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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. People with refined tastes, both of you. It makes me laugh (rage) that Camilla is designed the way she is when the Fem!Revenant Knight armor has both (stylish) pants and armor covering the chest.
  2. I agree with the rest of your post but I'm going to question this part. What makes a likable character is going to get a bit subjective and someone's circumstances aren't always going to be enough to redeem them. Take Takumi, for example. He has perfectly legitimate grievances but players who've only played Conquest often dislike him. Why? Part of it is the narrative framing him as wrong but another is his god damn persistence. Even as someone who felt Takumi was one of the most human characters in Fates, playing through Conquest I got tired of Takumi showing up saying "Die die die, fuck you fuck you fuck you" no matter how often I slapped his shit and sent him packing. Some people aren't going to like Shinji either just because he's so insufferably whiny. So no, I don't think Kamui being abused into submissiveness (an argument could be made for the Nohrian siblings behaving like scared, abused children but I don't like them more for it) would make him more appealing. It would make me want to play a different game. There is a reason we play influential people instead of the common soldier. Because no one wants to follow the life of someone who can't change anything. It's happening.
  3. The flag accessory is glorious on Bow Knights. It's instant NIPPON BANZAI to everything it touches.
  4. Shucks, I wanted to make a magic Kamui for Conquest but "Dull" is their canon flaw. How about "Excitable" (-res) as a flaw? Kamui: Ouch, that fireball hurt. Marx: Have you tried being less genki?
  5. I'm not sure if you even get anything for saving them. I want to let them all die and clear out the gene pool.
  6. I saw the female version of the Dark Falcon and thought "eh, this is okay" and then I looked at the male one and it's like "Full breastplate! It's now incredibly manly to be riding a flying pony!" Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon generics fucking when!?
  7. Same. It really hurts in this game when your default mages are so fragile.
  8. Aside from the battle panties (and I do take issue with this), I'd say the class outfits are some of the best of the entire series. Heroes, Great Knights, Wyvern Riders....all that armor porn.
  9. Concerning other protagonists as Mary Sues, the only ones who really stood out to me were Micaiah (more a matter of special traits, the plot actually calls her out on her actions) and Ike (so much adoration that not even Shinon was enough to balance it out). If you think there are comparable protagonists to Kamui, I'm all ears.
  10. Thanks. I'd disagree that all or even most FE protagonists are Mary Sues. There are qualities that are associated with being a protagonist (charisma, competence, strong morals) but there reaches a point when the narrative warps to accommodate the character, especially for characters that players are meant to treat as themselves. Scarlet* If you brutally killed Charlotte, that one is on you. ;)
  11. This is basically it. They tried to have a middle ground where Kamui was unquestionably good (not option A) but serving people who are unquestionably evil (not option B). If Kamui had only one country to choose from, you could handwave their shitty situation as "They didn't have a choice". But they did have a choice. Two other choices in fact. What angers me about Kamui is that no matter what happens in Conquest, he never reconsiders what he's fighting for. He doesn't see his constant failures as a reason to change his plan of action. The massacre at Chevalier should have been the point where he realized his mistake.
  12. Okay. If you think I misrepresented your comment, you can explain why without being an ass. I wasn't maliciously trying to misrepresent you. Earlier you thanked a poster for being "civil" but you're far from it.
  13. Right here. You just stated reasons why Kamui doesn't sound like a Mary Sue. "I will be an asshole but say "I'm not actually an asshole" ;))))" Next time...don't?
  14. [spoiler=Camilla] [spoiler=Kamui Skinship] [spoiler=Family Bonding]
  15. I'm going to suggest that going back to the man who tried to have you killed TWICE disqualifies you from the "smart" category. 1. Way to ignore the millions of threads dedicated to discussing every aspect of the game. Nice strawman. 2. How is it not a relevant criticism that the protagonist is spineless, hypocritical and ineffectual? That's a shit protagonist, whether it's a player self-insert or otherwise. Come at me bro. Kamui has many qualifiers of a mary sue. 1. The plot focuses too much on you. Two of the primarily antagonist make it their life mission to make you sad. Why? Several character's personalty revolves around worshiping you. 2. You've got a super genetic powers, you're the prince of TWO nations who both want you back, you're literally the chosen one with a unique sword. How many special snowflake points have we accumulated? 3. No matter what happens, the protagonist is never considered wrong. People who call the protagonist wrong are demonized and then forced to apologize. The only thing that makes Kamui NOT a Mary Sue in Conquest is his constant stream of failures, but considering point 3, ultimately the game considers you a hero in spite of your failures. Citing a vague description of a Mary Sue (vague because Mary Sues come in many forms) as a defense of Kamui is poor argumentation.
  16. I like the high quality models but they could be less animated. Threesome mod? Has science gone too far?
  17. Nice analysis Vitezen. That sounds like it could have happened. I think the moral of the story is, if you're going to hire writers, make sure they can commit to sticking around for the whole project.
  18. Sigh... I really didn't want to have to buy ALL the remaining skills together. 1500 yen is expensive and Wing Shield and maybe Bold Stance are the only ones I'd really want.
  19. I wouldn't mind the massacre if it were a turning point in Kamui's characterization. The event would be a brutal demonstration of the price of his naivete and inspire him to either rebel or find better ways to circumvent his higher-ups. The problem is he doesn't learn and still clings to the notion that "as long as I don't kill people personally, I'm doing the world a net positive." A character can make mistakes, a character can have flaws, but a character that doesn't grow from their experiences is a shit character. Imagine if after Chevalier, Kamui were always looking for a plan to kill Garon (instead of the roundabout 'I'll keep my plan a secret until after Hoshido is conquered")? The opera house in Muse would instead be a joint attempt of Kamui and Azura to kill him instead of Azura's plan that she consulted with no one.
  20. Possibly. Azura has similar growths to Hana so she's a glass canon, but unlike Hana she won't have access in Nohr (unless Kamui gives it to her through marriage) to the Samurai skill that increases her evasion. If you make her a Dread Fighter, she'll have 65% Strength, 75% Speed, 55% Resistance, but she'll still be really weak to physical hits (get her a Angelic Robe pronto). Another option is to change her to a Great Lord (Awakening DLC, free). More balanced stats, you can continue to use lances.
  21. That would be pretty cool if it did but so far I'm just hearing Proximity Shot from people.
  22. Ah, I'm playing the Japanese version so I have more of the DLC. In April you'll get Anna's Gift DLC (free) that gives you a seal to change a character into a Witch. In the meantime, you might consider reclassing Azura to a phyisical combat class. She has a natural 50% Strength and 60% Speed but poor bulk so a ranged class might be preferable. Mary her to Niles for Outlaw, maybe?
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