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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. A lot of her soldiers are racist, it's acknowledged that they are happy to fight the Laguz on that account. Sothe calls them Laguz-hunts because from his perspective they don't have a reason to be attacking the Laguz. Micaiah is the general of her army so when she talks about not letting Pelleas or her soldiers down, she's talking about the responsibilities of her position. It's a military request by Begnion, not random lynchings. No, you got it right.
  2. Um, I was referring to his work on the Elibe characters whom are for the most part well designed in my opinion. I'm thinking the Ike DLC are was uniquely styled because it's much worse in quality to his usual designs. How so? They aren't serious business enough? No proper uniforms?
  3. You need to calm down. Begnion is at war with the Laguz and ordered Pelleas to attack their army. Micaiah is the leader of Daein's army so she attacks the Laguz Alliance forces. Did you forget that the Laguz they are "hunting" are in fact part of an organized army? They're enemy soldiers. Racism and the complexity of Micaiah's situation are very much a part of the game. But you are probably right about people getting too heated in voicing their opinions.
  4. Kozaki is a fine artist but I wouldn't mind Senri Kita or whoever did the art for the Elibe characters. Writers is a tough choice because someone's talent at one genre and/or tone doesn't necessary translate to skill at another genre. I like Urobutcher as well as the next person, but as AzureSen wrote above, his cynical tone and penchant for killing off characters might not work as well in Fire Emblem. I mean, it would probably be done better than whoever wrote the deaths in Fates but still. Fire Emblem should have moments of tragedy but not be tragic as a whole. I don't think Nasu would be a good fit either because his stories can be overly convoluted. The Tellius writers did a pretty good job and probably created the best written world so far. I'm also fond of the writing for Tactics Ogre. Fire Emblem would do well to have a story that respects itself and sticks to its themes.
  5. Until Micaiah learned about her parentage, I don't think she was ever interested in being the leader of a country. Even her job as the head of the Daein's armies was only a temporary position to her. People in Beorc societies put a lot of stock in the legitimacy of blood, our heroes included, so even if Micaiah could be a better ruler than Pelleas, she WANTS him to to be a good king. Micaiah is all about preserving peace so she wouldn't take an action that would lead to a succession crisis.
  6. They should give them as many supports as GBA characters got to flesh out their characters. Sometimes their availability hurts as well. Yukimura gets the worst of it having a late recruitment and having most of his plot-involvement happen off-screen.
  7. Have you considered getting a FHD monitor? Like, just bring it with you everywhere you go and carry a REALLY long extension cord. Thanks for the tip though, I didn't know you could do that.
  8. The middle member of Team Aqua had the most accurate strength growths. Also, there should be a Selena/Luna cover for Pokemon Moon
  9. Zero is the chillest when riding his horse. They're out-doing the gay bandit duo in obnoxious synergy. I love it.
  10. I don't think the reformation of Nazi Germany is a very good parallel. The occupation of Germany and denazification was to rebuild the country (lessons learned from the shitty treatment of Germany after WWI) . Begnion's occupation of Daein had just the opposite intention which was to further beat down an already defeated nation. By the time Micaiah liberated Daein, they were still recovering from the last war AND from a brutal occupation. They had no allies and had to spend all their attention on rebuilding the country on their own. All of Daein's leadership (save for a weak-willed boy king) were also wiped out so it's up to Micaiah to pull everything together. Does THIS sound like a country where social reform is first on the agenda? Edit: They're also still under the thumb of Begnion and can hardly resist them, even if the blood pact didn't exist.
  11. Still you, I'm afraid. Micaiah's is consistently characterized as being burdened by her responsibilities and unable to follow her convictions (preserving peace and not mistreating the Laguz). It's a difficult situation where she has to choose between her morals and the duty she feels to her country. If you can't see that and would prefer to malign her character, I can't help you.
  12. That would be pretty lame, in my opinion. "The newest game and the oldest" is what SMT x FE did and I completely lost interest especially since Awakening was 'old and busted' by the time the crossover game was released. Even if Gaiden/Jugdrel/Sacred Stones (the games not represented by characters or assist trophies in Smash) got fewer representatives, I would hope they get something in an Emblem Warriors game. Obviously you can't have every FE character in Smash although Sakurai will try, but an Emblem Warriors should have something from every FE era. Ultimately the character total is more important that the games they draw characters from. Hyrule Warriors choice of games was more about visual distinctiveness than which games "deserved" to be represented.
  13. You keep acting like Micaiah is indifferent to the treatment of Laguz when everything in the game says she does care (to the point of crying when she didn't realize how unwelcome Tormod and Muarim felt). I'll say it again, hopefully for the final time. Izuka is Pelleas' chosen adviser and she can't do anything against him. Micaiah would be committing treason to punish him. Micaiah is not Pelleas' fangirl, she's his subject and she allows her duty to country to supersede her personal wishes. As far as attacking the Laguz Alliance is concerned, it's a military interest (as decided by Pelleas under coercion by Begnion) so the race of the enemy is irrelevant. Had Pelleas ordered her to attack Crimean soldiers, it would be exactly the same.
  14. You are still ignoring the context. The victory celebration was for everyone who assisted in Daein's liberation. Micaiah wanted all of her friends to be able to celebrate their accomplishment and asked if Tormod (and by extension Muarim) could put aside his dislike of Izuka long enough for them to be together for the night. This isn't about what Micaiah thinks of Izuka (she despises him as well), it's about Micaiah wanting to be close to her friends. Tormod and Muarim are leaving the country after this so Micaiah doesn't even know the next time she'll see them. If Tormod thought Micaiah was simply ignoring Izuka's crimes, he'd be rightfully angry, but he wasn't. Micaiah isn't the leader of Daein and she is bound to serve her king, even when she doesn't agree with him. Pelleas wants to keep Izuka around and Micaiah can't tell him no. People keep talking about Micaiah like she can do whatever she likes but she is just the leader of the military and has to obey orders. The game notes her conflict of interests with Sothe confronting her on her morals and Micaiah reminding him of her duty to Pelleas and her country. An important bit of information concerning Micaiah's motives is in the 3-6 pre-battle dialogue. Daein is still in a vulnerable state and while she disagrees with attacking the Laguz Alliance personally, she feels it is in the best interest of Daein to obey Pelleas and be the inspiring leader her people need. Now imagine if someone had the bright idea of starting a civil war right after the American Revolutionary War.
  15. Daein is more racist than the countries and that's exactly why it's going to take a long time (longer than the time between part 1 and 3) to see noticeable changes. The script even notes this: Part 3 has the plot focus shift to a world war so we aren't going to be seeing a lot of domestic reforms in the meantime.
  16. Breaking bread often means making peace but it's also meant literally here. You're ignoring the context of her words. As AzureSen said above, she was trying to get her friends to stay and ask them if they could stomach their contempt for Izuka long enough for them to all enjoy the victory celebration. She says it because she wants their company, not because she thinks Izuka should be forgiven. Tormod isn't angry at Micaiah and they part on good terms. I'm not sure what you expect Micaiah to do in her position. She doesn't have the authority to send Izuka away or to punish him.
  17. Micaiah and Daein were thrust into war the moment she rose to power (and she's not even the leader of the country). I think it's safe to say she didn't like the racism and would have made efforts to curb it after the war but she can't just snap her fingers and say "Okay everyone, let go of your long standing prejudices because I said so." Also, it should be said that all Beorc nations (even Crimea) were racist to some degree, Daein just happened to be the worst.
  18. Okay, I think we see eye to eye on this now. Someone bust out the party hats and champagne. I think part of the reason people blame Kamui so much for Conquest is his character isn't well defined. Naivete is a canon element of his character but even in the routes where Kamui isn't backing Team Baby Eater, the naivete doesn't influence his behavior very much (he shouldn't have trusted Anthony but that was a non-issue that Kamui was quickly pardoned for). I suppose you could look at him defending Rinka and Suzukaze and nearly being killed for it as an example but we never really see it again as a trait with consequences. Unfortunately, we don't have a better canon Kamui to compare to, so my overall appraisal remains low. But I will acknowledge he could have been better if the writing around him wasn't so dismal.
  19. Of course the plot is railroading him but you can't separate his character from the writing. We can't say "Corrin is the kind of person who usually makes smart decisions but the plot forced him to be dumb" unless we want to judge him by his Revelation and Birthright personalities, and say that choosing Nohr (and all the dumb choices thereafter) was OOC. It's hard to phrase this but I want to know what you think Corrin's value was before Conquest railroaded him. You say what happened wasn't his fault, but what were his core principles that were misrepresented by the plot? Corrin's naivete is only ever brought up as a positive to show how innocent he is (his penchant for trusting people). No one broaches the topic that Corrin realistically shouldn't be in a position of leadership or that Corrin wants to do more but is limited by his inability to trust his siblings. These would be legitimate reasons for his poor judgements, but the plot never acknowledges (directly or implied) that as a reason. Corrin just makes bad choices. All of the main characters make bad choices in Conquest. [spoiler=Things Corrin should know better] "Why join Nohr when Garon is a bad dude who tried to turn him in to a Ganglari suicide bomb? Corrin didn't "join Nohr". He sided with the siblings (family) who have been there all his life and loved him." Garon is the king of Nohr. It's part of the package when you return to Nohrian society. When the most powerful man in Nohr wants you dead, even for your siblings, you should not go back. "Why follow all of Garon's unreasonable and ridiculous demands? Even if Corrin wasn't smart enough to figure out they can't take Garon on single-handedly at that point (doubtful), I'm pretty sure they know they can't take on an entire nation (they aren't Robin :D )." Corrin should be smart enough to not go back to a man who is going to make him do things he doesn't agree with (such as warmongering and killing prisoners). Corrin has no plan to stop the war so he's entirely at fault for putting himself in a state of helplessness. "Besides, early on, Azura hasn't made clear Garon's true nature either, so Corrin may have been suffering some of the same lingering familial attachments that so plague the rest of the royal cast." Garon wasn't a nice guy even before the Gooron reveal. And by 'not a nice guy' I mean he attempted to have Corrin murdered several times before the route split even happened. I think they could have made a good better plot if it showed Corrin struggling in a world he doesn't understand, surrounded by people who (in their efforts to shield him from everything) don't help him. Alas, Corrin is portrayed as a classic hero with painful amounts of protagonist-centered morality. Maybe this is what Phillius was talking about...
  20. I think if they were going to choose additional characters outside of the protagonists/villains, they shouldn't leave it up to a popularity poll. Those can get notoriously skewed and probably wouldn't be a good representation of all the classes and mechanics Fire Emblem is known for. So it's basically an exact copy of Smash representation? Not that I disagree with your prediction but...
  21. A lot of people blame the characters other than Corrin. Xander for his stubborn loyalty to a monster, Azura for her nonsensical plan and most of the siblings for coddling the main character. Defenders of Nohrrin often bring up his naivete and the behavior of his siblings to justify the plot, but the plot never addresses these as actual problems. When does the game say that Corrin was making bad choices because of his sheltered life? When does Corrin express frustration at his inability to trust his siblings? The game doesn't frame Corrin and his siblings as flawed. Their behavior is just to railroad the plot towards a conquest.
  22. I'd say he's a blend of anti-villain and a classic hero. He's consistently trying to do the right thing and sparing as many lives as possible making him a classic hero, but his willingness to side with the bad guys (and this is the more favorable interpretation) to reach a noble goal makes him an anti-villain. Alternatively he's a tragic hero (by his own appraisal) and always considered his actions were for the greater good. The only sorta anti-hero thing he does is kill Ganz and Macbeth, and considering it was more self-defense than his own assassination attempt, it's still pretty close to classic hero.
  23. This is perfect, it perfectly nails the awkwardness of the S support.
  24. Not many, but from what I've heard, Support!Xander and Story!Xander are two different people and I can't stand Story!Xander. Azura can be a good character too if you ignore her story presence and look at her supports. *necessary peace-making gesture to Phillius* That's probably why Femui consistently ranks higher than Mamui, because she's cute and people wish they could waifu her.
  25. Marth: We're faced with a force far greater than our own. Tacticians! Give me your best idea on the count of three. 1, 2, 3! Micaiah and Robin: Mass immolation! Micaiah: ...Did we just become best friends? Robin: Yepp! Sigurd: You people disgust me.
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