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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. This. There are a variety of platonic human relationships that can be as strong as romance. Give me bromance or give me death. Also this. Fewer supports and get a dedicated writing team for creative and consistent characterization.
  2. I guess? I thought "retainer" implied an official position and Kamui was a prisoner for most of his life... Then again, if this route is Kamui's ascension to his *true* birthright, it might be thematic that he has all of his servant sycophants retainers.
  3. "Reclassed to corpse" was the term used in another thread. If I ever play Revelation, I might selectively trim down the cast to try this character selection. It might need a little tweaking because all of the Diviners are non royal + retainers. Plus you'll lose all the Meidos.
  4. If you kept the cast down to the people you mentioned (+ Fuuga), the cast would be 41 characters, same as Birthright. There would be 13 first gen females so you would have a mother for all the kids no matter your spouse choice. But if you chose Femui, at least one woman will be forever alone. Sounds like a good deal.
  5. May I make a crass joke? Yes? Okay, let's do this. ... Kamui is able to change the length and size of his "appendages" which could account for awkward positioning. [spoiler=NSFW]
  6. Cipher probably has all of the canon classes but I'll give my own thoughts. My opinion of the unknowns and some headcanons [spoiler=First Gen] Silas: Paladin Mozume: Great Merchant Suzukaze: Master Ninja Rinka: Oni Chieftain Hinata: Master of Arms (too bulky to be a Sword Master) Elise: Strategist Pieri: Paladin (pretty weak bulk to be a Great Knight) Nyx: Sorcerer Charlotte: Berserker Benoit: General Belka: Revenant Knight (look at her default outfit!) I suspect the kids all take after their parents besides... [spoiler=Second Gen] Midoriko: Great Merchant Shino: Spear Master Forrest: Maid Strategist Percy: Wyvern Lord
  7. I listed Oboro for my top female but for my top male, I'm going to put down Harold. At first I thought I was wasn't going to like him but after playing Conquest and I became so patriotic, a bald eagle exploded out of my chest I found him the right balance of ham but also good intentioned heroism. He can also be surprisingly insightful, like his Zero support. Harold is the true light of Nohr. I didn't mean to make you think about the 'logistics' of it. Now, I'm thinking about the 'logistics' of it and I don't want to. Life is without joy. Our existence is meaningless.
  8. Oboro for looks, personality and gameplay. Here, another picture for your collection. [spoiler=I know what you're thinking about when you look at her.] And. It. Is. Disgusting.
  9. Play Conquest on Classic and tell me if you don't need to buy new weapons. I'm mixed on the matter of durability and weapon effects. Both systems work but they have their strengths and flaws. Some weapon effects could be better balanced so forged irons doesn't trump everything. They could start by removing the "Bronze weapons can't crit or activate skills" garbage.
  10. The new system is incredibly flexible. You can change to a parallel class at any level, skills are much easier to get (4 levels instead of 14) and for whatever skills you don't want to put the work into getting, you can purchase from other players. You also don't need to spend money on more master seals after returning to a base class. There is exp DLC if you want to grind.
  11. Serene's Law: All threads will eventually descend into discussions of Conquest's plot.
  12. I haven't played Revelation but I think they should have just taken a selection of the cast instead of including everyone minus a few Kamui-sexuals. They could have focused both on the story AND game balance (I'm told that a lot of characters join with shit bases) with a tighter cast. Maybe they could even give Hinoka a role. Haven't seen much Dark Souls 3. Working on a game backlog atm
  13. Possibly. Gooron was his idea apparently. I suspect the story suffered from cut content out of the original draft but we really have no idea how good his original ideas were. I want to know what kind of villains Kibayashi had in mind. I refuse to believe a professional writer had the likes of Garon and Iago as the principle antagonists of the first two routes. This seems a likely possibility. The plots of both Nohr and Hoshido feel meandering and filler-like in their first half. I think the writing woes were a combination of locking story details behind a DLC exclusive route and the IS writers making a sloppy, abridged adaption of Kibayashi's script.
  14. While I understand that cultural differences isn't a central issue in Fates, I think they really missed a great opportunity by having Kamui experience serious culture shock by siding with Hoshido. Different foods, different customs, different geography and Kamui is just like "Cool! Pass me a dango!". There could be a moment in Birthright where Kamui witnesses something brutal and unnecessary by Nohrian standards (feudal Japanese people weren't big on treating surrendered prisoners very well) that makes him miss his "own" culture and family back in Nohr. If I were to write the story, I'd make it so that Kamui sides with Hoshido based on principles, but he actually finds it very difficult to get readjusted to all their values.
  15. Cool ideas, it definitely would have been interesting if Kamui always new he was from Hoshido but not really knowing it until he gets taken there. I'm not fond of the convenient amnesia trope to make your MC a blank slate. I'd rather Kamui grow up with Nohrian values that greatly affect his choice of loyalty and his actions thereafter (Theon Greyjoy, anyone?) Currently, I think the reasons to side with Nohr are pretty weak so they could start by making him more conflicted about leaving his adopted country as a whole rather than just his siblings. Also, cut the "evil king who wants to either murder or make his adopted child cry for some reason" plot line. Speaking of political hostages for peace, I wish they designed Hoshido as many independent domains 'unified' by the Hoshidan royal faction taking hostages from each feudal lord. Much like Edo period Japan, it would be "peace" but heavily controlled one. Hoshido needs some greying up. I hate and love this thread already for making me think about what will never be. It's like you don't even care about what made Incest Emblem such a successful SRPG. smh
  16. While I think the localization should generally stay faithful to the source material, in a sense, each version of the game can be considered as its own artistic endeavor. Some people will dislike the changes, and others will welcome them. The appeal of each version is subjective. I like Soleil's Mamui support being changed because Mamui was a super creeper in the original. I don't like how Hisame was flanderized into a pickle meme-lord. Who is that author to tell me my experience is "incomplete" if I like a change in the localized game? The only "incomplete" thing is cut features but even those have subjective appeal. There are many elements of the Japanese version I prefer but the localization is serviceable. It's not 'gone terribly wrong' by any stretch of the imagination.
  17. [spoiler=Surprisingly apt comparison]
  18. Conquest late game; after a tough level and fighting a certain Sniper boss with 12% critical hit
  19. For those interested, Bow Knight Selena with Ryoma's mask and the Spear Master flag looks pretty freaking awesome. Sakura (Priestess, uses Mikoto's model) Seigbert (Paladin, uses Marx's model) (maybe)
  20. Considering Mozume has better or equal growths in everything but magic and defense, I'd say Rinka is more deserving of Aptitude.
  21. I had considered Sakura for the most balanced Str/Mg that isn't from the Avatar but it would mean low growths on both stats... Currently it's looking like Sakura!Caeldori and Orochi!Kinu For Orochi!Kinu, if she used an Omyoji A ranked Orochi pair up, she'd get a bonus 5 magic but Sakura is too good to waste on pair up fodder. Maybe tonics, food and boosters will be necessary as well. It looks like this will take a lot of pampering to set up.
  22. 65% is her base growth rate without her class bonus factored in (same with Selkie and Caeldori at 40%) +Magic Kamui has base 7 magic at level 1, Kinu/Selkie have base 3 magic at level 10 unless I'm mistaken. I want to believe these characters are doable, especially seeing what Thor did with Rinka but these bases/growths are hard to work with.
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