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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Well, there is culturally posturing as well but the point of my post is to say that many Nohrians, main characters and minor characters alike, are portrayed as moral on a personal level but still supporting an evil cause.
  2. I think giving them ideological or pragmatic reasons would have made them more sympathetic, not less. When they support a clearly evil ruler for no other reason than "Daddy's orders", they seem like really scummy people regardless of how pleasant or moral they are on a personal level. Marx remains one of my most disliked characters in Fire Emblem because he's portrayed as a principled character but he doesn't fight for moral causes or pragmatic reasons. All the drama and tragedy related to him is his own damn fault. Let's look at some other characters who suffer from this lack of pragmatic or ideological cause. I mentioned Harold before but how about the Awakening trio? These are people who we fought with to save the world in Awakening but now they're supporting a war of belligerence because...their masters ordered it? If anything, they should be fighting for Hoshido.
  3. It's true, with limited exposure it's hard to determine how much I'll like the voice-work. I cringed when the Japanese website showed the voice clips for Oboro, but I've since gotten accustomed to it enough that it doesn't bother me (as much). But it's not simply a matter of disliking the English voice-work for some characters, I also just really enjoy the voices in Japanese. Camilla and Hinoka's voices in Japanese are perfect for their characters and I'd miss them even if their English counterparts were decent.
  4. But what does "at war" mean if Nohrians can't enter Hoshido? Unless Hoshido is leading armies into Nohr, it's hard to describe their conflict an open war. The shocked reaction of the Hoshidans at the infinite chasm in chapter 3 seems to indicate that they don't regularly come into contact with Nohrian soldiers.
  5. I believe the word they used was "subjugate" the ice village, not destroy it. Kamui was sent there by himself to quell their rebellion. If Garon wanted to destroy the village, Kamui's mission would have been regarded as a total failure (he didn't kill a single person).
  6. Lame... A lot of the English voices irk me, particularly Hinoka. Guess I'll just play the Japanese version then.
  7. Looks pretty good, although it's a little basic. Hopefully they will try some other kind of character interaction in future titles using Live 2D.
  8. Normally I'd be bothered by having fewer voices but I only liked maybe 2 of the Female voices in the JP version.
  9. I think it's mentioned they have occasional border skirmishes but Nohrian forces can't enter Hoshido proper until after Mikoto dies because of her magic barrier.
  10. To be fair, as far as anyone knows, Mikoto, the queen of Hoshido, is assassinated by Nohrian agents using a sword given by none other than the king of Nohr. Then Marx leads a host into Hoshido in order to recapture a Hoshidan prince. Nohr triggered the war, not Hoshido.
  11. What are you most interested in doing in the game? If you wanted to do a lot of PvP, you will need more DLC. Boo Camp - If you want to grind your characters (particularly in Nohr), you'll want this. Beach Brawl - I'm not sure what's so great about this one. Do you want the pictures? You can see them all online. Ghostly Gold - The only thing you really NEED a shit-ton of gold for is if you buy a lot of skills. Otherwise, pass. Museum Melee - If you want to do PvP and max forge your weapons, you'll need this. Otherwise, a lot of weapons can be acquired for free with Battle/Visitor Points. The other DLC is for classes/skills, so that's up to you. Royal Royal is pretty redundant if you have all three routes (2 free class changing items for both Dread Fighter and Dark Flier). You can also get one Witch or Ballistician class changing item for free from Anna's gift. I guess if I were to advocate for any particular one on the second list, I'd choose the Witch DLC because Warp and Witch's Poison are cool skills.
  12. I tried to read Ayanami's posts but gave up, lol. If they were going to make Kamui complicit in the invasion, I would have preferred a setting where Hoshido didn't have any hope of winning, so it would be kinder to assist the invasion and spare as many as possible rather than have the conflict drawn out. The problem is, because Birthright is a thing, we KNOW that Hoshido can win the war if Kamui fights for them. So Kamui objectively made things worse by siding with Nohr. To top it off, Kamui's goal of defeating Garon is the same for both routes so he might as well fight on the just side. Probably nothing. Marx supported the invasion because he thought Garon would return to his old self after taking Hoshido (Yes, a war of aggression was started because Marx didn't want to sort out his family drama privately). If all the things that happen during the war weren't enough to convince Marx that Daddy was bad news, I don't know what the turning point would be. Maybe he would assist Garon in the invasion of Elibe and Tellius? Or he would slowly ween Garon off conquering and take Garon to Conquerors Anonymous.
  13. Going by Japanese pronunciation rules, it would be caw-den. [spoiler=Caw-los!]
  14. I haven't bought any DLC and I want to know what else will be released before I purchase any credit. Where are you, 3rd wave DLC?
  15. This really annoyed me. I wouldn't even notice them unless I scrolled over them.
  16. Charlotte is the only one in that list I'd really defend. It's mentioned in her Marx support that she wants to send money to support her parents so she's not entirely selfish. As Rapier mentioned, your past doesn't give you an excuse for bad behavior in the present. Apart from being scornful towards Nohrians, Oboro turned out fine. Pieri still kills innocents, Zero is a major creep and Belka admits she would kill even her current allies if she was ordered to. Garon was always transparently evil. The only thing him being Gooron changed was the Nohrian siblings getting a get-out-of-guilt-free card for killing him. You also have Ganz and Macbeth to complete the trinity of evil that makes up the Nohrian leadership.
  17. Oboro is really the only person besides Yuugiri with a particularly negative personality trait, and it's mostly justified. She hates Nohrians in general for what they did to her family, but it doesn't mean she goes out of her way to be cruel. Supports with others indicate that she's willing to work for peace, despite her grudge. There aren't many things to criticize about Hoshido. I don't really buy it. There isn't much evidence to support that theory and some things that contradict it.
  18. You're missing quite a few Nohrians (I know you excluded neutral characters but they still count). Felicia, Joker, Flora, Silas, Elfie, Benoit and Gunter are all reasonably well adjusted people. You could probably have Flannel added to the list if you take the people he killed as self defense. Charlotte also has a reason for being a gold digger. I don't recall Oboro calling for mass genocide...
  19. Binding Blade: -The scale of the war and many factions -Hit rates Blazing Sword -Almost everything A lot of likable characters -Some of the juicy bits of the story are in difficult to unlock gaidens. Sacred Stones -Lyon -Low chapter count Path of Radiance -Solid world building -Chapter 17 is looooooooong Radiant Dawn -Spell animations are awesome -No support conversations Shadow Dragon -Let me play Marth's story -Almost everything Needing to massacre your army to unlock gaidens. Awakening -Skill system -Trope-y characters Fates -Attack/Guard stances -The wasted potential of the story
  20. So many emperors in this thread...I'm starting to feel inadequate,only being a knight. This is my main beef. The setting and characters just scream for there being some pragmatic reason for the invasion, but it's all ignored in favor of "we're invading because that's a bad guy thing to do". Considering the people you control in Nohr are mostly decent people, you'd think there would be more of a dialogue about why they're doing what they're doing and the moral implications of it. If Nohr were a country of well intentioned extremists, or ruthless by necessity, you might be able to sympathize with them but the invasion happens primarily "because Garon said so". Does it even make sense for a character like Harold to be assisting in the invasion of a peaceful country?
  21. This. Actual war scythes are probably too close to spears or naginata to really warrant their inclusion. [spoiler=War Scythe]
  22. I saw this topic on r/Fire Emblem one day and thought I’d bring it here. If you could change one thing about any of the Fire Emblem stories, what would it be? This isn’t a general “complain about the story” thread. You can fix ONE thing so make it count! This is a discussion of the plots, so expect some spoilers. For me, I would change… [spoiler=Radiant Dawn] There are no more blood pacts. I was always irritated by how contrived they were and how anyone could be stupid enough to sign one. The worst one is the one Pellius and Michaiah are bound to, which forces them to support Begnion. The change: Michaiah liberates the Daein capital and Begnion’s occupation force is effectively defeated. Michaiah acknowledges that their victory will be short lived because they won’t be able to stand up to the full Begnion army. Lekain, not finding it worth it to spend more resources on occupying Daein offers Michaiah a deal. She can support Begnion in their coming war and be rewarded with full autonomy, or they can get reconquered. Michaiah doesn’t want to help Lekain but knows this is the best way to restore Daein’s sovereignty and keep her friends safe. [spoiler=Fates] There is no ‘behind the scenes’ villain and Garon is the main antagonist. Making Garon a puppet to the true villain makes him a terrible antagonist. Not only is he mustache twirlingly evil, but any moral dilemma of the Nohr siblings turning on him is made null by Garon literally being a monster. The change: The game will now be closer to the original premise. Hoshido is a verdant and peaceful country and Nohr is a destitute and militaristic country. Garon is a brutal but well-meaning leader who wants to conquer Hoshido for its resources. Hoshido is a typical Fire Emblem story but Nohr is about weighing justice and duty to one’s country. It eventually turns into rebellion and reform. [spoiler=Blazing Sword] There is probably some storyline I’d like to tweak but for now I’m quite satisfied. The one change I’d make is for Ninian to live a longer life if married to Eliwood. I know they have Sword of Seals to conform to but it feels like a real dick move to pair Ninian with Eliwood when she would have lived a long and happy life with Nils. So what would you change?
  23. During the speculation period, people put a lot of stock into the "muh communism" theory, even though they had at most two names that fit the pattern. Would it really be that bad if Marx brought to mind communism? It's not like the elder brothers were named Hitler and Goebbels. Half the time I hear the name Marx I think of the kirby villain. It's not like they HAD to use anagrams like the Japanese version. The purpose of a localization is to change things that sound dumb or unfitting. Now they did it in reverse. At least Matoi is a real Japanese name, and Shara sounds like it could be Japanese. Caeldori sounds like a pasta dish.
  24. I get salty about most the Hoshidan name changes, particularly the names being cut in half (Kaze, Hana, Mozu) or changed into something that isn't Japanese (Caeldori, Rhajat). Subaki is pretty bad for how patronizing it is of the western audience. I'm okay with Saizo, Kagero and Ryoma because long vowels are frequently omitted in Japanese words/names, such as Tokyo. I'm a bit mixed on Reina and Hayato, because while they are Japanese names, there wasn't really a reason to change them. They can fuck straight off for Kaden. I'm a bit more neutral on the Nohrian names just because they aren't obligated to follow a naming theme, but the changing of some names (Peri, Effie, Leo), trigger a "But why?" reaction. I wish Marx and Kamui kept their names.
  25. I doubt IS has an "agenda" on no children for gay pairings other than "homosexual couples can't reproduce". Adoption could have been an option for Eponine, at least.
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