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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Also female Knights, Generals, Great Knights, Paladins, Dark Princess, Dark Blood and sometimes Orochi. As discussed though, these are apparently not the fault of Kozaki.
  2. This is all pretty silly. The main complaint is against absurd fanservice, particularly the females in contrast to the males. And now the counterargument popping up is "not everyone could afford full plate armor, therefore battle panties are a legitimate design choice." Gosh, I hope the people going to war could at least afford pants. Woman not being able to afford armor that covers their chest or butt is proof of the wage gap in Fire Emblem!
  3. Okay, but the Hoshido king was still assassinated by Nohr so they still don't have any moral ground to stand on. I'm not convinced Nohr is ignorant of the Faceless attacks anyway. If the Nohrians had no idea why Hoshido was attacking them, I'd call it weak writing. It's not like there is anything in Nohrdor the Hoshidans would want anyway.
  4. I just read the support for them and it's totally strange. C-A is Kamui going "Do. Not. Want. We are siblings, that's it." Then the S-support is "I've decided to reconsider our entire relationship and accept your marriage proposal, mostly because you want it so bad." That doesn't sound like a consensual relationship. It sounds like Camilla was so needy and persistent that Kamui eventually felt sorry for her and gave into her desires.
  5. Except here where Pepper becomes extremely passive aggressive and defensive even though Ana admitted to having made a mistake. Let's like, not be jerks to each other.
  6. You can't even call Oboro's hatred bigotry. She has a personal grudge and instinctively dislikes Nohrians but she's aware that this prejudice is unfair and does her best to contain her feelings when dealing with Nohrians in your army, It's just really confusing, especially since it's not really clear when slimeGaron took over, Before the kidnapping? In that case, why was Kamui spared in the first place. After the kidnapping? Why didn't Garon just kill Kamui himself if the big bad wanted him dead? What's with this roundabout "suicide mission" business?
  7. Or for that matter, if he was planning on having Kamui killed, why did he let Kamui live for as long as he did?
  8. Here is where the "Hoshido struck first" argument falls apart. Nohr (Garon) assassinated the sovereign of Hoshido and then kidnapped their prince. That by itself is a perfectly valid reason to go to war, and yet they were such a peaceful lot they STILL didn't go to war until ANOTHER of their leaders was assassinated. Garon is bad, Macbeth is bad, Ganz is bad and you could even say Marx is bad for being 100% behind the invasion, even after Kamui tells him about some of the heinous things Garon did. When the leadership of one country is mostly evil and the leadership of the other country only attack in retaliation for their belligerence, there is no moral greyness.
  9. All of the children could have been included as not-children to avoid all the pitfalls that comes with. Shinonome, for example, could have been the younger cousin of Ryoma (let's say the child of King Sumeragi's sister) and maintain a similar relationship to what we got. I know, people love their eugenics but I think the series loses more in story than it would in fun if the children aspect were rewritten.
  10. Here's what I'd do for your Oboro. Switch out Spear for Javelin and Guard Naginata for Reverse Naginata. Javelins can be used to counterattack at melee range which will be useful for applying Seal effects. She already has high defense and reasonable resistance so a Guard Naginata is more useful on a squishy unit. Lancers only have to worry about axe users and with a Reverse Naginata, you will never be hit by one. Reverse Naginata also have higher crit and damage than Iron weapons so they are a good weapon to use even if you have a neutral WT match up.
  11. Holy shorts, those outfits are fantastic. They actually look like clothes people would wear instead of fetish outfits. There are instances where I will accept somewhat unpractical designs on units if it makes them distinct and stylistic, such as pegasus knights, but I'd have much greater respect for the series if they followed the art design of Kozaki for the outfits. This artwork is gorgeous.
  12. Waldorf: How do they explain the second generation of characters in Fire Emblem Fates? Statler: Pretty poorly! Both: Doh ho ho ho ho! Literally anything would be a better explanation than the one they give. "It's magic, I don't gotta explain shit" would have been an improvement.
  13. I don't remember. Did it get announced first in NoA? That's besides my point though. Gay romance is something a lot of players in Japan will appreciate so I think it's erroneous to imply that gay marriage was included primarily as a way to appeal to foreigners.
  14. Not only that, but Mikoto was supposedly just assassinated by a Nohrian agent so an emotional backlash of hatred towards that event is easy to understand. Strangely, I don't think the threats against Aqua are even brought up if you play Hoshido.
  15. Maybe the marriage part is more strongly desired in the west but gay romance (yaoi/yuri) is also extremely popular in certain circles of the Japanese population (people like Eponine, *cough cough*). I suspect the bisexual characters are more to pander to heterosexual players who are fans of gay romance than actual gay players/gay marriage supporters.
  16. This is the biggest bit. With most pairings, you don't need to go out of your way to write character reactions to them but surely pseudo incest would be a talking point. There must have been some extremely awkward dinner table conversations we didn't see. Marx: Kamui... people tell me you married and impregnated your 12 year old sister... our sister... That's...interesting. Kamui: Yes, it is. Leon: Pass the mashed potatoes, please. Ah yes, I nearly forgot about the dragon thing probably because I almost never used it. More awkward dinners! Hinoka: Everyone saw that right? Kamui turning into a dragon? Azura: Everyone gets upset now and then. That's nothing unusual. Hinoka: HE TURNED INTO A DRAGON! The lack of presence Nohr had in Hoshido definitely struck me as weird. You know they are up to some dickery, and presumably Ryoma and Takumi were fighting them... somewhere but it felt like you only encountered a lot of Nohrians until AFTER you left Hoshido.
  17. So were there any things in Hoshido that people took issue with (besides being too morally pure)? I've heard plenty for Conquest and IK.
  18. It's not without purpose or a problem of the day. Telling the player that they are facing a powerful foe is a tension builder. Valm having a superior army is not a plot point that is discarded after the naval battle. It's brought up in a later chapter that the only hope they have of winning (even after a miraculous naval victory) is engaging half the army. That's all the continuity you need. I'm really playing the devil's advocate here. There are so many plot holes in Awakening but the points you bring up are not done significantly worse than in other games such as Radiant Dawn.
  19. This explains quite a bit, actually. People talk about executive meddling being the probable cause of Kibayashi's 500 page draft (anything that long must be good... right?) not turning out well but it seems more likely that he just wasn't involved at all in the development of the game. With that in mind, Kibayashi didn't so much write the story as inspire it. You've brought up "Robin's naval holocaust" several times as a point against Awakening narrative but I don't know what you expected. Sure they could have had a more shocked reaction to Robin's ruthlessness (similar to the initial reaction of the use of Wildfire in GoT) but it was exactly the miracle they needed to defeat the Valmese navy. Had they just stuck a sword through every single enemy soldier, would that have been kinder?
  20. Something about the sheer contrast between the conditions in Nohrdor and Hoshido makes me think they were once similar before "something" tipped the balance (heavily) in Hoshido's favor. If I were to rewrite the story, I would discuss the cause of this disparity and how Hoshidans are indifferent to the suffering of Nohrians. The Hoshidan rulers could even acknowledge that they could do more to help Nohr out but to do so would make them extremely unpopular. The relationship between Hoshido, Nohr and the "dukedoms" is a little fuzzy but it's clear that Fuuma is geographically and culturally Hoshidan. I don't think it really makes Hoshido that much greyer though. It is just one clan that turned traitor on the Hoshidan throne. They are the exception to the "pure" Hoshido.
  21. If there is hype backlash, that would be the fault of IS. They are the ones who hyped the story and their new writer. The route splits and "what if" premise of the game made it sound like a good story would be one of the big priorities of the game but all we see here is squandered potential. It's telling that the least ambitious story of the three routes (Birthright) draws the least amount of criticism. This is not to say people wanted a typical story, just that it's better than the trainwreck we got.
  22. >>This will never be real. I am not human. This mind and body are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow. Alternate hairstyle DLC fucking when?
  23. This pretty much. Nothing offensive but nothing to stand out. Gunter and Ashura probably get most of their dislike simply for a lack of supports. Joker is the only shared male character people actively dislike for his character. I think the only reason more people don't vote for Kamui is because they just think of him as a viewpoint character and that any of his faults or blandness is the fault of the game's writing as a whole and not Kamui personally.
  24. Rescue is pretty useful now considering there are no more stat penalties and you actually get stat bonuses for pairing up. I think it's worthy of a skill. I wish Shove was on all non-mounted characters and Canto on all mounted characters.
  25. I'm not really sure how the douchies/dukedoms (written as 公国) fit with Nohr and Hoshido. Chevallier has Nohrian culture but apparently rejects Nohrian rule while Izumo (Izana's "country") has Hoshidan culture and appears to be allied with Hoshido. Are they sub-territories in the larger countries or are they separate kingdoms entirely? Maybe Nohr and Hoshido are both geographic areas as well as political entities. The douchies/dukedoms are like the city-states in Italy.
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