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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Far be it from me to tell you Ike isn't a sue (his role in PoR is less sue-ish than RD) but I will disagree with you on one point. You say it's illogical for Ike to get leadership of the mercenaries but this is adequately justified in game. After Greil died, the only characters willful enough to lead either left (Shinon) or respected Greil so much that she (Titania) wanted his son to lead. It's assumed that Ike would have taken control of the company after Greil anyway, so everyone just went along with it. If people gushed about how great Ike would be it would be in veneration of his father, and that the company was as close-knit as a family. This contrasts to Kamui who has every reason to be subordinate to his other siblings but isn't for reasons the story doesn't care to explain.
  2. I'd say he is because of how much the game is focused on him when it needn't be. Kamui is younger than two of his siblings (per route) and more naive/less experienced than all of them save his younger sisters but he's still the defacto leader of his army. He has less people skills, less tactical skills and less knowledge of how things work in the outside world, all things you would not expect of or tolerate for a leader. His siblings are obsessed with him even though he doesn't have any special significance in the story or their respective families. Camilla, to name just one example, is completely absorbed with Kamui (to the point of insanity) even though she has 3 other siblings to direct that love at. Some people made the argument that the medium requires the MC to be a mary sue/super special but that's only half correct. You are required to be ultimately successful (ie beat the game) but how you frame the plot, character interactions and the flow of the story can be altered to remove mary sue elements. Kamui can still fail, make mistakes and be called out for them. He doesn't need to have everyone love him (or have people who dislike him be immediately framed as being wrong). Kamui could just be a viewpoint character (and as a avatar, that seems appropriate) for the player to see the Nohr/Hoshido/Invisible plot unfold and let the more logical leaders of the armies take charge. Micaiah was only a mary sue for small portion of Radiant Dawn and even then she was called out for her recklessness or other questionable decisions by Sothe. Robin, while being a tactical genius, was important to the greater plot so his central role was understandable. Kamui is special because player worship.
  3. The pegasus rider design looks typical and the dark mage looks atrocious (like most dark mage outfits). I don't see the appeal of the characters.
  4. -New classes, particularly the hybrid ones like War Priestess, Shura and Revenant Knight. -Returning classes, particularly Lancers. -The distinct feel of Hoshidan and Nohrian weapons, classes and aesthetics. -80% of weapon effects, although there is still a lot that could done for balancing. -reclassing being limited -better skill/class getting system -attack/guard stance being a much better balanced version of Awakening's pair up. -the new class skills and personal skills -smooth map to battle transitions -cool battle animations, plenty of flair like the GBA days -new weapons and returning weapons like weapon reavers -hidden weapons for serving a unique support niche Overall the gameplay is some of the best the series has to offer and it'd be my favorite game if not for a lot of (mostly) story/writing related issues.
  5. Lucina is the only character is forced so I don't think it's that much of a difference. And unlike Aqua, Lucina doesn't go out of her way to make the plot (significantly) worse.
  6. You can play as a female but you will be branded "homo". I mean, physically branded with the word "homo". This can be nullified with branding "no" in front of the "homo" or "genized milk" after the 'homo" but getting branded twice for the sake of choosing a female avatar seems excessive.
  7. You can also play Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Saphire and Pokemon XY in English on a Japanese 3DS if you don't have them already. Animal Crossing is another game that's easy to play in Japanese.
  8. I'm extremely irked that forging the best weapons and getting all the weapons in the game is only possible with DLC.
  9. I do wonder about what the point of the onsen was. If you want to check out the models of the characters in revealing outfits, you can always go to the accessory shop. As far as what goes on in the onsen, there are two main scenarios that can happen. You walk nto the same gender bath and get some dialogue from other characters like "Taking a bath sure is nice." "Eyup" or you walk into the opposite gender bath and get "Get out Kamui, you baka hentai!!" "Sorry, I'll go now!"
  10. Not a psychopath but definitely mentally unstable. No one talks about murder-suicide if someone they love leaves them unless they have some serious issues. I understand that Camilla uses Kamui as an emotional crutch but I find it kind of hard to believe. Why not any of her other siblings, whom she is more likely to see since Kamui spent most of his life locked in that castle?
  11. You must be one of those weirdos... lol jk While I think the desire for maidenhood (no one really cares about a guy's sexual conduct, it seems) is a little archaic, I will acknowledge that some people can value it without being obsessive. I do think that most characters being virgins/first lovers is a strategic choice to not offend anyone who would take issue with their waifu being "spoiled", however. A lot of people are just really insecure and can't tolerate their lover (even a fictional character) having anything to compare to. Of course, not everyone is like that. I'd rather waifu-ing not be in the game so characters could have a plethora of past and ongoing relationships but if they have to keep it, it would be nice to keep things diverse. Some people who are young virgins, some who are sexually active and shameless flirts, some who are widows/widowed and some who had a past relationship but can't continue it for reasons.
  12. Stop talking like an open-minded and rational person! I'm surprised you aren't familiar with people who MUST have a virgin for their girlfriend or wife. Even when it comes to fictional characters (or certain celebrities like AKB48 members) people will quickly denounce them as sluts for having a past or present love life. 'Purity' is a big deal (to weirdos)!
  13. Lute is portrayed as being socially awkward and obsessed with research of various kinds. She says she's a genius and she has the power to back it up. It's less to do with having a bad attitude and more with not having a grasp on the concept of modesty. Tsukuyomi comes off as a kid who wants to be treated as an adult even though he acts like a kid.
  14. I doubt IS will include many non-virgins for future titles. "damaged goods" is one of the biggest turn offs for a lot of people who self-insert and obsess over waifus. Even for this game, there are at most implications of past sexual activity and only for a small assortment of characters..
  15. I don't think there will ever be a canon pairing but the only point for Chrom!Inigo that has much weight is the mention of his mark of Naga. Otherwise I'd say Cynthia is the most pushed for Chrom for the reasons GoXDS outlines.
  16. I think it's ironic that of all the sibling supports with Kamui, the only one that hints (to put it lightly) at one of the pair having non-sibling love is with Camilla and Kamui is weirded out and pushes her away. They could have done a lot to better set up those S-supports. For Takumi and Sakura, they could drop that it's hard to think of you as their sibling since they never met you before, and then the shift to romantic feelings would feel more natural and less incest-y.
  17. It's not that I don't think Inigo would be a proper wielder of the Falchion if it passed to him, just that it's not beyond reason that someone else could pick it up as well. Owain becomes a Dark Mage and that's not even a class set he can get from his mother (inb4 people speculate about his other 'canon' parent) so completely new styles can be learned. I think wielding the Falchion has more to do with upholding the 'hero' role, than the weapon itself. Kind of like how Kamui can change class but he was chosen by the Yatogami.
  18. Definitely one of the hardest child prologues to do late. Mitama's was also merciless.
  19. People can "change class" outside of the game mechanics. Owain switches to magic and Renault is said to have been a soldier of some type before becoming a bishop. If one of Lucina's siblings were "chosen" by Falchion, they could become a swordsman. In fact, if they can't use a sword, Lucina's words have even greater meaning because that sibling would have to reinvent themselves to become the hero.
  20. It's besides the point anyway. People are allowed to dislike the art direction, even if fanservice boosts sales.
  21. Joke thread? [spoiler=You got a chuckle out of me.] But to take the post seriously, the conclusions are way too far fetched. >from Yilise It just means he was born there, so it could be any parent. >uses a sword Children don't need to use the same weapon as their parent. Owain, Noire and Severa don't. >vow of protection All of the parents fought to protect their children >not being fond of bugs So... he doesn't like bugs. It's doubtful this only manifests if he is related to Lucina. >Olivia doesn't need to support with Chrom to marry him And all Chrom has to do is not fight next to any of his other marriage options for half the game! Dat headcanon tho.
  22. The "guaranteeing the loyalty of different factions through the use of political hostages" would fit in Hoshido just as much as Nohr (if they were to make Hoshido more like historical Japan). It would have been interesting to have a cousin or uncle (of the Hoshido siblings) try to make a power grab following Mikoto's death.
  23. I think the problem with the scene was more in the execution (poor word choice) than it being totally unreasonable.
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