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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think you answered your question, "I don't really use 'Sing'". But if you want more encouragement to use her default class, reclass her to Witch, get Warp and change back to Songstress again. DanceSing access ANYWHERE on the map is kind of amaze-balls.
  2. The first of several massacres you can't stop. I don't see how people enjoy a route where you accomplish almost nothing until end-game and up to that point is a series of failures.
  3. A nation of sympathetic brown people... eh, let's keep our dreams a little more grounded in reality okay? I can dig it. I suppose camel riders could become a thing. I could see magic being similar to Hoshidan spells, evoking a lot of animal imagery. Can I waifu a Cleopatra expy?
  4. One of my favorite moments was that chapter in Birthright after you defeat Camilla in Chevalier, Leon shows up acting all smug and then I haven't laughed so hard in a Fire Emblem game in a long time. This is one of the few scenes where the game makes you feel bad in a way that isn't forced like so many plot deaths.
  5. What kind of classes/aesthetics would you hope for?
  6. You can. I also downloaded an Anna even though I don't have the DLC.
  7. I will continue to pray for more dark tomes, even though I know it's not happening. I want more skills and classes to play with too. Sucks for anyone who wanted proximity shot but has to pay 1600 yen for it.
  8. Fire Emblem has often had certain classes that take inspiration for eastern cultures (sword masters, nomads). It's nice to see that concept fully realized in Fates. Granted, fantasy Europe is the bread and butter of the series so I wouldn't want those elements excised entirely.
  9. Takumi, revenge gourmet. This is kind of amazing.
  10. That's the problem, he's so accustomed to seeing her naked, she's like a stranger when she puts more clothes on. Sure would be nice if all that "guidance" and "reform" was in the game. This what most people were expecting/hoping to happen somewhere in the middle of the story, not the end. This. People wouldn't be nearly as critical of Nohr if they weren't such passionate puppy kickers. They really have no purpose beyond being evil for the sake of itself. Are the siblings such directionless boobs that they NEED Kamui there? Kamui, the naive prince who spent the bulk of his life holed up in a remote castle? People understand the concept. People LOVE the concept, but what they don't like at all is the execution of that concept. You acknowledge many times in your post that the writing is bad and full of plot holes. THAT is what people dislike. Should we like a poorly written story just because "If it were written totally different, it would be a brilliant story."? Kamui isn't to blame the the specific action of killing Scarlet. He's to blame for putting down her rebellion and leaving her defenseless. Did he think everything would be puppies and roses for the people of Chevalier after that?
  11. Paragon huh... well I guess that's not bad. You only get one but it will help a bit. I'd prefer a Wing Guard, personally. I think I know why... [spoiler=There are two reasons to like Pieri, physically....]Pigtail #1 and #2
  12. This is the real choice. Kamui doesn't know his Hoshidan siblings, so he's just sticking up for what he feels is a moral country (and his home country being run by an insane tyrant that tried several times to murder him probably helped make the choice easier). Ryoma was kind of being a hypocritical dick for saying that the Nohrians couldn't be like family to Kamui, when they have Azura right there and ESPECIALLY considering what Ryoma knows about you.
  13. All this Oboro hate, stay mad peasants. Did the localization crank her Nohr hate to eleven? I'm pretty meh on the DLC. Proximity shot is going to be broken considering the game balances bows based on their lack of melee options. I don't care about the "Failed Rebellion" because it sounds like it will be another shitty attempt at mending Conquest's shitty story, much as the "Invisible History" was to Revelation. What does Anna's Gift 2 give you? Boots and...Elite....something?
  14. Marx knows you are from Hoshido but I don't know if the other siblings did. If they want to have a surprising reveal, they can let the Avatar know he was originally from Hoshido but leave out the part he was a prince of Hoshido.
  15. Unpromoted classes get skills at level 1 and level 10. Promoted classes get skills at level 5 and 15. Special classes (Songstress, DLC classes) don't promote so they get their 3rd and 4th skills at level 25 and 35.
  16. Level 1, Level 10, Level (5)25, Level (15)35
  17. "I'd jump off a cliff for Dat Ass" -Kamui, Revelation
  18. Question for you guys involved in hacking, is it possible to change how skills work? I wanted a skill like Awakening's Acrobat but the closest skill in game is the Sure Footed skill which only works for the Balistician class (and only for males). I don't care about online play, just tweaking my singleplayer experience.
  19. Good ideas, and I agree that the Avatar needs more reasons to stick around in Nohr and for Garon to have more humanizing qualities. It's sorta inferred that Marx obeys Garon out of respect for the man he used to be but it contrasts too greatly with the insane tyrant that we see in game. Question: Is it really important that the Avatar never learns his heritage? I think a better insurance plan would be to not keep it a secret but make a loving environment for the Avatar to grow up in so he never wants to leave.
  20. I'm going to shamelessly plug reply to you in the thread I made earlier. A lot of people have their rewrite ideas written there. Let me know if you'd like to make an entry to the OP.
  21. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they divorced characterization supports with gameplay bonuses, and instead have a combination of talking supports and Radiant Dawn style "pair whoever you like" battle supports. Everyone gets proper characterization (in theory) and gameplay focused people get their pair up flexibility.
  22. We'll have to make our own holes. That sounded dirtier than I intended.
  23. Charlotte and Benny are both unpromoted (in Birthright at least) and you forgot Rinka who is unpromoted. You also fight a promoted Orochi in Conquest.
  24. Whenever I shoot off a Thoron, I aim for the thigh hole.
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