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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. There are tons of ways to set up dual attacks on the player phase, especially when ranged and melee units fight side by side. Situation A, use a ranged attack on an enemy, move a melee unit in between them and finish the enemy off with a dual attack. Situation B, use a melee attacker against an enemy adjacent to another. You kill the first enemy, move another unit into their space and attack the second enemy, now with a dual strike.
  2. One idea I had was all offensive magic being tome based but having certain classes with access to specialty magic of the light, dark and anima varieties. Light Mages, Dark Mages and Mages would share the basic tomes (Bronze to Silver variants) but the other tomes would be unique for their specialty. Magic using classes could easier switch from one or another while retaining their weapon rank and access to fundamental spells. Overall, there is a lot of potential for differentiating magic.
  3. Dragons and People is quite interesting. I'd like to read a story/play a game on that.
  4. Collecting resources is trivially easy so I wouldn't factor that into 'is forging worth it'. The attack speed penalty of steel can be a difference between doubling and not doubling (major damage factor) and the stat drops of silver will quickly make a unit useless if used repeatedly. You will also get more iron weapons just by playing than you would steel or silver so they're naturally easier to forge.
  5. Nice write up. This Fates plot element sounds like it was ripped directly from FFIV.
  6. I think the choice of over the family who raised you and your blood family requires some interpretation of how Kamui feels about his life. Is Kamui happy in Nohr or does the realization of having a second family who loves him and wants him back make a significant conflict of interests? To some, choosing the family who raised you is obvious but this discounts how Kamui feels about not having a mother and being treated like shit by his "father" in Nohr. This is the same guy who tries to have you killed twice. The deciding factor for me is Kamui's plan of action behind each choice. Choosing Hoshido is "I'll defend the virtuous country and avoid fighting/spare my adopted siblings." Choosing Nohr is "I'll aid the side promoting a war of aggression and maybe mitigate the damage." When you choose Hoshido, Kamui would have succeeded in protecting his family and the virtuous country if not for Marx's actions. Choosing Nohr is a predictable negative outcome. But if Nohr didn't have good map design, there wouldn't be a reason to choose it. I think the real shitty thing about Nohr is that Kamui chooses that side to be with the family who raised him but also to fix Nohr from the inside.
  7. This is the best summary, I think. Higher Strength and Defense is nice but I like Suzukaze's reliable ability to double and high res. Keep in mind that he'll do a lot of extra damage with Snake Venom so his lower strength is less of an issue. Saizo is a good choice for the exploding shuriken, however.
  8. The enemy levels scale to your progress in the campaign. I think it would be easier completing it early on before the enemies get silver weapons.
  9. You can still marry Selkie (Kaden's daughter) and get all the kids.
  10. You mean Velouria? I paired up Camilla and Keaton on my play through. As for the worst child, I guess it just depends on what units you want to use. A lot of the children are redundant to the first gen so I'd just get the ones that are planned replacements of first gen characters. You might consider dropping Sophie. You already have 3 cavaliers in the first gen and you can get Seigbert as well.
  11. Note: I haven't seen much of the localization so if characters are different there, don't mind me. Appearance-wise: Charlotte: I get being a honey-trap is part of her goal but I think she could have been a bit classier about it. She's TRYING to go for demure, after all. Camilla: I love and hate this. A+ for hair, horns and color scheme, but the battle panties kill it for me. Nyx- BIG forehead plus the usual fanservice issues. Voices: ENG: Elfie (SWOLE), Selkie (squeaky), Hinoka (50 smokes a day), Setsuna (pass the weed) Deere (more weed), Camilla (grandma) Nyx (where is my mature Rika?). There are probably others that bother me but these make me not want to use them at all. JP: Pieri (third-person person) Oboro (Not the worst but the English voice is better) Personality/Plot Involvement ENG!Effie: Turning a soft-spoken woman into "Do you even lift, Kamui?" Joker/Asama: Unnecessarily dickish. There is being snarky and there is just being mean. JP!Zero: 3Lewd5me but also mean/creepy to people (dat Elise support, man). Tsukuyomi: What's worse than arrogant adults? Arrogant children. Belka/Pieri: Unrepentant killers, the former willing to kill anyone if ordered to and the latter who is just a psychopath tolerated by the rest of the cast. Eponine: Not really feeling the yaoi fanatic. ENG!Hisame: Pickle meme-lord Izana: His humor is too overt. Foleo: Is it not PC to dislike "likes to look like a girl but identifies as a man"? Camilla: I dislike her for the same reason I dislike most of the story. SO much potential but so little explored. Her obsession with Kamui needs to be explored to make her a good character. Garon/Macbeth/Ganz: Flat, boring villains. The big ones [spoiler=Kamui and Suzukaze] This is based on their Conquest behavior. In this route, Kamui is a spineless coward who professes to wanting to do the right thing but doesn't have a plan for how to accomplish it. Somehow he reasons that assisting in an invasion is "helping to stop the war". Suzukaze is equally a moron for invading his homeland just because Kamui seems like a nice guy. [spoiler=Marx] The worst character in both Conquest and Birthright. He supports the invasion of Hoshido, flip-flopping between his chivalry and moral relativism/obedience to his evil father. Unlike Kamui, he probably has some political clout to subvert Garon but chooses not to. In Birthright, his stubbornness gets Elise and himself killed and in Conquest he doesn't take a moral stand until Garon is confirmed to literally be a monster. What a tool-bag. [spoiler=Aqua and the Awakening Trio] Colossal fuck ups that ruin a great deal of the story. They have all the answers to solving the greater conflict but take no actions in order to inform others of it. Aqua in particular is the biggest asshole for assisting in the invasion of the country that raised her and treated her kindly. Was that REALLY the best plan you could think of? You should spoiler Garon. The last part is pretty significant. This goes for everyone. Be mindful of your spoilers guys. This is something that bothers me (among many things) about Marx. He's supposed to be this paragon of knightly virtues, advocating mercy and honorable conduct but then he goes along with whatever Garon says and even stands by the invasion with an almost nihilist attitude. It reminds me of historical religious types who promoted values of kindness with the asterisk attached "Provided they share your nationality, ethnicity, creed and values".
  12. Tip for collecting resources: You can get 3 resources from a level 3 location. You can also get 1 more from walking on that resource location in a My Castle battle. Alternatively you can gamble them at the arena for 1, 3, or 7 extra materials (winning one, two and three matches, respectively) but you have a chance of losing a resource.
  13. They should be in your armory. Here is what they have in stock at each level.
  14. Are you sure you purchased those from other castles? You shouldn't be able to purchase any limited stock items from other castles.
  15. 1. When a weapon says "Ineffective otherwise" (ex Armorslayer vs unarmored) what penalties does it take on? 2. I'm on chapter 23 of Nohr. How much more gold can I expect to get?
  16. Dread Fighter HP, Strength and Defense are all lower than Oni Savage so what's so great about it? Higher bases?
  17. Her defense can be quite useful for tanking hits. There is something to be said for a character that takes damage in the single digits if at all. She was really helpful for the Awakening DLC because she didn't have to worry about getting chained into a bunch of enemies. She can also share Smithy Skill this way.
  18. Too bad, I hoped they would have "fixed" her growths. Worse Str than Sakura. I just don't even... It wouldn't be so bad if not for the fact that Rinka is the only natural Oni you get.
  19. I thought the maps were at best okay. You won't realize how much you missed map variety until you play Conquest.
  20. Do you get all the Brave weapons in a Nohr playthrough or do they need to be purchased? Also, what S ranked weapons can you get in Conquest?
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