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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Japanese Camilla oozes sex appeal but English Camilla gives me the image of a grandma at church who pinches your cheek and speaks to you like you're a small animal.
  2. Camilla sounds like an old woman and Hinoka like she has a sore throat. Yeaaaah, think I'll be playing with the Japanese voices on.
  3. For some reason I see Nyx as Arthur's villainous partner. Nyx: Arthur, pull the lever! Wrong leveeeeeeeeeer! That bad luck is contagious.
  4. Voltorb Flip Contrary to what Sentinel07 posted, It's actually a lot of fun and requires strategy to win. It's a better game that slots, in my opinion.
  5. You're still able to get access to some classes of the other version. In Hoshido, for example, just from their default classes, you have access to Outlaw, Wyvern Rider, Troubadour and Cavalier. When you factor in reclasses, you also get access to Fighter, Mercenary and Knight. Dark Mage and Wolfskin are the only classes completely unavailable through the non-avatar characters. But wait, there's more! You also get to choose your Avatar's secondary class so you could choose any other base class in the game and share that class with your Avatar's spouse. Nohr is a bit worse, losing access to Oni Savage, Spear Fighter and Kitsune, but you can get Oni Savage or Spear Fighter with your avatar.
  6. People only heard about the original plans for skinship when the Making of Fire Emblem book came out, long after the game came out in Japan. The "REALLY outrageous" form of skinship never saw the light of day, so it's not something to address in an interview for the localization. He's just responding to the possible exaggerated claims of what the current skinship really is.
  7. I can just imagine it now... Saizo: What are you doing, son!? Your name is supposed to be Saizo! not!Gaius: That was my old name, Father. Now I want to be called...Sugar. Saizo: ...What? not!Gaius: Mother said it sounded sweet! Kids these days, always trying to act hard and give themselves tough names.
  8. Diviner, Sky Knight and Wolfskin sound pretty cool. Pretty meh on a lot of the other changes. At least Oboro kept her name.
  9. (The names of the Japanese games are Byakuya Oukoku and Anya Oukoku. Hoshido and Nohr are the localized names of the kingdoms.)
  10. You can get support points by doing My Castle battles. The points you would get from skinship is extremely negligible.
  11. If they can find a new, not-sketchy-as-fuck use of the Live2D assets, I'd consider that a solid victory for the localization. I do like looking at the character models up close but would prefer a more savory application.
  12. I've made peace with my salt so I'm rather indifferent to it coming back (I still don't approve but whatevs) or not. I don't believe they would remove it. Looking at the quote, they don't specifically deny there will be skinship. They basically defend the Japanese version, saying "There isn't anything weird in the Japanese version either", It sounds more like they are saying "The English version won't have inappropriate (in their mind) groping, just like the Japanese version! It's all above the shoulders!" I'm going to laugh at you all later for overreacting.
  13. Not as bad but similar in application. The alleged main character gets sidelined by a character who is almost universally loved and more integral to the plot. It's not that I don't think Ike should be relevant, but you shouldn't advertise a new protagonist if you want to give the bulk of the story relevance to an old character. Robin didn't really hijack the plot, so much as share it with Chrom.
  14. You joke about a Mary-Sue MU taking over the plot but that's basically what happens to Michaiah after Ike shows up in RD.
  15. It only takes 15 visitor/battle points to get them all so it's ridiculously easy to get them.
  16. Your thoughts on Matoi match mine. Matoi isn't nearly as interesting as Cordelia after losing her "lone survivor" past. She lost the unrequited love obsession (thankfully) but all she has left is why-must-I-be-so-perfect false modesty.
  17. I think the person you were responding to meant it in the way modern people do, ie people who can't reproduce naturally so they rely on surrogates and donors. Whether that's appropriate for a video game or not is debatable but suggesting this would lead to NTR, swingers and gay conversion was completely uncalled for.
  18. I don't think something like a sperm donor or surrogate mother are going to be included in a game that has such a PG depiction of how procreation works. I could see adoption but... As for there being children or not in FE15, I wouldn't bet against it. Fates shows you don't need a logical reason for how or why children exist, and the dating sim aspect is as popular as ever.
  19. The Silas x Sakura S rank deserves mention, not because Silas is a jerk (in this support) but just because the two barely converse in their C-A and then suddenly Silas offers her a marriage proposal for her base level concern. As far as the Asama/Sakura world building goes, I haven't read his support with Hinoka but unless he brings it up there, I don't think "princesses aren't supposed to do anything" holds any merit for Hoshidan society. Hinoka fights as do many other noble-born women. To me, it just sounds like Asama was being a envious asshat to Sakura (which in itself is pointless and mean spirited because he's probably well off as a royal retainer). It's surprising Asama kept his head considering his 'lack of tact' to put it kindly.
  20. Wow, what an incredibly petty asshole. "Get a load of this modest bitch! She should act more like a spoiled bitch, that bitch!" "Everyone is talking about how I'm an asshole so I'll make an insincere apology by handing over this trinket. That dumb bitch will probably accept it." And finally Sakura in the S support "You've been nothing but a petty asshole to me from the start but I understand now that I love you." Of all the wtf S ranks in this game... Asama is getting killed off in my next playthrough.
  21. Midoriko has a good enough personality but Kinu (PLAY TIME) and Matoi (Ugh, why am I so perfect?) can be grating. I'm not too familiar with Shinonome but he looks pretty cool. Overall, most of the kids besides Midoriko don't give you anything new so they're are just kinda there if you really want to use them.
  22. Ah, I forgot the children existed. I don't care for any of the Hoshidan kids besides Shinonome, Matoi, Midoriko and Kinu, and that's 50% based on their appearance.
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