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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I liked Kamui's outfit (Femui's thigh holes are a little silly though) but it's true that the tactician robes can't be beat. It's exquisitely detailed but at the same time doesn't seem overdesigned. In addition to the outfit, I think sword/tome is a popular combination.
  2. Robin had the tactician thing going for them at least. Kamui just feels like a generic shonen hero.
  3. I wonder if the removal of the language barrier after the international version is released will change certain people's minds about wedding their siblings in game. Hearing "What will mother think?" and "I love you sister" might be more of a turn off in your own language that what we hear in Japanese. Then again, I have a big feeling that Treehouse will severely cut down on the sibling relationship vibe after you pass A-rank. The S-supports will probably be rewritten to hammer in how non-familial you felt about your siblings and that you always loved them romantically. And then they have to explain marriage and children. Localizing this game sounds like a lot of fun.
  4. Ironically, his C-A supports with her have him firmly resisting her advances and it's only until their S support that he does a 180 and says he wants to marry her. It probably has more to do with her being overbearing (and that C-A supports are supposed to neutral to allow other marriages to still make sense) rather than a respect for her emotional state but there you go.
  5. 1. Naw, not as of yet. 2. I don't think Mikoto needs to be shady. That role can be given to other Hoshidans who might try to stage a coup or something. 3. Ganz is going to be mostly the same but have some new motivations. Rather than him attacking Kamui and Gunter at the Infinite Chasm, it will be his brother. After allowing the Hoshidans to capture Kamui in order to save his own hide, Garon executes Ganz' brother for cowardice and from that point on, Macbeth holds that threat over Ganz as well, if he doesn't serve Garon faithfully. Macbeth will also be mostly untouched but will be pushing the Hoshido-Nohr conflict to increase his own land-holdings. 4. No monsters (like the Faceless) but there might be a few instances of possessed enemies. 5. Kamui will treat with neutral parties within the western and eastern halves of the continent but none with more influence than Hoshido and Nohr. 5. Yes, and for some of his friends as well. Hopefully, the deaths will be significant events developing Kamui's personality and not "Oh, that happened" forced drama.
  6. There is nothing wrong with being a momcon. I liked her hair and outfit a lot and was pleased that Sakura got the outfit at least as a War Priestess. I recall seeing a Femui edit that had Mikoto's hair and it looked great. [spoiler=DLC someday?]
  7. Here here. What characters do in their off time could do a lot to paint an image of their character and the culture they live it. Was he? Generics in Fates are some of the best looking in the series so I'd believe it.
  8. He is a little same-facey but the outfits and atmosphere he creates are top notch. Based Kozaki... if only you were in charge of making the class outfits.
  9. 1. Mishandled. There is nothing really wrong with Kamui, it's just how the story treats them. Don't make Kamui the center of all attention and punish them for poor choices and you have a serviceable character. 2. I wouldn't say that all 4 (for each side) are needed for a good story but they aren't necessarily a detriment to the story either. It's okay if some siblings don't get as much attention (I don't really care so much about Sakura) as long as they offer something to the plot. 3. I believe supernatural elements can cheapen the human drama of a story so it would be better for the plot to focus on one thing or another. It wouldn't be impossible to write for both, if you had a talented writer. 4. Of course! A lot of Fates is just dicking around without really moving the plot forward in a meaningful way. There is plenty of time if you trim the fat. 5. It can be removed with barely any alteration of the plot but I feel like Kamui's dragon heritage gives him an edge on being a valued individual in the conflict. 6. He needn't be the final boss for both routes but he plays a big role in my vision of Nohr. Because Kamui's choice for Nohr is a choice of loyalty over righteousness, there is a lot of parallels between Kamui, Marx and Garon. 7. Personally, I prefer my protagonists in stories (at least ones in interactive mediums) to be sympathetic, even if they are flawed and make mistakes. I couldn't enjoy the plot of Final Fantasy Tactics because the MC was such a selfish and thoughtless person (made worse because the plot didn't consider his viewpoint flawed). 8. Hydra, Shenmei, Felicia, Lilith, Eponine, Soleil, Foleo, Lutz, Sophie and Shigure so far.
  10. Definitely more of that, please. You can make sensual characters without dressing them like strippers. I liked Camilla for the "big sis" appeal anyway, so more clothes (mostly the the 'pants' department) can only improve the design.
  11. Hm... according to the wiki, Fates!Pegasus Knights don't have unique skills (two from Dark Falcon and two from Falcon Warrior) so I would hope or expect them to have new skills if they became more widely available DLC but considering the existence of Shadowgift, who can really say. They also have a max S-rank on lances so that's kind of interesting. I would have preferred a lance and sword combo like GBA era Falcon Knights.
  12. That's disappointing. They should have just made Dark Magic (ie Nosferatu) part of the Witch class if they weren't going to expand on what the skill allows you to use... And this is DLC of all things. Additional content that you PAY for. Did no one realize this was a problem?
  13. Lame, I was hoping for a free Anna DLC. Oh well. I wonder if there will be more dark magic with the witch DLC to make Shadowgift worthwhile.
  14. Probably Kamui, although if the Infinite Chasm is still the entrance to Touma, Gunter might be possessed by a lesser dragon and become an enemy. So many ideas to juggle around, but if I decide to work on a 3rd route (the hardest because the framework would have to be built from scratch), it will be after the other two. I've only committed to writing Nohr so far.
  15. Interesting lore. Is this just the background information or will it come up in the story proper? That's an interesting idea, but it would probably clash with the themes of the other two routes. Kamui is trying to do the right thing, no matter whom he sides with so joining the world conquering dragon might be out of character for both Kamui and anyone who would side with him.
  16. All this talk about Macbeth is giving me ideas about a 3rd route Big Bad. "Man behind the man" is a nice theme but it's hard to have them involved with the other two routes, but not undermining their reason for existing. Fate's story is an example of the first two routes only being possible because of dumb plot devices. So, here's my idea for a third route scenario. Before the creation of Nohr and Hoshido, when the continent was still one, dragons ruled and humans were mere servants to the dragons. After a war between the dark dragon Anankos and the light dragon Sylvanos, the land became inhospitable to dragon-kind, and the remaining dragons fled to a spirit plane (Touma). The villain of this route was the wife of Anankos, and the one who convinced him to start the war (Macbeth influences). This character wishes to return to the physical world and restore the dragons' power there but the world is still unlivable for them. So she hatches a plan to breed humans with the potential to be the vessels that can hold the spirits of dragons (ie manaketes). The most important dragon she wants to revive is Anankos but she needs a special vessel to accomplish that. Garon is a decent choice but there may be an even better vessel in Hoshido... The most difficult problem to address, of course, is what this character will be doing in the routes you aren't directly facing her.
  17. Hm? I think he's meant to be a tragic character, someone who intended to do great things but damned himself (literally) by his flaws (desire for vengeance). After Frostmourne takes his soul, he's not really himself anymore.
  18. But then you risk Kamui being unsympathetic. Flawed protagonists, or villain protagonists can be likeable or appreciated in spite of themselves (see; Walter White) but if they lack the necessary flair, they're just a jerk the audience doesn't want to watch, let alone succeed. Toning down the affection is one thing, but more important is giving her more character traits and motivations besides being with Kamui. Make her smart, make her driven, give her a role in the story that let's her use her talents.
  19. The challenging thing for me is making his concern for the Hoshido siblings sound reasonable. I'm not adopted to the best of my knowledge, but honestly, where does orange hair come from? so I can't really relate to the feeling of being concerned about blood-related people I've never met. Mikoto is somewhat understandable because she sacrifices herself for Kamui and Kamui likely grew up without a mother figure. The others are harder to justify, at least to the extent that Kamui is devastated if any of them die.
  20. Buy the game in Japanese. You'll be supporting the company that makes the games you enjoy and you won't have to spend a ton of money on another 3DS. Or wait for the English release, if you.d enjoy it more in your own language.
  21. That's the "lore" behind the bigotry and something discussed and understood better if Kamui sides with Hoshido. The way it would manifest (besides hateful slurs) would be indiscriminate attacks on Nohrians, soldiers or otherwise, including any Hoshidans who collaborate with them. I'm imagining a situation like when the imperial Japanese army had compulsory mass suicides in Okinawa. Nohrian civilians would be attacked for being foreigners and Hoshidan civilians will be attacked for "assisting the occupation" by not dying when they were supposed to. Hm... considering I'm going to have Garon's forces respond to such attacks with brutal retribution, maybe I've set a fight between the Nazis and Imperial Japanese army... Let them fight.
  22. I want to finish up Nohr before I think about going onto Hoshido but I'm already coming up with ideas for the character of their people. Nohr is ruthless and expansionist (by necessity) but I want to make Hoshido extremely prejudiced and dismissive of Nohr's problems. I think there will be many Hoshidans, including Ryoma at first, who believe that Hoshido's bountiful land and Nohr's desolate country are proof of the gods' wishes for whom they want to succeed. Thus, the Hoshidans think it's appropriate that Nohrians suffer while Hoshidans thrive. It's kind of a religious motivated version of Social Darwinism "We're successful because we deserve to be". Ryoma's character arc (which is helped along by Kamui) is coming to terms with the fact that people can't help where they are born and that ignoring Nohr's desperation only created endless conflicts between their countries.
  23. Problems from the game that should be addressed: Too Kamui-centric Kamui doesn't make mistakes or if he does, he's excused for them Villains lack depth and credible motivations Shallow world building Impact of war is not felt Plot is meandering Sisters are not well incorporated into the plot Plot contrivances like the crystal ball, magic throne and IK curse
  24. The game doesn't even acknowledge the pseudo incest. Kamui and a sibling S-rank and they play it off like it's any other romance. There is hardly a discussion of how their feelings went from familial to romantic. They don't talk about how their other siblings or society will look at them. It's just "Not blood-related? Green light to engage!" I mean, you'd think the taboo of incest would be there because the other siblings can't S-rank each other, but apparently social ties aren't a factor for romantic attraction. Marrying your cousin is okay though. Marry the hell out of those! What bothers me the most is the "pick and choose your canon" problem of optional S-ranks. On one play through, I have a person who considers me their true family, blood related or not, and then on another play through, they always wanted to jump my bones. The relationship becomes undefined and I can't appreciate it as a true family relationship OR as a true romantic relationship. I might even welcome some incestual relationships if 1. The game was consistent with it (only true for Camilla) and 2. Had the maturity to deal with the problems and considerations of incestual romance (not true for anyone).
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