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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Did you notice how at the choice Kamui said wanted to change Nohr from within but he didn't actually have a plan for how to do it? Instead, he almost gets executed a fourth time by the same guy. And people wonder why people think Nohr!Kamui is dumb.
  2. She has the lowest strength of any melee character barring Gunter who is a Jeigan. Some of the mages have better strength than her. Luckily Thor found a way to make her good, because you can't pass up on that design. Some hair colors contrast with her eyebrows more than others. I've found that Camilla's hair matches well with Midoriko's purple eyes.
  3. There is exactly one green haired character in game and he can't pass it to anyone. You can't have a green haired Midoriko unless it's via Kamui. *rage*
  4. This. Birthright will fade into obscurity among the other Fire Emblem stories but Conquest will be the go-to example of how to do everything wrong, for a long, long time. But it inspires me to write, so it's not all bad. Working on a Camilla x Femui support atm. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Nohr's food shortages only brought up in Birthright? It seems pretty important to the setting. Either add a spoiler tag to the thread title or spoil your posts, please.
  5. Keep in mind that the localization came out recently so we're getting people who are suffering through experiencing the story for the first time. It might seem a tired topic to you, but as more players play it, more discussions come into being. You welcome their end, so your punishment must be more severe. When the game has released worldwide, after people have raged and Serenes is in ruins...then you have my permission to (let the story discussion threads) die. [spoiler=Unrelated image]
  6. Gosh I love Camilla from the shoulders up, but it gets mixed the further down you go. That hair, those horns, that voice.... YAS. If she wore the standard Revenant Knight pants, we'd be married already. The one incest pairing that I'll ship.
  7. Garon's going to need a full blown Villain Song before Marx takes things seriously. The opera house was the perfect time for it! So much wasted potential.
  8. Kind of a general overview of the game design and philosophy. I wish they could have talked more about the story, but you only have so much time. I like the design of Kamui, and the lack of shoes and colors fit the theme they are going for. Still, you have to wonder what his Nohrian siblings thought of his outfit. Leon: I gotta ask though, why no shoes? Kamui: I have the body of a human but my soul is that of a dragon! Leon: ....My brother is a dragon otherkin...
  9. Hah, I see Awakening isn't the only game that loaned characters to Fates. Hetzel was reborn as Nohrrin. Radiant Dawn hit some snags on the plot but at least they got the spirit of Fire Emblem down pat. Cowards in that game are called out for what they are.
  10. I wouldn't want this. I want a protagonist who works hard to achieve his goals, not someone who never fails. Not to blow my own trumpet but the rewrite I'm doing has Kamui make several mistakes that lead to tragic results. But he's an active player in his own story, for a change. Seriously? My opinion of Marx drops even more.
  11. It would be easier to mention the character models I don't like, but if we gotta play favorites, it's Oboro for me. The color scheme works well and I love Japanese style clothing. Smugboro is the best boro. Honorable mentions to Kinu and Midoriko for clothing as well.
  12. Beating the odds is a theme of every Fire Emblem game. Conquest is the only game that tells you to lie down and accept your fate. The concubine wars are mentioned in a few supports but I think the bit about killing her siblings is just headcanon. Headcanon that I fully support and am writing about.
  13. It's a good thing he is Sturdy. He won't go down in one hit, even against magic.
  14. I guess that means Benny is weak to Mechanists. You magnificent individual...
  15. I'm surprised Kamui never brought up the 2nd attempt. "Ganz told me he was sent by Garon to murder me, and he killed Gunter". That sounds relevant.
  16. Sings lullaby to baby to make it sleep. It get's a second action instead.
  17. For those curious, お尻を触らせて Azura seems like the kind of mom who would constantly show up when Shigure invites a girl over, to bring them treats and "check in on them".
  18. Setting off fireworks with Leo. No bromo
  19. Does it activate for one combat or the whole chapter?
  20. For the Spendthrift skill, how do you actually use it? I got the skill on Mozume and even though I had the skill and a gold bar in her inventory, I didn't see any prompt to activate it.
  21. Hinoka's words in Conquest Chapter 24 are especially sad.
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