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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. So many Nohrmals in this thread. You'll never be Glorious Nippon. Not a fan of Tsukuyomi, Hinata, Setsuna or Asama as I like using their alternate choice (Orochi, Kazahana, Takumi, and Sakura) better. I don't like Tsukuyomi (brat) or Yuugiri (blood knight) personality-wise either.
  2. Tsubaki and Kaze are some of the most popular "I wish they were a gay option" characters around here. In fact, all of the characters you listed are fairly well liked outside of Tsukuyomi and Soleil (and Rinka, if we're talking gameplay). Most of those would be better choices than what we got. Would Zero be safer than Joker or Silas? Shara safer than Azura or Felicia? Really?
  3. I don't want them back if they have a transformation gauge. It's a novel idea but the execution is sloppy. Beast Stones all the way.
  4. Someone needs to draw a Yugioh character saying "You activated my trap card" and show a picture of Setsuna swooning.
  5. I see, that's interesting. Still, it's strange how 夜刀神 can be read as both Yato no Kami and Yatogami, depending on the intention of the writer. I guess the "rules" of correct kanji usage are more fluid than I thought. It's probably telling that they wrote the furigana for the Smash trailer.
  6. My understanding of kanji is that they have set readings and you can't just throw in extra characters. For 夜 Ya 刀 Tou 神 Gami (Kami), the first two kanji use their 'on' reading and the last has its 'kun' reading. So is there some kind of precedent for particles to be included in the pronunciation of kanji compounds, even if there is no kanji that has the reading? EDIT: I did some internet sleuthing and two other series (K and Date a Live) have characters with the name 夜刀神 and both use the "Yatogami" reading. Even the wiki for Yato no Kami has the 'no' particle written out, even when the kanji is used. Even if the full name of the sword is "Yato no kami", I still think Yatogami is the correct reading for the way it's written in Kanji.
  7. Harold is generally pretty comical but I think Elfie should stay on. An extremely powerful and dedicated female knight sounds like the perfect fit for defending the youngest princess. (But it's your story so don't mind me)
  8. Well, I don't think they need to be traded. What happened to Harold and Elfie? If anyone ought to have two retainers, it's her.
  9. Not bad choices. I'm glad you cut Belka and Pieri, who are probably not suited to be royal retainers. Why do Sakura and Leon have both retainers? Just like how they play off each other?
  10. I leave them on unless I died a lot on a particular map but even then, it's just up to the point where I died. The game feels a lot more alive with them on.
  11. As far as gay/bisexual characters go, I think it would have been fine to have 4 of them without stretching believability. It's pretty silly that you have only one gay option per version of the game and not even for both genders. The roughly equal male/female ratio has more to do with there being equal spouses for marriage than the female player base being fairly represented. Past FE games typically had disproportionately male casts.
  12. I feel like "If it's you, it's okay" should be only used sparingly, not just for characters who are defined by their worship of another character or characters you want to have a gay pairing without making them full on bisexual. Utilization of the trope should be reserved for people who have a genuine connection that transcends gender and sexuality. Speaking of "genuine connections", it's possible to be the closest of friends, soul mates even, without those feeling into lust. I know Fire Emblem of late doesn't have a solid grasp of relationships that don't end in marriage but humor me. Some of Joker's supports are actually sweet and atypical of his usual contempt for others.
  13. This is pretty much my opinion on the pros and cons of the game. It's a pretty good game as far as gameplay and music are concerned but if you were hoping for even a decent story, prepare for disappointment.
  14. I'd be down for Usagi or Sugai for Grey's localized name. Rhajat feels way to foreign and there will be no may to make a Cordelia anagram not sound weird.
  15. When it comes to real arid climate cultures, you should be expecting more of this. [spoiler=Don't fap to this] [spoiler=I'd trade 6 camels for a wife like this] So, dressed more like mages and shamans more than Plegian Dark Mages. A character's role and personality are relevant to their outfit. Tharja is not really a seductress so much as a stalker, and she chose her outfit before meeting Robin anyway. I guess you could posit that Camilla dresses the way she does to seduce Kamui (still super creepy) but her behavior is supposed to be more doting than alluring, in my interpretation.
  16. Wouldn't it be asinine to change the "ethnicity" of an entire group just fo rename one character?
  17. Fair enough. I just wanted to point out that the reasons why people divide the series up into the good and bad segments isn't based only on nostalgia and a stubborn refusal to accept change. I have a lot of things I dislike about the current direction of the series, but I also like a lot of the advancements as well. I will pray for your brother so he may be delivered from his awful tastes. I don't really find midriffs to be overtly sexual but I digress. It's okay for a character to be attractive, it just has to suit their role. Sothe's outfit looks like it belongs to a thief so I'm okay with it. As for Tharja and her 'robes', there is a reason why people in extremely hot and arid climates DON'T wear what she does. No protection from the sun and no warmth at night. As for the half naked bandits, the image I get is that 1. they can't afford proper clothes because they're poor thugs and 2. they are brutish and have big muscles. It sounds like I'm handwaving/making double standards but for those characters at least, I think they are following a theme.
  18. I saw this when I married Asama and Orochi but I thought it was a bug. That's actually pretty neat.
  19. I don't think Genwunners are comparable to the Old vs New crowd in the Fire Emblem community because no one is really advocating for Fire Emblem to return to it's very first roots. Like the first Pokemon games, FE Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light hasn't aged well. The main splits are between the pre-Kaga and post-Kaga games and then the FE6-10 games and what comes after. (Besides, I'm convinced Genwunners are just a boogeyman and don't actually exist in large numbers.) As far as "There has been similar stuff before but now it's cranked up to eleven", yes the part people complain about is the "cranked up to eleven". Tiki isn't really pedo-bait outside of being a cute child. Yes, her skirt is short but it's not sexual unless you already find children sexual. Nowi, the the other hand, has a fetishized outfit and more importantly. you are able and encouraged to get her shacked up with an adult. Something that should be kept in mind when discussing character outfits is their role/characterization in-story. Sothe is a thief and Sylvia a dancer (a job specifically about being visually appealing) so their outfits are appropriate. It's part of the reason why people have a problem with Camilla, a princess and warrior that wears a hyper sexualized outfit. Well, we did have Heather in RD for a not so subtle lesbian who actually likes girls. Of course, Heather would undoubtedly be bisexual in she were in Fates.
  20. Eh, I'm not a fan of changing names, particularly easy to pronounce Japanese names. Making names universally pronounceable is meaningless because: 1. Your ability to say a name out loud has no effect on your ability to enjoy a game. 2. Even as 'western' names are concerned, everyone has their own opinion on how names are pronounced. There was a whole thread on the General board about people's differing understanding of how to say names. This is what happens when you take names from many different cultures, each with their own pronunciation rules. Tsubaki's Gold Naginata
  21. This is a bizarre comparison to make. You say that only the vocal minority is being pleased, but what in the original support was worthwhile keeping? Are you arguing that the support would be worse off with those elements removed? If only script changes can be made, then making her completely straight would be an improvement in my opinion. People would scream and moan about erasing gays in our media, but the the truth is, Soleil exists just to queer-bait, and is worse for existing as a psuedo lesbian than a heterosexual woman. If they could do more than script changes, it would be best to give her a S support with at least Femui. This would be preferable because it would require less characterization changes and actually be more consistent with her alleged sexuality.
  22. I really have a hard time imagining why people would be up in arms about changing this support. Even if it didn't contain elements reminiscent of drugging and gay conversion therapy, it was still a stupid, anime trope laden support. Is it just "Glorious Nippon is perfect and changing the support is watering down their artistic genius"? Or perhaps it's just paranoia of SJWs ruining their entertainment.
  23. Glad to see they recognized how problematic that support is. Now they just need to make her a les option.
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