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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Do you think hidden weapons will be used by many classes? I worry that they will be overly gimmicky. For promoted classes, we have Maids/Butlers and whatever 2 classes the Ninja will promote to. If Ninja promote to Maids/Butlers, I'll eat my own shoe. I still think it's dumb how Thieves are bow locked. Maybe they will promote to Assassin and have Bow/Hidden Weapon?
  2. I both want this and dread it. To really up the difficulty, they can make his recruitment chapter like Severa's where he charges headlong into battle and you need to race ahead as fast as possible so he doesn't fight anyone. No Rescue Staff, Knights only, Final Destination We already have Great Knights and those are mounted. I think it will be fine.
  3. The blurb below the picture is discussing the class and the class name (not the character name) is above the stats, so I'm pretty sure that's the base stats. As for Dread Fighters, they don't need to have 3 weapon types, especially it that's overlapping with the War Artist*. Axe for heavy damage and hidden weapons for debuffs would be cool. Mage hunting with hidden weapons and knight stomping with axes. *who coined this?
  4. It goes: Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Res So she has poor Res, Magic,Skill and no luck. Why are axe users so unlucky?
  5. Marx might be the leading the invasion but he's still doing it on behalf of Garon's orders. Whether that absolves Marx of doing "bad guy things" is debatable but he couldn't call off the invasion just because he wants to.
  6. I'm not sure if the clans are allied with the Hoshido royals but there is definitely a possibility some are not and will be hostile. And they're Oni, ogres! I think they can be raiders if they want to be. In fact, that could be a good conflict considering Sakura has a line about the people of Hoshido all being good natured. I agree that Oni promoting to Warriors would be rather boring. I won't go as far as to say giving them magic, but there is something mystical or beastial about them. Hopefully they get a brand new class to support this. I dunno, it's all a bunch of bars on the screen. Hard to tell what they really mean without a comparison to other classes. I thought Vincent put the exact numbers of the Class page but I can't find them anymore. Shrugs, it just seems like an arbitrary swap to make considering Berserkers have always promoted from Brigands/Barbarians/Pirates. It's not like giving Berserkers to Fighters will change them that much.
  7. I dunno, deciding on the spot whether you want to take the last support in a romantic direction or not seems a little awkward. I think it would be interesting if all paired endings, be they romantic or not, were marked with S supports, but they will probably only do it for romantic ones, if S supports come back at all. I'd rather set my sexuality up from the start and let the game tell me who's interested, rather than pick and choose at the final support.
  8. Sounds pretty irrational. Do you also dislike Gunther, Felicia, Cyrus and Suzukaze? If Aqua is well written, I can't see her tagging along being a problem.
  9. What with the Famitsu releases every week, there is a chance they will just skip over FE14 in the Direct.
  10. Oni are a weird class. High defense, passable strength and speed... Maybe Kanabo will do something to mitigate their poor skill? It bothers me that Tomes, Bows and Hidden Weapons share the weapon triangle with Swords/Axes/Lances. Now Knights have a weapon triangle advantage over mages... They should have gotten their own triangle. There was value in those ranged weapons not being effected by what the enemy was using. But I'm getting off topic. They could be enemy only.
  11. I can seen Hinata getting changed because names ending in 'a' sound more feminine to a western ear, but your argument against Kamui is just silly. Naruto borrows from all kinds of Eastern mythologies and religions so it would be absurd to say no one else should use them.
  12. Axe/Bow and Sword/Tome may rest in the same place on the weapon triangle but that doesn't mean their uses are the same. Bows are shaping up to be the most reliable, ranged physical weapons (and effective vs fliers) so they would still compliment an axe user. The difference between Tomes and Swords is even greater because one deals magic damage and the other physical. There is still cause to have warriors/tacticians. Although not confirmed, it would appear barbarians were cut (as evidenced by Fighters promoting into what used to be the Barbarian exclusive Berserker class) and with Fighters now (apparently) promoting to Berserkers and Heros, Warrior may be cut as well. There is a possibility a Hoshido themed Warrior will be given to Oni, however. Personally, I think Berserker fits Oni a lot better than it does Fighter but I'm not IS. Doesn't Oni have higher defense than Barbarians do? Maybe they will be closer to Knights in function.
  13. How would you implement gay relationships? Would you select sexuality at character creation? This. Most people don't seem to realize that that homosexuality is typically treated as comedy and a deviant orientation. Gay marriage is illegal in Japan.
  14. To be honest, I always thought Takumi was a Hoshido Sniper and I'm not sure why everyone jumped to the conclusion that he was a pre-promote. Maybe people doubted it because Paladin/Trueblade/Dark Knight are promoted classes from earlier titles but "Bowman" is a new/renamed one. I don't know for certain if Dark Knight is still considered promoted but I'm siding with Awakening until something says otherwise.
  15. Maids/Butlers being tied to Rod Knights is a inference based on Joker and Felicia sharing the Strategist class, which is presumed to be the other promotion from Rod Knights. It's a little shaky but it's an educated guess. I still think it's weird how Elise could promote to Maid considering she is royalty. As for Fighter promoting to Brave Hero... This screenshot from Dengeki shows Harold as a Brave Hero, and we know his base class to be (axe) Fighter. Unless he changed his base class before promoting in this screenshot, those two classes are tied.
  16. I'm not an official source, nor is this intended to be your definitive FAQ for class information, so I'm not holding myself to "professional" standards. Some parts are inferences based on screenshots and knowledge of how classes work in Awakening. The point of this topic is to generate conversation concerning what people predict will be done with classes. But thank you for your input.
  17. Hoshido, because I find them more aesthetically pleasing, but Nohr story/gameplay sounds more complex. The agony of choice.
  18. It's mostly the self-insert, waifu/husbando stuff that gets people worked up, not paired endings. The creation of this thread was exactly because this board was flooded with "Can I romance X?" "Can I do incest with X?" "Can I have gay romance with X?" threads.
  19. I figured that Takumi would promote to the Hoshido equivalent of Sniper and Bow Knight. Perhaps there will also be nomads under the title of Yabusame (Japanese mounted archery). Revenant Knight might have higher magic growth than Wyvern riders, even if they are overall similar. Even if they didn't, it wouldn't be the first time a hybrid class was born out of a purely physical or magical base class. Dark Knights use swords but promote from two classes that have low strength.
  20. A lot of us started on Blazing Sword so there's that attachment. As for why I want it in the game, it's both for aesthetics and tome diversity. Weapons now have a lot of additional effects, so I could see light magic carving its own niche. How is dark magic not redundant with standard tomes? Standard tomes also have extra effects like weapon effectiveness to certain targets or Celica's Gale. There are so many possible effects in the game, I don't know why you think they should all belong to one magic sub-type. Anyway, this thread isn't to debate the value of Light Magic, let's talk desired classes.
  21. With the latest news, we now know a bit more about available classes and their weapon types. What with be the other promotion options and what weapons do you think they will use? What other returning classes will there be? What has been confirmed so far (and some inferences based on screenshots) Hoshido Weapon Master (sword, lance, axe) << Samurai (sword) >> Trueblade (sword) ??? (lance, bow) << Pegasus Warrior (lance) >> ??? Bowman (bow) ??? (staff, bow) << Priestess (staff) >> ??? Lancer (lance) Spellcaster (tome) Shinobi (hidden weapon) >> Puppeteer (hidden weapon, ???) Oni (axe) Spirit Fox (shape-shifter) Nohr Berserker (axe) << Fighter (axe) >> Brave Hero (axe, sword??) Sorcerer (tome) << Dark Mage (tome) >> ??? Paladin (lance, sword) << Cavalier (lance, sword) >> Great Knight (lance, sword, axe) Strategist?? (staff, tome) << Rod Knight (staff) >> ??? Brave Hero?? (sword, axe) << Mercenary (sword) >> Bow Knight (bow, sword) ??? << Wyvern Rider (axe) >> Revenant Knight?? (axe, ??) Dark Knight (tome, sword??) Knight (lance) Thief (bow) Maid/Butler (hidden weapon, staff) Garu (shape-shifter) Speculation/Wanted classes Revenant Knight will promote to Wyvern Lord (axe, lance) and Dark Drake (axe, tome) Lancer with promote to a pure lance class and a lance/bow class. Oni will promote to Dread Fighter (axe, sword, hidden weapon) and Berserker (axe) Ninja will also promote to Dread Fighter. Personally, I'd like Tactician and Light Mage to make a return. If the white kingdom doesn't get light magic, I will sue IS weep big soppy tears.
  22. I could see someone in Nohr jokingly call him that and him reacting with disdain.
  23. As soon as I saw Nohr Hater, I thought "Oboro is going to be this game's Jane Turner. Make it so, IS!"
  24. I can see Elfie getting renamed to Elsa. I like the Joker > Jack suggestion, as well as Nyx to Lilith if they MUST change it. Sak'ura Tak'umi Hin'oka Ryoh'ma Hoshi'doh M'om
  25. Not that this will stop anyone but it's probably worth mentioning that Fire Emblem is a SRPG first and dating sim second. If IS only gives us a few romance option, if any, for characters, I'd say that's a fair choice and not at all a "total failure to appeal to everyone" like some have suggested. Some dating sim stuff can be fun but I wouldn't want it to be at the expense of proper characterization. As some others have suggested, 4-7 supports per character with some romance/paired endings would be best. I don't know if Kamui will have enough characterization to not be a self-insert but if he does, he should have a limited pool of romantic supports.
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