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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I wasn't an active member of any Fire Emblem community until recently so I've been blessed so far with not getting any spoilers. I'm a big story guy so avoiding spoilers is a priority. I'll still look up info on classes and skills but I'd like to experience the story on my own. Even with spoiler tags, I'm sure people will be dropping spoiler bombs left and right here so I'll be bidding you fine people adieu after the Japanese release. It with be a hard 6+ months.
  2. Obviously Garon's line about Kamui is just being taken out of context. The full quote reads [For the crime of stealing my toast at breakfast] make Kamui suffer but don't kill him [because killing someone over a piece of toast would be pretty ridiculous.]
  3. The daughter of Leon x Elise marries the son of Camilla x Marx and their child become the heir to the Nohr throne. Trust me, my dad works at Nintendo. I wouldn't be worried about non-Kamui related romance drama. If anything, I'd be more concerned with Kamui being the center of all attention, despite being 1 child out of 5 (and only a middle child, at that).
  4. I'm not sure I follow you, you don't like incest but you'd be okay with it if Kamui initiates it? Why would you be comfortable with Kamui getting married to his or her siblings but not the siblings marrying each other? For the record, I'd be okay with your Nohr family being romancible IF it was clearly established that they think of Kamui as being a close family friend (ie hostage) and not their true brother. And no "we're totally family!" until S rank support "Just kidding, I've wanted to bone you my whole life".
  5. If you can S-support her, they will definitely use this. I think it would be unfair to Hoshido players though.
  6. I think they should make the promotions for the Revenant Knight be the traditional Wyvern Lord and replace gryphons with a Axe/Dark Magic class (Dark Drake?). But the dread fighter looks more like a ninja (except for the weird tentacle helmet) than an Oni. They have too much clothing.
  7. While I don't particularly dislike the character designs in FE14, I feel you on the overdesigned part. It's something I miss about the more simply dressed characters from the GBA and Tellius games.
  8. The overseas version getting one version is just speculation. Aqua doesn't appear on the Hoshido or Nohr cover anyway. She wears white in the larger promotional art, however.
  9. It's easy enough to write a scenario where you have to cross blades with your Nohr family while playing Hoshido but there is less justification for fighting your Hoshido family when playing Nohr. You could have the Hoshido casualties happen offscreen but it would probably be less satisfying than fighting them head on. One idea could be that Kamui is making some progress in reforming Nohr but a smaller faction is pushing back. Hoshido, sensing an opportunity to destabilize Nohr, aids this faction and pushes Nohr towards a civil war. They could even don Nohr outfits and assassinate Garon to falseflag Kamui for a power grab. Kamui realizes this deception and, regrettably, has to fight Ryoma and crew. Hoshido has ninja, subterfuge is the name of the game!
  10. It could be that Garon didn't take an active role in their parenting and the raising of the Nohr children was handled first by their mother and then by the older siblings for the younger. Camilla for best oneesama of 2015 Garon seems like a serious, aloof guy so it wouldn't surprise me if his children only knew him from a distance.
  11. Higher defense you say? That's surprising. I thought they were the eastern equivalent of Barbarians (because only westerners are barbarians!). I'm liking the Japanese ogre aesthetics. I'm still of the opinion that Revenant Knights are simply wyvern riders but a part of me hopes Camilla will use dark magic on promotion.
  12. But is Tiki using multiple dragon stones canon? It might just be a game mechanic in the same way you can have Lucina get married to Owain despite them being cousins.
  13. One of the screenshots on the Famitsu scans shows Garon saying "Make Kamui suffer but don't kill him" and the purple text box indicates this is on the Nohr route. I think his villainy is pretty set in stone.
  14. True Ending: Kamui slays all of his family except for his younger sisters, then forces Sakura and Elise to marry him and creates a new dynasty to rule over both Nohr and Hoshido. All hail Incest God Emperor Kamui! The reign of dragons will return and all of humanity will tremble before their might!
  15. Like Vincent suggested, I'd like a number of the choices to be based on and affected by killing or sparing your siblings. There should be no "perfect" way to play the game and each choice should have it's pro's and cons. I'm thinking that killing characters will reward you with unique weapons and other items but sparing people will lead to more character recruits. That said, it shouldn't be cut and dry either. Maybe sparing some characters will result in a backstab/death of another player character.
  16. That's how I figured half-manaketes worked. Unlike true dragons, they were born human so they they don't need to seal their powers in a dragon stone, they just need it to access the power inherit in their blood.
  17. I don't think your siblings are going to care much if it's you who kills Ryoma/Marx or someone else in your army. As soon as you kill the effective patriarch of the family, everyone will hate you. There is going to be some character overlap between routes. I figure Elise and Sakura are the most impressionable of the 4 siblings so if the player puts in all the work for it, they should be recruitable.
  18. Here's how I'd do it. Takumi and Leon are early to mid-game bosses and you can either choose to kill them or spare/capture them. Killing them will give you some rare item or other in game benefit but sparing them could open up other more diplomatic options later on. For Sakura and Elise, I think you should be able to recruit them from the opposite side on the condition that you spared Takumi and Leon. If you killed the younger brothers, Sakura and Elise will be bosses but are only captured after the battle. In the story, the enemy will capture either Camilla or Hinoka and if you have Sakura or Elise as prisoners, you will be able to trade them back. If you don't trade them, a paralogue will open up to rescue the older sister but the other older sister will be the boss of that level. Ryouma and Marx will be killed unless a long list of conditions are fulfilled including keeping their siblings alive. I think there should be a difficult way to save/spare everyone, but only the younger sister should be possible to recruit.
  19. I'm hoping for class information and a portrait for Rinka. Names and faces for the other maid and Jeigans would be nice too.
  20. Hinoka:I hoped for so long that I'd get to see you again but now I wish you had died that day. If you did, maybe I could have put my heart to rest by now. I won't betray my blood like you did, Kamui. I will protect my homeland!
  21. The 3rd route will just be an incestuous orgy, which is why it's DLC and they're being hush hush about it for now.
  22. Let's put it this way, a lot of nations, particularly in modern times "love peace" simply because not having your citizens slaughtered and your industry razed to the ground is pretty rad. That said, having a standing army is a important deterrent to those who don't share your peace loving sentiment. Peace loving =/ Pacifist Modern day Japan has a self defense force (it would be a full blown army if it wasn't blocked by their constitution) but it's probably one of the most peace loving places in the world. Maybe it's not realistic for ancient nations to be both peace-loving and also have a warrior culture but this is fantasy. The mind sees what it wants to.
  23. I was going to say that FE players must be patient because of the genre they play but apparently I was mistaken, lol. Skipping animations, skipping the enemy phase... Everyone* just wants to race through, watch enemies disappear and levels to go up. *only some people
  24. It's already happening with the loss of weapon weight and durability. I don't want to be a "Fire Emblem is DOOMED!" guy but FE has already passed the threshold of popular, mass appeal title.
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