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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. "Who are you!? This game is weird. I want to go home." Takumi is my spirit animal. Coming soon to a theater near you. Go to 50wavesofgray. com and input the promotional code ENLARGE THE DRAGON to get more pre-release materials.
  2. I was agreeing with you, and expanding on your point. I lot is said about how Revelations is the "golden path" and that it undermined the other two routes (it did) but the truth is, Revelation is not a good story and Conquest and Birthright wouldn't become good stories just by removing Revelation. I think I saw someone mention a single, 35 chapter game as a good length and I could get on board with that. I'd like to see multiple, consecutive story arcs like Awakening, but unlike Awakening, have them all involved with a greater narrative.
  3. While Revelation is certainly a big offender of diluting the plot of the first two routes, the story was just not well considered in general. The routes gave the impression of a larger narrative but after trimming the fat, there would barely be enough plot to fill a single game, let alone three. Revelation, supposedly the definitive story segment of Fates, can be summarized in a single sentence and the other routes aren't much better. In other words, IS can hype their story ambitions all they like but I don't want three games that had 30% effort put into them.
  4. One one hand, they made a lot of money on Fates so they might make a similar release in the future. On the other hand, I don't know if they want to be bound to the expectations (or production costs) of making 3 games again so maybe they won't. A 3 game story could be amazing if it were done well (each story being equally valid, complete and consistent with the other routes), but if Fates is any indication, IS isn't competent enough to pull it off. All of the routes in Fates suffer from a severe lack of world building and the plots themselves are half filler and nonsensical. It's saying something when you need to buy 2 DLCs just to know what the hell is going on. I'd much prefer IS putting all of their efforts into a single, coherent story. Another point is favor of one game is having access to all the classes/characters/items instead of a subset of them.
  5. I was playing a mid-late game Revelation map. I was too reckless with Kagero and some enemies surrounded her. An enemy went in for a fatal blow at 73%, but it missed. Another enemy went in for a fatal blow at 75%, and I sighed and cursed my lack of caution, but that attack missed too. I was feeling pretty good about myself and vowed to play carefully to not waste my good fortune. Near the end of the level I sent Kamui out to tank a mage. I didn't realize the mage had Dragon God but my Dread Fighter Kamui had enough res to tank it as long as it didn't crit. It did. At 6%. So I restarted and sent Shara (Oni Chieftan) to tank some Lancers. They critted with steel weapons so I had to reset. This happened twice.
  6. I like be happy to have Kozaki or Senri Kita back for the next game. Some of the armor designs could use work but I'm not really sure who is the driving force between battle panties. As long as it's not Shadow Dragon art, FE15 should be okay.
  7. Ryoma infiltrates Nohr only to be discovered by Marx.
  8. Poor thing, orphaned at such a tender age. Here, this is your teddy bear now! Stop the anti-Nohr bias! Garondorf is misunderstood!
  9. While Joker is abrasive, he does have a few supports where he shows kindness. Asama is intentionally rude, prying at people's insecurities for his own amusement. The Asama x Sakura support shot his asshole rating through the roof.
  10. I supported her with Nishiki in Revelations and really enjoyed her (reclassed her to Dark Flier asap). Her speed really is garbage but when paired up with Nishiki, given the bonuses of Horse God and the Dark Flier +2 speed, she was fast enough to not get doubled and could double the slower enemies. By herself, she was still useful with Mjolnir and Lightning, or just to seriously wound enemies. Kinu also turned out well and made a good Onmyoji.
  11. How about this for a headcanon? Apart from Azura, MANY people fled Valla and settled in Nohr/Hoshido when Anankos went berserk. After Anankos is killed and the curse is lifted(?) the survivors from Valla are able to come together to populate the new Valla?
  12. If you want to pay for less DLC, you could get the sighting lens for Anna's gift. As others have said, the Balistician skills are only usable on that class so you probably don't need more than one per file. The witch skills, however can be useful on a lot of units and if you get the witch DLC, you can get Warp scrolls in addition to as many class items as you want.
  13. Makes you wonder how the people living in the land 'donated' to Valla feel about it. "So, uh, you guys are now all citizens of New Valla. I know half of you hate the other half but try to get along with each other. Kamui is your king because reasons."
  14. I like the idea of corrupt Hoshidan officials maligning him for sympathizing with Nohr. I don't think Suzukaze should ally with Nohr in order to seek vengeance, however. That would be really ooc.
  15. This. I can understand him wanting to make up for his failure in protecting Kamui but that 'debt' pales in comparison to the damage he would do to his own homeland. How do you suppose he would react to "H-hey, Kamui? How about that selfless courage and internal reform? Kamui...?" Or when "This...is for the good of everyone... except everyone who died." Or maybe he just doesn't care. Suzukaze doesn't belong in Conquest, but then again, neither does a moral paragon like Kamui either.
  16. Your analogy is a little...off. You don't have a reason to think poorly of Germans in the modern age but if you were say, a French or English person DURING World War II and you had friends or family that were killed by Germans, you would probably have a very low opinion of them. Racism is bad, we can all agree, but it's understandable that people like Hinoka would be so prejudiced. I can't even call it a character flaw to hate people who routinely wrong you and your people. I don't see why Hinoka should have to specify that she's aware that SOME Nohrians are not horrible people. She doesn't need to spare a kind thought for an enemy nation's soldiers.
  17. Good analysis. One thing that really stood out to me was how inconsequential the game treats people joining Kamui. Many characters join him just because he seems 'trustworthy' even though Kamui's story should be impossible to believe. Apparently all you need to do is flash your 'protagonist' card and everyone will agree to follow you. The bigger issue, however, is how well your combined army of Nohrians and Hoshidans get along. There must be decades if not centuries of bad blood between the countries but very little conversation is devoted to it. The royal siblings agree to join you without too much trouble and then their subordinates join without complaint. I'd go as far to say that the issue is almost entirely side-stepped. The plot itself just seems like an excuse to recruit (almost) all of the characters. The first half of the game is basically you wandering around place to place trying to get more clues about how to fight Anankos and each time you visit a place, the boss says "Sorry, I dunno, have you tried asking_________" While Conquest and Birthright were meandering at times, Revelation almost doesn't have a plot. Rather paradoxical that the chapter of the story that is intended to be the most important for understanding the greater plot is the lightest on details.
  18. For Hinoka who has devoted much of her life to become a warrior and retrieve her lost sibling, it makes sense that she would be so emotionally invested that she doesn't consider that maybe Kamui wasn't miserable in captivity and doesn't dislike the Nohrians as much as she does. As for Kamui's reaction, I feel there are two ways to interpret this. 1. He's overwhelmed by all of these revelations about his 'true' family. 2. Hinoka's animosity towards Nohr is really awkward for him because he probably self-identifies as a Nohrian. That said, I think they were really trying to keep Kamui as neutral as possible before the route split so there wouldn't be as many inconsistencies in his attitude after the fact. But we should try to stay on topic. This is a thread about Ryoma.
  19. Eyyyy, welcome to the club. You're a little late but we saved a slice of cake for you.
  20. God dammit Phillius... Not my proudest fap.
  21. I vote Praise Takumi. It's nice to have a character that carries the animosity you'd expect from having your parents killed and country invaded. For almost everyone else, the game bends over backwards to make Kamui look like a saint (and Takumi is vilified in Conquest for even MORE Kamui praise). He's honestly one of the better written protagonists in the series, in my opinion. Isn't it unfair to single Takumi out for poor/unrealistic tactical choices when the game runs on Nonsensium? Tons of characters make tactically unsound moves with little concern of logistics but that says more about the writing of the game as a whole (and gameplay/story segregation) than particular characters. This isn't the game to play if you want realistic war tactics.
  22. I'm deeply confused by OPs view of reality here. He's going on about real-world treaties on the conduct in war...in a fictional setting and then he's acting like Ryoma needs to earn the goodwill of the nation that's invading his. Nohr in the past and present has shown to be nothing but deceptive and without mercy, but suddenly Ryoma's the bad guy for not playing (extra) nice and the obeying rules of war (that don't exist).
  23. It's kind of cheating to pick villains in general. Most of them are intentionally fugly. Anyway, my top picks are for the ugliest men and women are Gonzales and Vaida, respectively. And 50% of the cast of Shadow Dragon. I'm sorry, only beautiful people are allowed in my army.
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