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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. If they did a timeskip and second generation, I'd be totally okay with the first gen getting aged up. Most characters appear to be in their teens or twenties so a +15 year timeskip would put them around 30-40s old. Not bad. It would actually be interesting to see how characters grow and change over time.
  2. I'm going with Setsuna. 20 strength and 0 magic ensures her children will suffer.
  3. I liked earning support points just for participating on the same map. It eliminated the problem of units who don't fight close enough to support each other, but I didn't like how if you didn't field the characters together enough, you couldn't unlock the support. I wouldn't mind a combination of Path of Radiance and Fates for earning points. They could make chapter based limitations on support development, just like they did for Suzukaze and Midoriko. And give us base conversations back.
  4. Outside the default lord promotion, my favorite classes were Revenant Knight (+magic) and Dread Fighter. Magic classes are always fun and Dread Fighter's ability to practically negate magic is also pretty cool. They both have good skills too. This.
  5. This. The scaling levels works great but the story implications and justifications are beyond bad. There were a few children I liked, for appearance or personality but that was independent of them being second gen characters. Midoriko, Shinonome, Kinu, Matoi, Velour and Ophelia... Everyone else got benched. I prefer to headcanon them as being 1st gen characters. Gunter. Your sorta-dad figure that is fuckable. This is entirely relevant. Children don't just cause problems for the story, they create a need for everyone to support with everyone, regardless of compatibility. I'd keep the support point gaining system from Fates but reduce the pool to people they have a reason to talk to. I want to see relationships that don't have romance/children as the primary objective. Not my idea but I'd be okay with it. Related to what Sai said above, however, I'd prefer that Unlimited Shipping Works being taken out of the equation. Skill/Growth/Mod passing is an interesting idea but I don't want to see it at the cost of characterization.
  6. Question for the OP, how did you edit the dialogue like that? It looks pretty neat. Wait! You can... sleep with your sister! Your DOUBLE sister! And, um, your mother? Do people like that? Please come back...
  7. In my retelling, Velour is Flannel's fiance so you can't marry her. Sorry. If you love her, set her free~
  8. In the rewrite I'm doing of Conquest, you actually fight both the Wolfskin and the Kitsune but for different reasons. In Conquest, a strange sickness is driving the normally reclusive Wolfskin tribe feral and dangerous. Iago tasks you with wiping them out but Keaton asks your party for help in purging the sickness and saving Velouria, who has also fallen ill. Velouria is the boss of that map and Keaton joins you after saving her. In the Birthright version, you are too late to stop the sickness and, in her madness, Velouria killed Keaton.
  9. Would you say it's better or worse than Conquest for the story?
  10. After Elise was born, I presume. So, in the last 12 years or so? That said, Elise is technically an adult so who knows how old she really is.
  11. Nice set up, but I'm irritated by how contrived the fight is (game's fault, not yours).
  12. Lets look at the abilities side by side. Heartseeker > Future Sight Future Sight is useless and Heartseeker has situational uses for hitting high avoid enemies. Maelific Aura > Magic +2 Maelific Aura will be at least as good as Magic +2 if not better because it's an aura. Vengeance = Rally Magic They are both pretty meh. Vengeance isn't reliable and Rally Magic is eh...I guess it depends on if you use a lot of magic units. Bowbreaker < Tomefaire Both skills are good but I'll give the award to Tomefaire for pure damage output. Seal Magic = Rend Heaven On a physical class, I'd say Rend Heaven is better but on a pure magic class, it's only going to help much against mages. Lifetaker < Quixotic Quixotic is better for skill procs but Lifetaker is pretty cool. So they come out about even but you won't have the level 15 skills until late in the game so I'm leaning more towards Dark Mage skills.
  13. You already mentioned [spoiler=NSFW]holding hands. I shiver to think of what else you think about.
  14. This, Fates has a great system (special mentions to pair-up and hidden weapons) so I'd just tweak it and add a few missing features. Features to add: -Radiant Dawn ledges -Shove for unmounted units, Canto for mounted. -Light and Dark magic (lol) but with more diversity. I thinking low might plus causing hit and avoid debuffs for Light spells. -Stealing -A variety of status effects and the Restore Staff Features to change: -Support pool limited -Avatar returns as minor character -Promoted classes start with a minimum of D weapon rank -Make Bronze Weapons be able to crit and activate skills -No more generic paired endings Features to remove: -Pre-epilogue marriage unless it's plot related -Children
  15. I wouldn't say Onmyoji are objectively better than Sorcerers. They have comparable growths and bases, and by losing staff access, Sorcerers get Nosferatu (not sure if available in birthright) and +5 Hit, +5 CEv and +10 crit. The skills are mixed as well. For the Dark Mage tree you get Heartseeker, Maelific Aura (better version of Magic +2) Bow Breaker, Seal Magic and Lifetaker (Vengeance is pretty meh). Diviner tree gets you Magic +2, Rend Heaven, Quixotic and Tomefaire (Future Sight and Rally Magic aren't that great imo).
  16. A few more headcanons: Camilla drinks the most wine in the army. Kinu (because I don't like her default personality) is a fashionista and becomes good friends with Oboro and Foleo. The Dread Fighter fox mask and fur came from an evil fox spirit that a warrior slew. After equipping them, he gained the blue fire and magical resistance that kitsune are known for. The way I see it, the stock two "retainers" that the other royals get are their officially appointed bodyguards/advisors. They probably have many other soldiers (and this is apparent if you are fighting them) but for the sake of simplicity, only two are shown in your group. Kamui, meanwhile doesn't have any official retainers. He basically spends most of his life under house arrest and the people who work there were assigned to train and watch out for him. Until the start of the game, Kamui doesn't have a rank or role in society so he doesn't need official retainers.
  17. @Thane, It's not fanfiction but recently I've been watching Berserk and it's like a Fire Emblem anime. @Tolvir, I'm loving that backstory for Scarlet and Gunter. I have some questions: If the Dusk Dragon (somehow it sounds cooler as a human than an actual dragon) ruled Nohr just before the king before Garon, isn't that a short period of time for his legacy to be so mysterious? If Hoshido is still the prosperous nation that they are in the canon story, why did they want to raid Nohr? Why did Garon distance himself from his crusader knights when it was Hoshido that double-crossed him? I knew that was floating around somewhere. Thanks for the link.
  18. Haha, how prudish Thane-kun. This is the first time I looked at the tags. Sorry for the smut. I take it you are looking for a more political story, but alas, I don't know to whom to direct you. Hopefully other authors will be stepping up to the plate and publishing their works soon. I'll be more active in posting my scripts too, for whatever that is worth.
  19. Dameceles has some actual writings on her website here.
  20. Feel free to ask questions about things that interest you. I'll probably write up the bios for the other principle Nohrian characters soon.
  21. Oops, not sure how I mosread that. The ending should be: Silas served loyally as a knight of Nohr. He was beloved by trainee knights for his great patience. His wife, Hinoka, became general of the Hoshidan royal army, and the two remained together always. I think the solo endings are more interesting than the paired endings.
  22. A small update of what I'm working on. Here's the character bios of the Nohrian and Hoshido royals. [spoiler=Characters] Garon Tenebris, King of Nohr Age: 56 Class: Dark Lord Subordinates: Iago and Ganz A dark and brooding man who has ruled over Nohr for 30 years. An even-handed king in earlier days, he has since resorted to crueler methods of control as Nohr’s condition continues to worsen. He once had many more children but now only 4 of them still live. Marx Tenebris, First Prince of Nohr Parents: King Garon and Queen Ecatarina Age: 29 Class: Paladin Subordinates: Lazlo and Pieri (toned down characterization) A stoic and dutiful man, he is the pinnacle of knightly virtues. He believes family is more important than anything so he will compromise his other values if it means securing the future of his house. As the oldest of his siblings, he remembers his father as a kinder man and is the most loyal to him. Camilla Tenebris, First Princess of Nohr Parents: King Garon and Lady Shiva Age: 23 Class: Revenant Knight Subordinates: Selena and Belka While sweet and motherly to her younger siblings, she is vicious and uncompromising on the battlefield. She has a special talent for political affairs and is often assigned diplomatic missions by King Garon. She had many suitors but rejected them all saying “I already have the person I love”. She's often not far from a wine glass. Leon Tenebris, Second Prince of Nohr Parents: King Garon and Lady Ellia Age: 15 Class: Dark Knight Subordinates: Charlotte and Benny A genius mage who was admitted into the Sorcerers Guild at the tender age of 10. Tactics is his strong suit and his coldly pragmatic attitude often puts him at ends with his more empathetic older sister Kamui. He is an only child and had the best upbringing amongst his siblings. Elise Tenebris, Second Princess of Nohr Parents: King Garon and Lady Jasmine Age: 12 Class: Troubadour Subordinates: Harold and Elfie. A bright and cheerful girl, she is the youngest child of King Garon. Often neglected by her mother, she makes trips to Nohr’s undercity to play. She wants to do her best to support her siblings but occasionally worries she isn’t needed. Her dream is to become a talented healer so she can help even more people. Kamui (Hoshimoto) Tenebris, Second Daughter of Sumeragi Parents: Lord Sumeragi and Empress Mikoto Age: 16 Class: Nohrian Princess Subordinates: Joker and Gunter Born in Hoshido and raised in Nohr, Kamui never belonged to a single world. She cares deeply about her sibling and is the first to defend them when trouble arises. She is a compassionate and merciful, but her naiveté occasionally puts herself and others in danger. One day she will make a decision that will change her fate forever. Yamato Mikoto, Empress of Hoshido Age: 41 Class: War Priestess Subordinates: Orochi and Yukimura A beautiful and serene looking woman, she manages the ritual affairs of Hoshido’s government. After an event that led to the death of her husband and kidnapping of her child, she rarely smiles. She loves her children dearly and would do anything to protect them. Hoshimoto Ryoma, First Son of Sumeragi Parents: King Sumeragi and Empress Mikoto Age: 25 Class: Swordmaster Subordinates: Saizo and Kagero Passionate and fierce, he is a warrior or peerless skill. He has harbored a deep grudge against Nohr ever since the murder of his father and abduction of his sister. Though he strives for spiritual purity, his emotions sometimes get the better of him. He is stern supporter of Hoshido’s social order. Hoshimoto Hinoka, First Daughter of Sumeragi Parents: King Sumeragi and Empress Mikoto Age: 20 Class: Sky Knight Subordinates: Setsuna and Asama Taking after her older brother, and contrary to the expectations of Hoshidan female royalty, she is a dedicated warrior. Ever since her sister Kamui was kidnapped, she has trained diligently as a Sky Knight to get her back. She detests court politics and dressing up. Hoshimoto Takumi, Second Son of Sumeragi Parents: King Sumeragi and Empress Mikoto Age: 15 Class: Archer Subordinates: Oboro and Hinata An occasionally brash and reckless young man, he often fears he won’t live up to the potential of his older siblings. He is slow to trust people and isn’t shy to say who he doesn’t like. Despite his flaws, he is a talented with a bow and his passion for his comrades and country earned him the respect of his soldiers. Hoshimoto Sakura, Third Daughter of Sumeragi Parents: King Sumeragi and Empress Mikoto Age: 13 Class: Priestess Subordinates: Tsubaki and Kazahana Reserved and wise beyond her years, she takes after her mother more than any of her other siblings. She was only a baby when an incident threw her family into chaos. Though not a natural fighter like her older siblings, she is a pillar of strength to the family, being there to remind them when they forget themselves. Her sweetness hides a steely resolve. Details: Garon had a grand total of 16 children between several women. 3 with his queen and 13 with various concubines. 12 of them die by the time the story starts. King Sumeragi and all of his children are from Hoshido's most prominent clan. Mikoto carries the name of the imperial family and the title of Empress. Here is a timeline of the main events in the Conquest story. I'm using Kamui's birth as a point of reference and jokingly calling the events before his birth "Before Kamui Era". [spoiler=Timeline] BKE 20: Garon marries Ecaterina BKE 13: Marx is born. BKE 11: Ecaterina killed in a failed coup d’état by Garon’s brother. BKE 8: Sumeragi marries Mikoto. Ryoma is born. BKE 7: Camilla is born. BKE 4: Hinoka is born. Year 0: Kamui is born. First Nohr-Hoshido war begins. Year 1: Leon and Takumi are born. Year 2: Marx’s two elder brothers are killed in combat. Year 3: Sakura is born. Year 4: Sumeragi is killed in Chevalier. Kamui is kidnapped by Garon. First Nohr-Hoshido war ends in stalemate. Elise is born. Year 6: Concubine war begins. Year 11: Concubine wars end. Elise, Leon and Camilla are the only surviving concubine mothered children. Year 12: King of Chevalier passes away. Blight starts to spread in Nohr. Year 16: Mikoto is assassinated. Second Nohr-Hoshido war begins. Year 17: Second Nohr-Hoshido war ends with Hoshido conquered. Year 18: Chevalier, Muse and Nortudea conquered by Nohr. Hoshidan insurgency intensifies. Kamui starts rebellion. Year 19: Garon is overthrown by Norhian rebels. Nohr-Hoshido war ends and a peace treaty is signed. Marx is crowned King of Nohr. The main events in the story (and before the story) are: -The attempted coup by Garon's younger brother. -The first Nohr-Hoshido war. -The king of Chevalier's treachery and the assassination of King Sumeragi by King Garon. -Kamui's abduction. -The concubine wars. -The assassination of Empress Mikoto and the start of the second Nohr-Hoshido war.
  23. The avatar would be good as either a supporting protagonist or viewpoint character. In Fates, his background is certainly interesting but there are several other characters that work better as the lead protagonist.
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