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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. -I like Micaiah and was very disappointed for her minimal role in the story. -I'd like it if light magic (and dark magic) returned if only for flavor reasons. Wind/Fire/Thunder was a boring magic trinity -I like Laguz a lot more in RD than PoR -I don't have strong feelings for Tharja but her fans and haters move my opinion on her to mild dislike. I always play the games on classic normal. The harder difficulties are doable but they become so tedious that I stop enjoying them. No casualty runs are enough strategy to keep me stimulated. What would this theoretically mid-ground between Casual and Phoenix be? Not for me. Of all the FEs that I disliked when they first released, only Path of Radiance has been taken off the scrappy pile. I still loathe Shadow Dragon for its minimalism and ugly visual style (nearly dropped out of Fire Emblem entirely after that) and Awakening, while not as horrible as some people make it out to be, still has a lot of things I dislike, which were made far, far worse in Fates.
  2. Mah boi! Contrived story elements are the name of the game in Fates! In regards to the origin of Dragon Vein... A lot of them are "use as soon as possible" but others have interesting situational uses or are used by the enemy.
  3. Each effect is fixed and can usually only be activated once. It's an okay feature, in my opinion. Some dragon vein options are strategic but a lot of the time it just feels like an obligation to completing the chapter in a timely manner. Chapter 4, Seigbert's paralogue and the Hoshido chapter where you visit the wind village stand out as being tedious unless you use DV.
  4. It's kind of sad we can't discuss theoretical remakes without half the forum shouting "No, don't do that! IS would ruin it!". I mean, I don't have much faith in IS either but we're just talking about what we'd WANT to have for a remake, right?
  5. I'd love this but only if certain established character relationships (Bartre x Karla, Pent x Louise, Jaffar x Nino) were left untouched. They could add in a few more children characters and (possibly) remove some other minor characters. All that said, I seriously doubt IS has the restraint to not make another Avatar obsessed, waifu game.
  6. I edited the OP with all of the material I have received so far. Sorry for not posting more of my own ideas lately. I wanted to see more of the localization changes before I really dig into my rewrite.
  7. If it makes anyone feel better, swimsuits almost never show up in the game. The only times they show up are for the hotsprings and the changing room. They don't even show up if you look at people walking around in My Castle.
  8. I thought I was the only one who told a thunder storm to suck my dick. I suppose. I still think it stands out in tone from most of Kamui's lines. The Japanese lines, for example, just have him reassuring Kanna that he'll protect her but English!Kamui suddenly goes "Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!". It just sounds unnecessarily angry/blood-thirsty to me. Kamui is a pretty mild guy, in general. I'm curious to see if the other parents will be so... vengeful in the defense of their children.
  9. The threat's intentions make a difference though. Concern for your loved ones stays the same regardless but usually anger is reserved for malicious intent. Imagine if the foe was a bear and Kamui had the same line. The bear is just there to eat you, no need to act offended. Alternatively the threat could be a storm and Kamui would unironically shout "Fuck you storm!" Sounds silly, doesn't it?
  10. I can't see myself using such a feature unless it was an Ironman mode (you have a few chances to undo screw ups or random crits and the cost of valuable money). In classic, I'm just going to reset if a character dies. It's part of the challenge. I wouldn't reduce their levels or stats though. They're already missing out on exp by not being around up until you resurrect them let alone reducing them even further. The feature could be presented as a hospital that heals their crippling wounds.
  11. I've said my part for the logic behind the children so I'll comment that Kamui's line of "soaking the field" with the blood of his enemies hilariously over the top. Are the invisible enemies even sentient? That level of rage doesn't fit with enemies that aren't targeting Kana out of personal malice.
  12. It's pretty much how Phillius said above. Working through a video game character's insecurities is as simple and assured as clicking through some conversations. Real life on the other hand requires patience and there are no promises of improvement. A lot of 'anime' tropes don't translate well into real life. A tsundere in real life is just a girl who is rude and hard to please. Interesting observation but I understood Kamui's relationship with Takumi a little bit differently. Rather than be subservient by weakness of personality, I think Kamui was being humble to ask for Takumi's approval. He could just tell Takumi to deal with it but he's trying to find common ground with him.
  13. Maybe I had this discussion with you or someone else on the forum but I think people are often attracted to people who need them in some way. A person with weaknesses or insecurities is an opportunity for you to leap in and be their hero. At least, that's how it often works for guys and the "moe" genre. I assume girls have different ideas about what personality traits make someone attractive. I don't think people would enjoy dating a guy with as much baggage as Takumi, in real life.
  14. I think Anankos could have just given the sword to the assassins without Kamui's help. They certainly had hostile intentions but had no trouble getting into Hoshido. If I recall correctly, the barrier doesn't prevent hostile people from entering, it just prevents them from having hostile feelings once they arrive (not that it really matters because Kamui is knocked out before being dragged into Hoshido).
  15. Damn you Phillius. Two can play at this game. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Well written incest will have to wait for fanfiction.
  16. This is my view on the matter. Spouse skinship or chuldren skinship makes sense. Skinship for everyone was just creepy and tedious.
  17. I'm not opposed to incest as a concept (my favorite fantasy epic has incest as one of its central plot points), just with how indifferently Fates handles such a heavy subject. There are so many dimensions to incestuous relationships but Fates boil it as only slightly more complex than a standard romance. I could see Camilla, Marx and maybe Ryoma possibly being attracted to Kamui but even then, Camilla is the only one that showed a definite attraction to you before S supports. The most frustrating thing of incestuous relationships is that it leaves your canon relationship with characters dubious. Schrodinger's Incest: Until the S support, your siblings are both attracted to you and not attracted to you. In regards to your spoiler. It seems completely pointless and adds nothing to the story besides making another incest pairing.
  18. It's not like anyone is saying "take out sister incest but leave brother incest in". I don't have plans for marrying my Femui to any of the brothers.
  19. Well I'll counter your laughing with more laughing when it's confirmed that the rubbing part is still cut. Seriously guys, y'all in a rush to pull out your victory trumpets but it's still unconfirmed.
  20. Do you know any actual people with the name Kaden? I googled it but only found references to the western name Kaden (an arabic origin name, apparently).
  21. Subaki. Kaden (consumer electronics?) is also questionable as a name. We live in a globalized society. If Nohrians and Hoshidans often merged, that argument might have full ground but it appears they don't (Ashura is the only Hoshidan that is known to live in Nohr and no Nohrians live in Hoshido, as far as I am aware).
  22. Maybe, but as far as they've confirmed, skinship is still 99% out of the game and whether that last 1% counts or not is a matter of interpretation. I always associated 'skinship' with the rubbing of characters, while they mutter affectionate phrases, until their heart meter fills out, so I still consider Kotaku completely correct here. Getting on Kotaku's case about the subjective 1% is about as petty as attacking someone's typos to say their whole argument was worthless. If the full rubbing feature is still in the game, I'll agree with the Kotaku bashers, however.
  23. Wait, that's not an accurate portrayal of both sides of the argument? An Orwellian government might be nice. Personally, I wouldn't concern myself with 'things that might cause drama in the fandom' (ie everything). People had their wars over skinship, but I think the new implementation of skinship/Live2D is better for the game so it was all worth it.
  24. Agreed with the above. As much as people want to say their rage against Kotaku was justified, it doesn't sound like they were wrong. All they've confirmed is that the 'wake up' and 'post bath blow' (Phrasing!) events are in. We don't know if the full rubbing feature is back.
  25. I didn't call you an idiot, I was accusing you of choosing the least likely interpretation in order to defend the localization choice. You're not really considered an adult until you're 18 in America (and you still can't drink lol) and 20 in Japan. "Technically" an adult is older than 15-16 in both the creators' culture and one of their largest western audience's culture (since we're talking about NoA). Citing examples of select cultures who have a much lower understanding of adulthood is meaningless. If they want tell us that Elise is acting immature for her age, they could have chosen more natural sounding dialogue but they wanted to specifically mark her as "technically an adult". Even if the line was to inform about Nohr's culture or just innocent banter (as you seem to believe), it would still be a hilariously awkward line. I hope we can agree on this at least. I predicted they would age her up, but I didn't say I'd approve of it as a justification for sexy times. You can call Elise a pint-sized 18 year old but I'll call you a liar. The greater sin is still on Japan for making it an option in the first place but NoA is handling it poorly with blatant lies. That's why I snark on things like this.
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