandable if other characters don't believe Azura, the player would be inclined to believe her. Either Azura is ignored (to the frustration of the players) or she is believed and we can just skip Birthright and Conquest.
  10. The bubble curse could have been an interesting addition if Azura (and the Awakening trio) was shown repeatedly trying to get people to learn about IK but failing for whatever reason. Instead Azura is extremely passive and deliberately secretive which has serious consequences for Hoshido in Conquest. There were many chances for Azura to get at least Kamui to IK but she doesn't even try. The plots of two 3rd of the game are a (negative) consequence of Azura's inaction. Indeed. The blood pact was extremely contrived but the results of it were interesting at least. I wouldn't have minded the blood pacts as much if they were better explained/foreshadowed.
  11. Takumi > Leon > Sakura = Elise >>> Ryoma > Hinoka > Camilla > Marx Takumi and Leon are high up because their humanizing insecurities. Sakura and Elise hit the 'little sister' role from different angles and I appreciate the duality of the shy and mature sister vs the energetic and childish sister. Ryoma and Hinoka are a bit bland, with Hinoka getting barely any story relevance. Camilla's Kamui-worship consumes her character which is a real waste considering all the other backstory they could have focused on. Marx is the biggest bonehead of Fates, bar none.
  12. I mean redubb just the ones they can't get a license for. People here are of the opinion that it was only a few voice talents here blocking the whole inclusion of the Japanese audio. People who wanted THOSE particular voices are SOL but they could have included the other ones.
  13. Interesting differences. I look forward to future localized/Japanese chapter comparisons.
  14. [spoiler=FE7]They could explain the growth of the Black Fang as them changing from an assassin guild to a paramilitary organization hired/funded by various countries to do their dirty work. That would tie in well to Nergals plot to start a huge war. [spoiler=FE13]Isn't the larger problem that Grima never had a reason to travel to the past anyway? He already won in his timeline.
  15. Right, but those boosts can be given to anything. I haven't crunched the numbers to know exactly how much investment it takes to make the Shinrai Naginata useful on Hinoka or Tsubaki but I found them both underwhelming on the magic front when I used them.
  16. It only works for same gendered characters so Mamui wouldn't be able to get Monk or Troubadour via Sakura/Elise unless he married them.
  17. I think it would be cool if they brought it back and I don't see how dual strikes make it "redundant". You can always tweak numbers to balance the skill. I wonder what class it would go on. Dread Fighter might be cool.
  18. Right, I don't think they would. But people were talking about Nintendo going the extra mile, so they could have included dual audio if they really wanted to.
  19. The Shining Bow is good because it's 1-2 range and there aren't any Bow + Tome classes to make it redundant. You basically need to have a class that has Staff + physical weapon for it work (barring some characters with unusually high magic growth). They're okay on Basara, Shura and Revenant Knight because it's a pain to level up your Tome rank to where you can use anything good but if you can level up your Tome rank, I'd probably use them more often. The best thing about magic weapons is their high might. Not triggering skills or critical hits really hurts. There are some characters who are good/decent with them but that's entirely based on their own growths. (Hinoka and Tsubaki have rubbish magic growth btw)
  20. People talk about licensing issues for particular voice actors, but if it were only a few couldn't nintendo have re-dubbed (in Japanese) those few characters? It wouldn't be exactly the same but at least the whole ship wouldn't get sunk by some anal licensing studios.
  21. They can't critical hit either so whatever damage numbers you have are what you get. This sucks for Shura + Bolt Axe because they naturally get Ogre Strike. I'm also kind of annoyed they don't work off your strongest attack stat. Magic weapons are useless or redundant on most classes because of their naturally low magic.
  22. I'm not too bothered by the cultural posturing to be honest. While Hoshido is very "Japanese" in its aesthetics, Nohr is too diverse in its European inspirations to really pin them on any one group of people. It's all fantasy to me. I'm more concerned with how that moral black and white split dulls the narrative.
  23. Sacred Stones also did a much better job of explaining why people respect and love Emperor Vigarde even if they found his behavior suspicious or increasingly unethical. Garon has almost nothing to earn the adoration or respect of his children.
  24. But it's completely contrary to what Fire Emblem is about. We get people defecting from bad groups all the time but most Nohrian characters just go along with it. Where are the Heaths and Princess Guiniveres? The Duessels and Natashas? People in positions of power and people with no power at all have abandoned their factions to side with moral causes. Marx is in a better position than most to rebel but he chooses to obey. Here's a quote from Duessel, aka the man Marx should have been: "Your Majesty, you know that I will gladly lay down my life for an honorable cause! But these orders- and all of our recent actions- they are not just! If I saw any way in which this invasion protected Grado, I would hold my tongue. But now, Renais is left ungoverned to drown in chaos, and we gain nothing! Why do you wage this war? What is it you hope to achieve? You've sent our men to fight and die for nothing! This isn't war- it's murder!"
  25. You're like a textbook definition of "the pot calling the kettle black."
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