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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Anyone know good software for editing videos, like that SpongeBob video before? I want to try my hand at this meme-ry.
  2. Serenes Sins Telling people to stop discussing topics in a discussion forum. *ding* I think it's fine. The conversation here is pretty civil.
  3. "I wouldn't have married you if you weren't my BRRRRROTHER!"
  4. The average person? Not long I suspect, but there is a reason why we don't tell stories about the incapable. We play as lords, not the common soldier, because it's expected that we should have agency. The problem with the story is that it keeps railroading you into doing things you don't want to do, and whenever you do try to accomplish something, the villains are quick to undo it. That's why I often compare Conquest to a Bad End from a visual novel. The game gives you the choice but it was obviously intended to be the wrong choice. Conquest is bad enough in a vacuum but it becomes immeasurably worse when compared to the other choices (routes) he could have taken. There is a difference between missing a person you lost and trusting someone who continues to act against you.
  5. Serenes Sins Bumping a thread you want to die. *ding*
  6. As far as I can tell, none of the Nohrians are particularly against the war, some taking to their duties with gusto. Even for the main characters who dislike how Garon does things, it's more about his methodology than the principle of invading another nation. Marx goes as far as telling Kamui that there is no such thing as justice.
  7. I understand where you're coming from. I own the Japanese version and enjoy it very much. Some of the changes in the localization were regrettable (Saizo x Belka C support comes to mind) but there was some good too (Mamui x Soleil was super creepy in the original). I don't mock people for defending the artistic integrity of the original work, but sometimes they exaggerate how serious the problems are. They acted liked Mamui x Sakura was a serious divergence from the original but the only notable change was redundant lines being cut. Other supports were more charming in the original but their alterations weren't serious enough boycott the game. If people like the original game more than the localization, they can still buy it. For people who have never seen/played the original, they probably don't care.
  8. Pieri was such a fantastically written character! How could they ruin her like that! Boycott Serenes! Set fire to Gamestop! Write to your senator and demand a product recall! Get mad! I don't want your damn localization!
  9. The localization made some positive changes and negative ones. It's people's prerogative of they want to boycott but trying to stir up hate for some of these changes (Sakura's support went from long and boring to shorter and boring) just seems petty. What a pretentious movement.
  10. So, if I've got this right, your story is going to be an amalgamation of the three routes, right? It might be helpful to establish where everything starts, who the major players are/their agenda's, and where you want to finish. You probably saw my general framework of the Conquest retelling in the other story discussion thread. I'd advise making similar summaries of how you want the events to play out. If your stories have three acts, make three summaries. Your pairing sound good. While Marx x Charlotte is a good support, if you're going for a Nohr/Hoshido alliance, Marx x Hinoka might be more thematic. Concerning the framing device, I can respect that as an artistic direction, but I think it needs to have a purpose. Do you want a biased or exaggerated telling of Kamui's story (as told by Odin)? If so, why? Who is he delivering this story to?
  11. Certainly. If I were in charge of writing the story, sticking to the original ideas as much as possible, the invasion would be about a desperate need for resources instead of Garon doing it because he's evil. Kamui would join his Nohrian siblings, partially out love for them but also for his country. He doesn't want to harm Hoshido but Marx would convince him of the necessity for Nohr's survival. The invasion would begin earlier with less dicking about in Nohr. After the invasion of Hoshido is complete, Ryoma is killed and Garon sits on the throne. Garon's occupation becomes increasingly brutal and insurgent groups make regular attacks. Eventually Kamui's conscious can abide Garon's brutality no longer and he conspires with other rebellious factions to eventually usurp Garon and put Marx on the throne. That's the gist of it, anyway. "Just because the story didn't go your way, doesn't mean it's a bad story", you might be thinking. But the direction I have in mind solves some of the canon story's critical weaknesses. -Kamui and his siblings now have agency. They do things because they want to and they get results. -Nohr is no longer deeply unsympathetic and you might support them, even if they are invading a peaceful nation. -Garon is no longer a cartoon villain obsessed with making you sad for some reason. -The plot doesn't need to go out of its way to make Kamui a moral paragon because he isn't. -No need for the mountains of contrivances that Azura's plan depends on.
  12. Roll with that 'Azura as the lead protagonist" idea. I don't think anyone else is going in that direction.
  13. I imagine that's how the oppression of Chevalier started. Garon: Isn't Camilla the sexiest Wyvern Rider? King of Chevalier: No way, flat is justice. Scarlet all the way. Garon: ... Garon loves his kids too much. Did I headcanon Scarlet being the daughter of the king of Chevalier? I don't even remember anymore.
  14. (If you go back to writing your rewrite, you can make the story yours)
  15. I was just speaking of the premise. Obviously the execution needs A LOT of retooling (especially that sibling S support BS). IK + Anankos are the sources of all contrivances, and Garon + Iago are responsible for railroading the Conquest story. Take out these elements and Azura can be allowed to flourish (and I want her to). Her supports show she has a nuanced and interesting character, it's the story that forced her (and everyone) to be retarded. He's 10 you sick fuck.
  16. We're listening if you have a commentary. Some of the Nohr hate is hype backlash but a lot of arguments have been laid out for why people think it fails as a narrative. As for how people thought Conquest would/should play out, most wanted the "reform a unruly country from within" advertised early on. The premise is perfect, deeper than any Fire Emblem game before, in my opinion. It wasn't to be.
  17. Ah, I think I remember now. Mami and Sayaka were too emotionally unstable, Madoka had a penchant for sacrificing herself and Kyoko was... too cynical? I suppose being cold and aloof was part of the plan for keeping Madoka away from the battle. I like the premise so I think Kamui is right where he needs to be in the story. If the 3rd route weren't a thing and Garon weren't so cartoonishly evil, Azura could act as a foil to Kamui, following her own convictions and agenda that may come to clash with Kamui at a later point.
  18. Doesn't deuteragonist imply they have equal parts already? Azura as the primary protagonist would require a dramatic restructuring of the plot. What the plot needed was for Azura to cooperate with others (especially Kamui) instead of manipulating them to her own ends (and we find out how badly THAT turned out for everyone). Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Homura from Madoka cause herself unnecessary grief by needlessly being mysterious?
  19. Say what you will about Selena but her hair looks amazing on everyone. No exceptions. *looks at Ignis* Some exceptions. I don't know about the Takumi image but this one remains one of my favorites. Dat voice tho. [spoiler=Relevant FE13 image]
  20. Thanks, I was trying to express that to a guy above but he just wasn't having any of it. To add on to what you said, even if you are down for marrying a Kamui-sexual or second gen, it's still going to be more difficult. Anna is DLC only, Flora joins at the earliest chapter 19 and the children will also come later unless you go out of your way to support grind. Femui is fine on all routes.
  21. May it's not that Rinka is amazing, just that Berserkers are broken. I do have to say that Berserker growths perfectly compliment Rinka's weak points, not to mention her natural access to Death Blow.
  22. Not only is it contrived but it hurts the characterization of others, like Ryoma. If and when I get around to that story rewrite, this story element is getting excised. If this Gamefaqs post is to be believed.... I wouldn't know, I didn't skinship her. Elise confirmed for POMF and Kamui'ed inside As someone said before, the positive side to this is you learn who not to talk to on the forum.
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