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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Yeah, the personal skills seem to be mostly stat buffs so a proc skill is probably too much. We don't know if Kamui will get Aether, however. I suppose they could just give Ike the "Radiant Hero" and make it the same as Hero but Aether instead of Sol. Personal Skill I fight for my friends: Doubles pair up bonuses.
  2. I could see that, maybe call it "Dark Vessel" or something. They could give him Grima's Truth as default gear in addition to Thoron. I'm imagining Thoron to basically be a magical Killing Edge and for Grima's Truth to have high might offset by severe defensive penalties. I guess that leaves Marth... Hm... Tiara Affinity: +15 avoid when adjacent to a character wearing a head accessory.
  3. I'm going to agree with others who said they should just take on the classes they had in Awakening, with unique models. Marth Class: Lodestar Weapon: Falchion Lucina Class: Lodestar Weapon: Parallel Falchion Ike Class: Hero Weapon: Ragnel Robin Class: Tactician Weapon: Thoron So what personal skills should everyone get? Aether for Ike, that self heal ability for Lucina... I'd say Ignis for Robin but that's one of his class skills.
  4. The problem with topics like these is it eventually boils down to: "Do you support homosexuality? Yes? Great! No? You're a bad person and should change your way of thinking." It's not much of a discussion when you must support a position, lest you be ridiculed and denounced. People can like or not like whatever they want, and if you aren't being a dick about it, who cares?
  5. Here is the map. Nohr in the West and Hoshido in the East. There are two significant cities in the North-east, one of which is probably the Hoshido capital. It could be the large floating island or it could be the city right outside the wall. I'm more in favor of Luun's idea of Mikoto being a well-intentioned extremist. Ruthless, perhaps, but she acts in the best interest of her country (like Micaiah but this time not forced to carry an Idiot Ball). I don't like the "secretly evil" twist because it seems like it would only exist to subvert our expectations of her being good.
  6. Was it ever confirmed if Nohr and Hoshido worship the same dragon or just that they both worship ancient dragons? I don't know about you guys but I'm looking forward to the Super World Capture Cup. Hoshido had a really strong start this season and I'm confident the new coach Ryoma will lead them to victory.
  7. We already have a skill that is based on gender, "Demoiselle". The personal skill doesn't need to literally be "is gay" it can just subtly elude to them having a preference to hanging out with the same gender. "Lace Lover: When adjacent to a female ally, this unit get's +10% avoid" "Muscle lover: When adjacent to a male ally, this unit gets +10% avoid" Also works with Rinka For simplicity's sake, they probably work the same on all members of the same gender.
  8. People won't openly state they'd settle for comical stereotypes (why settle for less when you can ask for more) but I imagine if they were given the options, "You can either get 5 Heather/Jan (VC character) tier gay characters or none at all" they would still choose the more poorly written characters over getting nothing. It's subjective whether characters like Heather and Jan are good enough to be progressive inclusions (I'm rather indifferent). Some will say they are good enough, others will say bad gay characters shouldn't be included at all.
  9. Straight males had two options, straight females had 4 options, gay men and women had 2 options each, bisexual women got 6 options and bisexual men got 4 options. The biggest complaints were that one of the larger demographics, straight men, were given the least amount of options (tied with gay characters).
  10. I think not having frequent Streetpass access will be more of a bother in this game. If these resources are varied, you will need to meet a lot of people to get a well rounded stock. I don't think I'll have a problem with it personally but I can see the problem of people who live in remote areas and need to travel unreasonably far just to get a few streetpasses. They should have just done it the Pokemon way, via the internet.
  11. The ironic thing about Awakening is that we hear more about how people from Ylisse hated the previous Exalt than we do about Plegians who hate Ylisse. Gangrel comments on it but he's petty and vindictive. It's clear he just wants to start shit and doesn't need an excuse.
  12. It doesn't go without saying. A lot of people would think any kind of LGBT character is a good inclusion, regardless of the quality of the writing. They'd like a well written character more, but they will settle for less. Your disagreement with eclipse illustrates this. While you both support the inclusion of gay characters, eclipse adds on the condition of them being well written. "Do it well or don't do it at all." Some people feel that stereotypical representations of gays do more harm than good so they shouldn't be included if they aren't going to be nuanced. You on the other hand appreciate any effort to include them. The poll didn't reflect these differences in opinions. It was either yay or nay.
  13. What I mean is, the person to whom you are replying to has a set of religious beliefs that are rigid and unchanging. They can't be reasoned with so there is no point into trying to make a logical rebuttal. The rules of Catholicism won't change, but you need not concern yourself with one person's personal beliefs. That's beyond the scope of this thread. You might want to read that conversation again. Even after clearing up the confusion of Brom's intentions, she was super bitchy to him. I can see how that could be construed as man-hating in general.
  14. How would you write Heather as a lesbian with the amount of dialogue provided without being so direct? I'm glad you included that last line, otherwise that whole post (and the person you are replying to) would be completely off topic! lol
  15. -the other buildings can be leveled up so I don't see why the magic towers wouldn't be -Magic magic... the purple kind. -Non-magic towers would probably be redundant, and harder to explain how they fire unless you had generic archers manning them RTSs are about resource collection/troop production and battle control all being balanced, so it's a different sort of experience. Tower defense is a bit closer but those are usually build defenses in a single line and adapt to new waves of enemies. This is similar to Clash in that the goal is to destroy other people's village/place your buildings and defenses strategically so they are harder to destroy. Anyway, I'm not trying to place My Castle battles into a genre, just saying what they remind me of.
  16. I'm going with "unmanned defenses" on this one. Kind of reminds me of Clash of Clans.
  17. You said yourself that making everyone bi would be pandering, if not insulting? Gays apparently make up less than 10% of the population so to make upwards of 25% of the roster gay would be pandering to your interests, and not an accurate survey of people's orientations. I get you want a "fair" selection for dating, but if we're going to be honest, something like 3-4 gays total would be more appropriate. There is not really a way to please everyone. You either keep things realistic and have only a few gay options, or you do things the Dragon Age way and you have way too many LGBT characters.
  18. Sonia is the kind of character who is so hot, you want to be with her, even if she looks a little sinister. Charlotte is the kind of character who looks and acts sweet enough to be a good wife, but in truth she's just after your money. They are basically appealing to different ends of the spectrum of what men like. Smoking hot vs sweet and adorable. Sonia will murder you in your sleep, but Charlotte will probably remain loyal to you... as long as you are rich.
  19. Centuries of relative peace have dulled Hoshido's edge perhaps? Like isolationist Japan, they had peace within their country but everyone else was developing their technology and expanding their influence. I was actually developing my own head canon that Nohr has been focusing on some serious R&D (powerful magic and better steel) without Hoshido realizing that they are planning for a total war (as opposed to raids and skirmishes). I don't find Nohr being a powerhouse very credible either but that's a problem even with the confirmed story details.
  20. A bit similar, but the key difference is Plegia (or perhaps just the Gangrel and those loyal to him) is invading mostly out of spite rather than necessity, as it would be the case for Nohr in this scenario. Modern Hoshido technically having done nothing wrong is actually what makes their moral greyness. While they haven't personally caused Nohr grief, their ancestors did and they are still in possession of something that belongs to Nohr. We, the players would know about how important the artifact is for Nohr, even if no one in Hoshido wants to acknowledge it.
  21. Forgive me if this is seen as a necro but I recently read a fan-theory about the possible moral grayness of Hoshido that I liked. Now that we've seen the map of FE14, it looks like Nohr's capital is a giant whole in the ground and Hoshido's capital is apparently a island floating in the sky. Coincidence? Probably not. So here's the theory (credited to some anonymous person). Long ago before the start of FE14, there was some magical artifact (that draws power from the legendary dragon both factions worship) that provided light and prosperity to the lands that was located where present day Nohr is. At some point, the ancestors of the Hoshidans wanted this power to themselves so they used magic (Dragon's Vein) to steal it. The artifact is bound to the land itself so they had to literally uproot the entire area and move it to what is now Hoshido. Without the artifact's power, the proto-Nohr fell into darkness and ruin. Angered, the Nohr ancestors lead an invasion to retake the artifact from the Hoshidans but as they were crossing the mountains into Hoshido, the Hoshidans used the artifact's powers to split the mountains apart, creating the giant chasm that we can see on the map. The Nohrians, defeated, retreat back to Nohr where resentment of Hoshido brews for centuries. Then we cut to the present day where the situation in Nohr has reached a breaking point. The lack of resources in Nohr is leading to the country collapsing on itself and devouring the royal family. The Hoshidans have since forgotten the origin of their capital and the source of their prosperity, but the Nohrians have not. With this, Garon captures the most powerful Dragon's Vein user (Kamui) and plans to use him as the spearhead to conquest of Hoshido. It makes me sad that Nohr's motivations for invasion will likely them just being greedy and Hoshido being morally flawless.
  22. I recall reading some of your posts on a different thread where you explained your opposition to incest as being based on knowing people in real life who were really messed up by it (forgive me if I'm thinking of someone else). But isn't it a bit much to say that incest is always wrong and could never work? I'm sure there are incestuous people in real life who aren't abusive that would take offense to that.
  23. I actually find the lesbian/gay subtext (aka your "queerbating") to be more appropriate considering the setting. This is based on a medieval Europe (for Nohr at least) so it's understandable if gay people would keep their orientation more of a secret. 6-9 LGBT characters out of a 30-35 character roster is realistic? That's over 25% of the characters.
  24. I'm going to agree with an earlier comment that said "the best gay characters are the ones you didn't know were gay", which doesn't mean hidden, just that they have strong personalities outside their sexuality, and it's not the first thing you remark on. I'd cite Bill from The Last of Us as a good gay character. Gays should be in proportion to the number of characters overall, 10 gay characters in a cast of 40 is hard to swallow. I don't know about all supports being possible to reach S rank but I would like it if they were used to mark paired endings, regardless of what that relationship is; brothers, lovers, true friends, student and mentor, what have you.
  25. I'm not sure what purpose the prison would hold in keeping your captured siblings or random generics. The point of including a building is some kind of interaction. So, you go down to the dungeons and have a conversation with the enemy and then... what? Is the prison just to give you a literal captive audience? If it was supposed to be a barracks for your captured units, why not just have a barracks? I can't see people being held behind bars on their off-hours being trustworthy enough to fight for you anyway. Here's a novel idea, the prison will be what the fortune teller was in Rekka. The idea is, you captured an enemy officer who has some information on enemy troop movements for the next level. They don't have perfect information (in fact, intentional deception could be worked in) but enough to give you some hints as to what to prepare for.
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