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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I agree on the lost potential. I think there should have been a way to get special equipment or items from capturing key units. Of course, if that unit shows up in the story later, they can't be sitting in your jail. How about getting ransom money by capturing and returning prisoners?
  2. Royal Guard Elite knights charged with guarding the highest of nobles. Their skill with swords and lances are legendary. Skills Combat Medic: When the lead unit in a Guard Stance, the support unit heals %20 HP at the start of your turn. Bold Stance: When user is paired up in a Guard Stance, the support unit can trigger Dual Strikes, but enemy Dual Strikes are not passively negated. Dual Guarder: When user is the support unit while paired up, shield gauge gain +1 Execute: Select the 'Execute' command to increase your damage by 5 and critical hit by 20. Defense and Resistance -5 and critical evade -20 after combat. HP str mag skl spd lck def res mov Base stats: 20 9 0 7 6 3 9 6 5 Max stats: 60 32 25 32 28 28 35 35 A A Growth rates: 20 15 0 15 10 5 15 10 Pair Up stats: 4 4 [spoiler=Armor Designs] I don't have a man-crush on Artorias and Ornstein. I don't have an armor fetish. How about for the level 15 skill: Silent World: Enemy units cannot trigger skills while fighting this unit. If Hoshidan Unity and Nobrian trust are about giving yourself more skill procs, why not a skill that negates them? I'm going to echo this. There are a lot of great ideas in this thread. In regards to getting the acrobat effect, it would be neat if units had a 7th skill slot for temporary skills they get via weapons or other classes.
  3. I'm 12 years old and what is this? Soleil x Camilla confirmed?
  4. This would be pretty absurd. These are not mercenaries with flexible loyalty and morality (unless you're Kaze), these are ROYAL retainers, people who have sworn their loyalty to their lord and will even die for them. It would strain credibility if they could be convinced to betray everything they know for you. All the cabbages in the world and Camilla's tits wouldn't be enough to buy their loyalty. Right? I picked up on that immediately. I'm also bothered that relationships and support rankings are not listed. The second page of the status screen doesn't tell you meaningful information when it should. All of these, and in regards to the bolded, I can almost imagine the exchange with the Nohrian siblings after Kamui changes into a dragon: Marx: Kamui, you...!? Got a new haircut? Kamui: No, these are horns. Also, I'm a dragon. Marx: Oh, okay. I'm more bothered that they don't pass down to children. There is really no reason why they shouldn't be inherited as normal skills are. You are not alone. Why we couldn't have at least Shino is a mystery for the ages.
  5. No Hoshido Nomads/Bow Knights. Not enough unique color pallets for class changing. Some characters don't even have a single unique pallet. Tome/Scroll animations for a lot of classes are lame. Takumi no longer mentions taking revenge for his mother in Chapter 6. Midoriko can't have green hair unless it's via Kamui.
  6. You can copy the icon image from the Serenes Forest website. (Cool class idea, by the way)
  7. Why would it be "tacked on"? It would be new content, but not out of place in the narrative. Tacked on implies they didn't make a real effort to tie it into the setting (like Fates). There are already some children with an unconfirmed parent so adding more would just be an expansion of a preexisting concept. It would be adding a popular feature to a story where it actually makes sense. "It's dumb" and "there are no benefits" is entirely subjective. If you LIKE the huge cast of FE6, why would you be opposed to new characters being added?
  8. Gunter: Impotent. Older than your dad. Jacob: Dick to your friends. Abusive father. Kaze: Terrible at naming children. Izana: More feminine than you. Can't defend against invaders. Marx: Loves Garon more than you. Keaton: Bestiality. Will fill your home with garbage. Tsubaki: Already perfect. Without you. Seigbert: Embarrassing haircut. Not his dad. Ignatius: Weak-willed coward. Won't protect you. M!Kana: Why don't you take a seat over there. Shigure: Bad at football. Pretends to be a Disney princess. Saizo: Suicidal. No depth perception. Hinata: Worst Samurai. Already married to Naruto. Kaden: Bestiality. Loves himself more than you. Ryoma: Most boring brother. Discount Walhart armor. Shiro: Dies when he's killed in his join chapter. Kiragi: Enjoys hunting more than spending time with you. Hisame: Pickled his dick.
  9. Another idea Squire > Templar Templar Devout knights specialized in fighting apostate mages. Uses lances and swords. Skills Escort: When this unit is the support unit in a guard or attack stance, the lead unit gets +1 to all stats. Seal Magic: After battle, enemy’s Magic -6 Feedback: Damage increased by an amount equal to Enemy Magic/2 Tomebreaker: Hit rate and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a Tome HP str mag skl spd lck def res mov Base stats: 20 9 0 7 6 3 5 10 5 Max stats: 60 28 25 32 27 28 30 40 A B Growth rates: 10 15 0 15 10 0 15 20 Pair Up stats: 1 1 2 4 [spoiler=Armor Design]
  10. It's just an idea. I'd prefer a tighter cast that's involved with the story and each other for the best development. You say it would be tacked on and "idiotic and one of the worst things they could do" to include new characters but I'm of the opinion that the timeskip is a good opportunity to include a dual generation system that actually makes sense. Fates is tacked on and I don't want t see another Awakening or Genealogy. This idea could be used for a brand new story but I think it could fit in Elibe with some tweaking. Change isn't always bad, man. I say this as someone who enjoyed the Elibe games a lot.
  11. I agree. It would be more interesting to see how they changed over the years than just killing them all off mid-game. I think the second gen should mostly run their own show, however, with the 1st gen characters showing up in a variety of roles, maybe as playable characters but also as NPCs here and there.
  12. I listed Roy, Lilina, Sue, Raigh, Lugh, Wolt, Hugh, Igrene, Klein, Clarine and Fir as being children of Blazing Sword characters. You and Fire Emblem Fan are correct about some of the characters though. Klein, Clarine, Fir and Hugh belong to fixed parents and Igrene seems to be be born during FE7. It's been a long time since I played FE6. Honestly, a lot of the cast in FE6 feel bland and underdeveloped. I wouldn't mind some new characters being made as the children of "Gen 1" characters to replace them. Do we really need 54 playable characters?
  13. Design-wise I like both and I might be in the minority that really likes the Fates version of werewolves. The promoted human form outfits don't look as good as the base form(Kinu is styling with her red jacket), unfortunately. Gameplay-wise, the werewolves win hands down. Strong, bulky and reasonably fast. They're only weak to magic and they can heal through most of the damage they take. Kitsune struggle to deal damage and there are plenty of other high resistance classes to choose from in Hoshido. I like both of them though. Miles above Taguel. [spoiler=Based Shapeshifter]
  14. Some more skill ideas. Culinary Art: Receives double the bonuses from food prepared in My Castle. Slice and Dice: Critical Hit +15 while equipped with a Dagger. Medium Rare: Recover 20% HP after using a Fire tome. Give your meat a good ol' rub: Your meat is now tender and juicy.
  15. Maybe skills that boost attributes or self heal. [spoiler=And Lethality]
  16. I completely revamped the class system, adding brand new classes, skills and organization. I wanna post it buuuuut... Okay, new classes then. I came up with this one early in the development of Fates. Shrine Maiden > Shrine Guardian Shrine Guardian Light empowered maiden that strikes down enemies with naginatas and bows. Skills: Radiance: When this unit recovers HP, allies in a 2 tile radius also recover 50% of that amount. Divine Protection: Critical Evade +15 Rend Heaven:Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the enemy’s Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magical weapon) as damage Ameterasu:Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn HP str mag skl spd lck def res mov Base stats: 17 5 4 6 10 5 4 6 6 Max stats: 50 28 25 27 34 30 25 34 A B Growth rates: 10 15 10 10 15 20 5 10 Pair Up stats: 2 2 2 2 [spoiler=Picture for Costume Design]
  17. Who says it would have to be as extensive as Awakening or Fates? It would just be an extra bonus, not the 'point' of the time skip. Of the 11 children who are related to Blazing Sword characters, only 3 belong to two canon parents (and I'd be opposed to breaking them up). That leaves 8 children (+1 for the Avatar child) compared to the 13 in Awakening and Fates (per version). There are other child characters who don't have confirmed parents too.
  18. You're both horrible people and are probably already working for IS.
  19. The entire popularity poll was a sham. Being able to vote every day, the royals being included, characters being divided by gender instead of faction... I'm glad I don't invest heavily into DLC because otherwise I'd be salty.
  20. How do you figure PairUp might be cut? They put a lot of effort into balancing it, and making it more interesting. It would be a real shame to throw that away. As for remakes, I'd be down for a combined Elibe story. I enjoy the setting and some interesting things could be done now with both stories considered together. Plus it will fit into the marriage/children craze.
  21. I was summoned to this thread by excellent tastes. I'm glad to see Serenes is celebrating the Nohrian Way.
  22. Awakening had no feet so obviously it's a difficult concept to grasp in Fates. Kamui has two left feet. They both need to trade a foot.
  23. Maybe. However unlikely, I like to think they'd be ambitious. Heaven help me if we get another "parents and future children coexisting" again. Just thinking about it makes me wretch.
  24. Kana was born an old man, with the growths to prove it.
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