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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Nice side by side comparison. It should be noted, however, that Rinka can't get Berserker in Birthright unless Kamui marries her so that's another reason why it's easy to overlook her.
  2. I dunno. It's the same reason why a certain someone is revealed to be Kamui's cousin. It's just there because...eh, why not? Rather than be yet another DLC, they should have just included the relevant story/drama/characterization in the main story. More like... Elise: *pomf* What are we going to do on the bed, Kamui? But that's enough negativity for the thread (for now). I forgot to mention the smooth map to battle transitions plus "Blaze" variations of music for The Good. Oh yes.
  3. Ah, how could I forget. Them flip-flopping on whether they want a strong family theme or to see your siblings as potential waifu's really upset the tone. If you want to go the incest route, don't meet the concept halfway and make terrible excuses for why "it's not really incest". Maybe that was mostly thought up in hindsight after the plot was completed? Invisible History just created even more plot holes. Don't get me started on the Awakening trio.
  4. Some battles are noted as being perfect "not a single enemy casualty" battles but others are left ambiguous, or specifically imply death. [spoiler=Conquest chapter 19 and 23] All the spirit foxes and Takumi's men (poor Oboro and Hinata) are implied to be killed. It's not really explained why certain battles are done with lethal combat and others not.
  5. Right. The enemies are certainly not holding back so Kamui's soldiers would be putting themselves at a great risk to fight anything below their true strength. [spoiler=Conquest 19] What happened to Kamui's "no kill" policy with the foxes? Did his miraculous ability to win fights without killing anyone disappear just to add some drama? I will accept that Kamui secretly wanted them all dead after dealing with their invulnerability gimmick.
  6. Or Fox tail but no fox ears. Can't make Nishiki!Kana look like his dad.
  7. The bolded should always be considered. ;) Maybe probably my opinion of those maps will change on higher difficulties but I didn't have much difficulty on Classic Normal. The foxes weren't too difficult if you had a tight defensive formation, and they were still vulnerable to Deadly Breath even if they couldn't be targeted directly. I'm almost positive the invulnerability switches off every other turn so it's predictable if annoying. I liked the wind map personally, and like I said, if you don't want your guys getting blown around, you can activate the DV points. By the time you run out of DV points to use, you should have cleared most enemies/made the wind less dangerous.
  8. I can respect HP depletion just representing when a character can't fight anymore, whether that means them getting their head cut off or having their arm broken. Perhaps gameplay shows them getting impaled but in reality it was just their leg getting stabbed so they can't fight anymore. Not that I think it's believable, but there is divide between gameplay and story.
  9. You supplied the funny. There will be accolades.
  10. [spoiler=Tough stance on Nohrian immigration] Courtesy of 'maybe' on another thread.
  11. Why is C19&20 RNG maps? The foxes switch off their invulnerability every other turn right? And the wind in 20 can be canceled by activating the DV points.
  12. It's somebody's fault. Pointing fingers at either the writers or the cutscene artists doesn't change the fact that no one recognizing Azura strains belief. The definitions are broad and reaching, but it's to cover a lot of nuances of the topic. The basics of Mary Sue is a character that is excessively special/sympathetic/powerful/important in a way that doesn't make sense in the rest of the narrative. Some will misuse the term but it has its place in discussion.
  13. The Good -Conquest maps/objective variety -Attack/Guard system -Hidden Weapons -(most) Class outfits -Music -New classes -New skills -My Castle (most of it) -Fantastic story premise -Greatly improved class changing/skill acquisition system -Refreshing Eastern aesthetic -Oboro The Bad -The Story. Conquest is a trainwreck and the premise as a whole is mostly squandered. -Excessive player worship -The 3rd, DLC exclusive route that gives you everything and is required for the know the overarching plot of the game. -Many female class outfits missing pants -Children. Normally this would be in the "Meh" section but it makes horrible implications for the characters. -Being unable to purchase limited equipment at other player's My Castles. -Marx The Meh/Mixed -Unlimited Durability/Weapon Effects. It's an interesting system which I won't say is better or worse than previous games. I do think some weapons need to be better so forged irons don't dominate the game so much. -Phoenix Mode. There reaches a point where you aren't even playing the game anymore. -Awakening characters. The game could have made brand new characters instead. As much as I enjoy seeing old favorites, they should just stick to their own games. -Dragon Vein. Sometimes it has creative uses, other times it's obligatory or boring. Fates has an amount of content (per version) equal to many Fire Emblem games. There is some overlapping content so I'd say the $80 for 2ish games is appropriate. "We're going to build a wall to keep out all that Nohrian scum, and we'll call it Susano'o." -Takumi on illegal immigration
  14. It could have been expanded on, definitely. I would have liked Matoi's wing headband, the Kinshi Knight back accessory and the Hero helmet. They are definitely too expensive. Even for your own resources, I had almost no accessories late into the game. You are pretty much obligated to visit other castles to collect enough to buy any. I'm fine one them being purely cosmetic, however.
  15. Player: Can I make my character Lawful Good? DM: No, this is an evil campaign. Please choose an evil alignment. Player: Too bad, I'm making one anyway. DM: Fine... Player: I'm multiclassing Lord and Manakete btw. *20 minutes later* Player: And then Kamui defeats the rebels without killing a single person! DM: AND THEN HANZ COMES AND KILLS EVERYONE YOU SAVED! Now go invade the peaceful kingdom or I'm killing your character too. Player: Yo, this DM straight up sucks.
  16. I disagree with other parts of your analysis but those opinions have been discussed a thousand times so I'll just comment on this part. Extreme railroading is one of the biggest flaws of Conquest. Even without Azura's... sketchy plan, the narrative is stacked so that Kamui fails at everything and is forced to go through with the invasion. Garon and Iago have a massive, unexplained hateboner for Kamui and they always show up to make you fail. Iago somehow has omnipresence so Kamui doesn't have the option to deviate from his course. The IK curse is just the final piece in the drive to push the plot towards madness. Kamui and Azura make some seriously boneheaded decisions but it's not entirely their fault that the writers want to screw them over.
  17. No Anubis? I think it would be a better fit for the dark caster than Set, being the god of the afterlife and associated with mummification. What would the specters be like? Sacred Stone phantoms?
  18. lol Poor Hinata. I could see that happening.
  19. This. Azura as a character doesn't deserve what the plot makes her do. But considering how critical a character she is in the plot, it's hard to ignore. Really. Apart from an incestuous desire for her brother (and even then, their reasons are different) they have almost nothing in common. Cersei is contemptuous, power hungry, vindictive, narcissistic and rarely thinks about the long-term consequences of her plans. In reality, the only people Cersei loves is herself and her children. These aren't things I'd use to describe Camilla. Now I really wish we had an evil Corrin option. They've both got the sash. Joffrin confirmed.
  20. "Mom had it coming. She was pissing me off." xXBloodEdgeXxKamui I've actually heard far edgier ideas for a darker Kamui...
  21. [spoiler=Emblem Crossing] [spoiler=Fire Emblem Amie] [spoiler=Thor Bait]
  22. The common ranking for the stories is Birthright > Revelation > Conquest and Conquest > Revelation = Birthright for gameplay.
  23. I've seen this trick. It looks like he's flying but there is actually a platform hidden behind the wall. I want to see some real magic.
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