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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. TFW No one wants to hear you sing "Lost in Thoughts, All Alone" or, alternative caption: "I'm so happy I could sing, but I won't."
  2. As long as they get the timing right, I think it's okay to have. I like the updated portraits some characters got, plus it can be used for story developments.
  3. Fates has some bothersome issues in regards to weapon exp, and I'm liking a lot of the solutions I'm reading here. My ideal set up would have 3 elements. 1. If two base classes share a promotion path, those base classes would share their primary weapon. Fighter!Heroes, Mercenary!Bow Knights etc, are getting screwed because their primary weapon has a lower weapon rank cap. 2. Promoted classes would have a minimum of D-rank in all weapons they can use. Bronze weapons are terrible and it disincentivizes you to use your secondary weapon (lol Master Ninja with swords). 3. Brass weapons would be switched with "training" weapons which do low damage but give you a lot more weapon exp.
  4. Hm, I'm not really a fan of third tiers, to be honest. It reaches a point where each class does too many things and there is a lot of overlap with other classes. I'm also a bit put off by characters changing mounts after promoting (ex Wyvern Knight to Sky Knight). The (flying) mounted characters in Fire Emblem are usually close to their mounts, and even name them. It seems weird they would just ditch them for a new species. For some positive feedback, I will say that the second chart is a bit more coherent than the first. Chimera is also an interesting mount idea that I haven't heard suggested elsewhere.
  5. But wait, there's more! Trap Master:Daggers reduce enemy stats by an additional 2 points. Assassinate: When the enemy can’t counterattack, damage +5 and critical hit +20. Longbolt: Range with bows +1 Blood Magic: When equipped with a tome or magic weapon, deal +4 damage but lose 10% health after combat. Phantom Curse: When the user triggers the battle and defeats an enemy, a phantom is summoned. The phantom has the stats and equipment of the unit but only 1 HP.
  6. My idea for Master of Arms was for them to have Arms Mastery at level 5 and Bowbreaker at level 15. I think I guy deflecting arrows with his sword makes more sense than a Sorcerer having that skill. Ah, I should have been more specific. By "act again" I mean they can take any action besides movement. Say you have two paired allies, you have them move > attack > switch > [any action that doesn't require movement]. There would probably be a clause that says "only once per turn" like Galeforce.
  7. I can't wait for the popular Fates characters, Odin, Selena and Laslow to appear in the next game, Fire Emblem: It's the Last Time, We Promise
  8. As much I like some members of the Fates cast, characters shouldn't be transferred over to new games (if it's a brand new world). They had their time to shine. Time to move aside for a new cast of characters. Fates as 6 characters taken directly from Awakening and more than a few others who are near expies.
  9. I wonder how the plot would have been different had she replaced Kamui. Would she still be bound to inaction or would knowing the plot details let her act sooner? There is an idea, what if Azura was a protagonist who knows most of the story details, but the player is only told things bit by bit, as revealed by her actions.
  10. Canto for mounted units and Shove for unmounted! Combat Medic: When the lead unit in a Guard Stance, the support unit heals %20 HP at the start of your turn. Execute: Select the 'Execute' command to increase your damage by 5 and critical hit by 20. Defense and Resistance -5 and critical evade -20 after combat. Feedback: Damage increased by an amount equal to Enemy Magic/2 Tag-team: Paired allies may switch after taking an action and take another action. Arms Mastery: If you have the weapon triangle advantage, double the bonuses. This sounds like a much more reasonable alternative to the Hexing Rod. Heck, they could design a whole level designed around all the enemies having that skill.
  11. This isn't really unpopular. Even among the people who generally praise Conquest's map design, most don't care for the difficulty spike of late game.
  12. Now we know why the leaf swimsuit didn't make it into the localized version. It was re-purposed for food in Nohr. Along with Kamui's shoes and the pants for female class outfits.
  13. Although she is[spoiler=Revelation] Vallite royalty, which technically makes her a lord, it hardly comes up in the plot so she's mostly just a plot important dancer, like Ninian. She's not required to use, you won't get a game over when she dies and she's not in charge of the army.
  14. I quite liked Kael before his debut in World of Contrived Conflicts. That game had a knack for ruining all its lore. WoW was just a setback! I would agree that "he went crazy and became a raid boss" is a weak excuse for villainy, if not for the fact that dark magic being corrupting is an important element of world building in Elibe. It affects multiple characters and even Nergal comments on how he can't even remember why he sought power. Nergal's character is actually pretty tragic as opposed to Validar or Gooron who are just "for teh evuls". Edit: The difference between Nergal and WoW!Kael'thas is that Kael arbitrary chooses to betray all of his allies and side with the demons who are ultimately responsible for the destruction of his kingdom. None of his corruption is really explained, it's just "He went crazy or something". Dark magic in Elibe, however, is established as having the risks of harming the user (Brammimond and Canas' brothers), so Nergal's corruption is consistent with the elements of the setting.
  15. The lines were most likely directed at the player to say "she's technically legal" rather than comment on historical values of maturity. Later Elise says "I'm not a child. I'm just short for my age" which indicates the localization wants you to believe "she's an 18 year old who looks suspiciously like a 12 year old". Nyx (and Nowi before her) also has the body of a child but they pass the age test.
  16. The whole thing is really screwy time-wise, with parents spending undisclosed amounts of time in the baby-realm (not to mention those magic 1 day pregnancies), but I just realized another problem with it. So we can say that every 1st gen parent is stupid and irresponsible for having children in the middle of a war, but what does that say about the characters who have a SECOND child (anyone married to Azura of Femui)? They know full well how bad an idea it was to have children at this time but said "lol, lets get another bun in the oven". And then there is Kamui getting married to a 2nd gen and having a child, knowing the sort of damage that will do to a child. It's kind of sad how close the Avatar is with Kanna, despite them WILLINGLY putting them in that dangerous situation. Fates!children just gets more and more disturbing by the moment.
  17. [spoiler=GoT] While I would say SOME characters have plot armor, (Dany and Ramsey stand out), I wouldn't say Tyrion or Jon do. Both characters survive but they have to use all their wits and they suffer a lot to hold onto life. Plot armor is more akin to contrived circumstances that prevent a character from failing.
  18. While I think Fates' implementation of Falcon Knights (such low Mag growth) was poor, staves aren't a bad idea in principle. Putting them on a Falcon Knight gives you a healer with 8 movement, that isn't affected by terrain. It's also the only Lance/Staff combo in the game. I like GBA and GC era Falcon Knights as well, but considering Paladins are also 8 movement Lance/Sword users, there is a fair bit of overlap.
  19. About the world map, I'd be fine with it being handled like Tellius, with no manual map checking but inter-chapter narration to keep us up to speed on who's who, what's happening and where we are going. Base conversations are also great. All of this but especially the point on marriages. While King Desmond was undoubtedly a terrible person, the drama that came from his loveless political marriage was quite interesting. I'd be interested in seeing a lot more political drama in the story. One idea I had for a future implementation of the Avatar system was requiring the Avatar marry into a faction for their military/political support ala Robb Stark in GoT. Players would be able to satisfy their shipping urges and the choice would affect gameplay and story. Allying with one faction would get you unique support but may put you at ends with rival factions. Marriage is a popular mechanic, and political marriages are a great source of drama. Why hasn't this happened yet? Concerning Avatars in general, I see two ways the game can handle it. 1. Make them a minor character, whose personality is selected by the player at creation (which alters their support pool). They are the tactician of the group but they aren't any more integral than Soren is to PoR/RD. 2. Make them a main character with a pretermined personality, that doesn't try to be the generic "pleases everyone" everyman. Let them make mistakes, let them grow, and don't be afraid of offending players by making their self-insert less than perfect. You can customize their looks and gameplay but the character is their own. This is a more honest (and competent) approach to what they did with Kamui. Radiant Dawn did a lot to avert this in its endgame antagonists. Most of them were pretty clealry villains but Ashera, Lekain, Sephiran and Zelgius were fairly attractive.
  20. For weapon exp and weapon level caps, I would propose this solution. 1. Only have classes share a promotion path if they use the same primary weapon. For example, Fighters and Mercenaries both promote to Hero in Fates but Heroes only have a max of B rank axes, which favors Mercenary!Heroes over Fighter!Heroes. Instead, they should have Myrmidon and Mercenary share Weapon Master so they'll specialize in swords either way. Alternatively you could have character specific caps, Fighter!Heroes A ranking in axes and Mercenary!Heroes A ranking in swords. 2. Make promoted classes have a minimum of D rank in all equipable weapons. Also make the weapon exp faster because you aren't getting to S rank (or sometimes even A rank) without arms scrolls. Most bosses are stationary which necessitates they have a 1-2 range weapon. The 1-2 range weapons used by players have heavy drawbacks to make them situational. If bosses had the "standard" versions of these weapons, they'd get slaughtered.
  21. Probably Conquest. It really is some of the best map design in the series, although I don't think you'd go wrong with Birthright either.
  22. This is my opinion. Gameplay is naturally an important aspect for what makes a solid game but a lot of games are greatly enhanced by their story. To make a food analogy, you need bread for a sandwich, but a sandwich with just bread will be less appetizing. Likewise, if the part in between the bread is rotten, you'll like the whole thing less. Some games will be more story based and some will be pure gameplay. They cater to different tastes and that's okay.
  23. Plot armor is relative. If most characters survive/can be expected to survive, there won't be many accusations of plot armor. If death/defeat is a common reality, those who defy logic by surviving are going to stand out more. A good narrative will punish characters for their mistakes, or if they don't want to punish them, don't have them make mistakes.
  24. A lot of alcoholic drinks can be an acquired taste. I mostly drink beer and wine, and I don't touch hard liquor. When it comes to drinks, it really depends on the occasion or food for what tastes good. I'll have a beer with my dinner because it complements the taste of a lot of food and takes the edge off the day. After a day of manual labor, a hard lemonade really hits the spot. At parties, I like to drink champagne or other kinds of wine. OP should only drink what they are comfortable with. I only drank lightly during my teen years and even now I don't drink heavily except for the odd social occasion.
  25. This is basically what I want in a lord. Someone useful and competent but not broken. Ideally, we'd have characters that have high utility like Kamui but balanced strength with the rest of your army. Hector is a good standard for overall strength; an effective unit but not invincible.
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