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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Hm, I think it unlikely. This is a guy who gleefully takes to murder, including when YOU and your mentor were the targets. If he's somewhat more cordial after Chevalier it's because 1. he tried to murder you before but now he's your ally, AWKWARD, and 2. he's a juvenile dick who enjoys mocking you.
  2. As much as I want to agree with OP on Conquest, the flaws with the story are far too numerous to simplify it down to "fix Garon". It sounds like I'm biased when I say Conquest did almost everything wrong, but I think it's true. Nanima already mentioned the issue with painting the Avatar as a saint, despite the morally grey premise but here is another problem that deserves equal criticism. [spoiler=Do you want to support a war of aggression? Yes or Yes?] The plot keeps trying to push the plot towards the conquest of Hoshido, contrary to all logic. As we can see in both Conquest and the other routes, Kamui is a highly principled individual, so why would he side with a nation run by clearly evil people? To protect his siblings, and nothing else, apparently. Some would say this is an understandable goal but it also requires the pointless sacrifice of another nation. So if Kamui won't take a stand for justice, who will? Azura? No, she's too focused on withholding valuable information and misleading you into thinking the invasion is the only option. How about the siblings? All equally ineffectual and spineless as Kamui with an added bonus of not actually caring about the moral ramifications of invading Hoshido. The story wants the invasion to happen but it relies on a mountain of plot contrivances and stupidity for it to work. 1. Azura doesn't tell Kamui about the true villain despite having the perfect chance to. 2. She only shows Kamui the crystal ball instead of the other siblings, and then the ball shatters for some reason. 3. Kamui agrees to supporting the invasion, without considering other options, even though it's completely contrary to his stated goals. 4. Iago is, for no reason, always watching you so you can't do anything suspicious. 5. Even if the siblings knew the truth, they wouldn't support you, even though they are your family. Marx even mistrusts you AFTER you conquer your homeland for Nohr! And the most damning thing about this is, we KNOW there were better options than supporting Garon. Birthright!Kamui shows him siding with his principles and taking the harder path (fighting Nohr). Revelation!Kamui is even better in this regard taking a completely new path to create the world he wanted, and he started with just 3 people on his side. Conquest!Kamui lacks the will to make a real change in order to force the plot. I won't tell people to like Birthright more than Conquest, but I will say "at least they tried something different" is the faintest of praise. I won't give them credit for trying when they failed so spectacularly in every way. I feel the way to fix Conquest is both simple and requires a massive change. Make the conquest have a sympathetic motive. This is easy because the lack of resources in Nohr is a canon element. If the reason for conquering Hoshido changes from 'because I was told to' to 'because it's necessary for Nohr's survival', you can have your morally complex conquest without everyone being an idiot.
  3. On the subject of animations, I find the Dread Fighter animations to be pretty goofy sometimes. Because it's reusing the ninja animations, the kunai and some of the smaller swords look alright, but the reverse grip on the bigger swords and clunky axes look silly. I'm sure Odin would appreciate the extra flair though. His axe hand hungers. Lecturing others about maintaining a positive image while admitting you don't care about how others perceive you outside of being labeled "corrupt".
  4. Nils and Ninian are the best dragon children.
  5. I found reclassing Camilla to be amusing. Switching from Revenant Knight to Sorcerer or Great Lord changes her from Madame Cowtits to Patty Pancake. This is extremely condescending and uninformed of my posting history. I have in many threads talked about things I like about the game, including the characters, music, art style, gameplay and more. The only thing I hammer the game for is the writing and I try to keep it contained to relevant threads.
  6. Instead we have the Exploding Crystal Escape and powers-as-the-plot-demands Iago. There are plenty of valid comparisons. Both Naruto and Fates have their good moments of writing, but lets not pretend that they don't share some of their weaknesses.
  7. Birthright when you visit the ice village. Fates will never be as bad as Naruto. I mean, Naruto constantly brought characters back to life just so they could chat with other significant characters. Fates would never do....oh.
  8. I've been thinking about Conquest a lot (it's not like I liked your premise or anything, b-baka) and while I like Kamui as a tortured soul who wants to end the war, it got me thinking about another conquest plot with a different sort of protagonist. Fire Emblem 15 plot pitch Characters: The protagonist: A young man who became the king of his nation after his father, the former king, was killed in the last war with Enemy Nation 1. He is charismatic, intelligent and gentlemanly. Supporting protagonist #1: The younger sister of the protagonist who was practically raised by her older brother after their father died. She is kind, dislikes war and is a hero to the common people for her humanitarian efforts. Supporting protagonist 2: The low-born best friend of the protagonist who was taken into the royal services after he saved the life of the protagonist as children. He is brash and adverse to social situations but his honesty and dependability makes him a valuable ally to the protagonist. Story: There are 5ish nations on the continent, the one our protagonists hail from, an allied nation, Enemy Nation 1 and a few others. At the start of the story, the allied nation is invaded by Enemy Nation 1 and the protagonists rallies his forces to push back the invaders. After his victory there, he uses the allied nation as a launching point to take down Enemy Nation 1, partially to remove a threat but also to avenge his father. The protagonist grows arrogant from his victories and something awakens in him that he didn't know existed until then; a desire for power. After the end of the war he doesn't relinquish control of the allied nation or Enemy Nation 1 and instead sets his sights on the rest of the continent. He believes that there can be peace through unity but his sister and best friend become increasingly disillusioned by his war-mongering. As the protagonist rises in power, so to does his ruthlessness and paranoia. The protagonist's ambition will eventually throw the whole continent into chaos and make enemies of even those closest to him.
  9. Concerning the topic of complex vs simple/classic, it's all a matter of writing competence. Dragon Age Origins has one of the most typical rpg plots but it becomes a truly enjoyable experience with fun characters, clever dialogue and creative world building. Conversely, other stories can be convoluted and full of themselves, expecting you to put the plot together and bombarding you with names and terms. I like Sauron and his legions of evil, but I probably wouldn't like Lord of the Rings as a whole if the characters and setting weren't so engaging. So where does simple NOT work? Fates provides an example with its villains who are so mustache twirlingly evil that it becomes a joke. There is nothing to get emotionally invested in, nothing to think about, and absolutely nothing to remember other than a lingering sense of disappointment. I think having your parent, whom you are desperate to earn the affection of, attempt to murder you is going to mess you up pretty bad. It's even been theorized that King Desmond poisoning Zephiel messed him up physically (like brain damage) in additionally to psychologically, which would explain his personality change.
  10. Oh here's one... Nohrrin: You intend to buy peace with death? That's madness!
  11. She generally is a shallow character but her Zero support sheds some light on one of Fates' most interesting world building attempts (faint praise, maybe). She also avoids the Schrodinger's Incest problem by being canonically attracted to Kamui so I can at least respect them for being slightly consistent (subverted by Kamui's feelings, ironically enough). Is the Takumi line from when they meet Takumi in Chevalier? To be fair, his A support seems to indicate he acknowledges the affection Camilla pours on him and is thankful for her care. It still sounds platonic on his end but it at least indicates he's not as uncomfortable as he used to be. The S support gets weird again where Camilla suggests that getting married would somehow alleviate the social issues of being romantically involved as siblings (something Kamui is consistently concerned about) and when Kamui has a less than positive response to her marriage proposal, she practically guilt trips him into accepting. Perhaps one could say that "reckless and overbearing" is intentional characterization for Camilla but I think it's just to handwave the issue of incest. This is a really sketchy back and forth. CAMILLA: If we become husband and wife, nobody will think it's strange for us to bathe together. KAMUI: No, no, no, no! That IS strange! I mean, it's strange for siblings to even marry in the first place, right!? CAMILLA: But I... I love you so much. Not as a brother, but as a man. I always have, from the moment I laid eyes on you. KAMUI: Huh...? (Kamui would be great at Fire Emblem Sins. *ding*)
  12. To each their own. Basara have some more bulk but Onmyoji are faster (equal bases, higher growth) and have higher magic. I'll take E-rank staves over E-rank lances.
  13. I have another one. I know S supports probably deserve their own category for unintentional hilarity, but Kamui x Camilla's C-S deserves a special mention. The first three supports are about Kamui being really weirded about about Camilla's not quite...sisterly behavior, the S support has him decide "Whelp, if you're going to continue to be so overbearing and creepy, I guess we should just getting married, social consequences be damned." I still ship them because some supports hint at a really interesting character for Camilla that we don't see in the main story. [spoiler=I'd her horns. If you know what I mean] Alas, that scene wasn't similarly voice acted.
  14. It's a wonder 4 year old Kamui didn't thwart his own kidnapping. This kid is a legend. I really want to see art of Kamui, wearing a diaper and food-stained t-shirt, stacking blocks and have Ryouma looking onward with a shocked expression "I knew at that moment, he had the makings of a king."
  15. Good! For my unintentionally humorous moment, it was in Birthright right after you fight Camilla, Leo shows up and start mouthing off and out of nowhere Best entrance ever. Any of the underaged characters "I'm technically not jailbait" lines also sends my sides into orbit.
  16. What irks me about Basara (the only new class I actively dislike) is that almost none of your characters who can naturally reclass into it have stats appropriate for the job. They're either too physical or too magical (Hayato might be the exception). If you want physical, go Spear Master. If you want magical, go Onmyoji. The generic blue outfit + tigerskin, and the lame tome animation make me dislike it even more.
  17. Naw, don't take it the wrong way. I just think we should keep conversations discussing story elements in some of the topics already open. Or at least word your topic in a way that it sounds less spiteful (even if you genuinely find parts so bad it's funny).
  18. Rather than a version split akin to Fates, I could see a single game with multiple routes (and the junction point being closer to halfway through the game instead of the first 1/5. I'd like to see more politics in Fire Emblem so I think it would be cool if at some point you use marriage between the MC and someone else in order to secure an alliance. Characters would divided into factions and if you choose anyone of that faction, you'd get them as an ally, which would alter the course of the story. There would also be a "don't marry anyone/wait until later to get married" route. This is a little subjective but I think one of Fates' weak points is not telling you much about either faction before you are forced to choose between them. If the route split is later on, you can have (or so I'd hope) a lot of world building to make your choice more informed.
  19. Right? I promote to Master Ninja and I now have access to.... E-rank swords.... yay? Just what I needed, a 1 range weapon that has low might and can't crit or activate skills. I'd be okay if they got it as a skill (so other bow users could get it too). I don't think the 1-2 range weapons need changing though.
  20. Here is an annoying nitpick for this thread. Every time I scan over the title, my eyes pick up "Annoying Nohrian Knight" and my brain fills in the second word so it reads "Annoying Neko Knight". It has happened 5 times already and each time I think "Wow, rude." lol
  21. This is definitely a problem. Axes are the least accurate weapons and a Swordmaster can't reliably avoid their attacks. For Kazahana, who can MAYBE survive getting one shotted at full health, this makes tanking Berserkers risky.
  22. Here is some stats to compare for a Silver Sword and Silver Shuriken. The Shuriken has 2 less might, and 5 less hit rate but gives +2 speed, can attack at 1-2 range with no penalties and drops the enemy's speed/defense/resistance by 4. Hidden weapons are not that weak and their benefits are crazy. Not to mention Master Ninja having high speed and avoid, and possibly having Poison Strike, Lunge or Inevitable End(the horror).
  23. I headcanoned that the jagged walls were part of the illusion to discourage people going down there. You won't actually hit anything on the way down.
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