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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Right, she's a fine inclusion for the character roster by herself. Myrrh remains one of my favorite characters so I hope we get another cute manakete for FE:if
  2. I don't even have a problem with her outfit. A prepubescent child isn't going to register as a sexual being to me, no matter what she's wearing. People are fine with cute little girls running about but when the implications of having sex with a child-like entity are put into the game, it's problematic. That they didn't just use adult Tiki as the sole dragon waifu also indicates that Nowi and Nah are explicitly there to appeal to Lolicon. People WOULD have a problem with young Tiki, Fae or Myrrh if making children with them was a part of the game.
  3. Sacred stones had a little bit of this with the trainee classes. Like Amelia's critical hit made it appear she stumbled and lurched forward with her spear. It would probably be a lot of work to give everyone unique animations.
  4. To be fair, manaketes have frequently been 'lolis', the only reason it became problematic was the aforementioned marriage and children mechanics. Agreed with you on doing time travel or a generation skip. The former is lame and the latter basically means losing all those characters you spent time bonding with.
  5. If Kamui is a dragon, I have a feeling it will just be for story/cutscene purposes. The trailer shows Kamui with a special sword so it'd be weird if s/he ditched it for a dragon stone (although I wouldn't be against this either). Maybe the Fire Emblem that the dancer caries IS a dragon stone.
  6. I think the GBA system would work fine if constitution were based on class, not gender, and that the con for each class was carefully considered for balance and not realism.
  7. I think armor is adequately expressed through stats but it would be cool to have equipable shields for certain classes.
  8. Wyverns do feel far more eastern, if only because far eastern nations don't really have winged horses in their mythology, but eastern dragons are far different than the western dragons that appear in Fire Emblem. There might be some more serpentine, wingless dragons this time around.
  9. Like I said, it's a fantasy setting so it needn't be 100% historically accurate. The "divine wind" protecting Japan against mainland invaders could be literal wind magic! Imagine this scenario, the mainland eastern country has tried several times in the past to conquer the island nation but every time a protective deity (this game's Naga counterpart) would use their magic to create powerful storms. Eventually the mainland gives up on their militaristic ambitions and relations are improved between them dramatically through trade. Now that the two eastern nations are no longer warring, the protective deity goes to sleep. All is peaceful until the western power shows up and conquers part of the mainland eastern nation and sets their sights on the island nation. It would be up to the writers to throw in the moral ambiguity for each faction, but I think there is promise there. For example, without their goddess to help them, some people on the island nation have turned to darker powers to save their nation.... *insert eastern monsters here* Indeed, the majority of Fire Emblem is western fantasy based so they're going to need to share some mythological creatures unless they plan on making a bunch new ones. I'm digging those Chinese armor designs. Now I'm really hoping for a Chinese faction as well as a Japanese one for the East. I should lower my expectations.
  10. It would be pretty neat to have WoW style Druids that can shapeshift into multiple forms. Plus, it's mentioned that other taguel can change into animals besides rabbits so there is precedence for a variety of forms. The way I'd implement the system is to give them different beast stones for different forms and have them take a turn to change form. Keep the weapon damage tied to weapon rank as it's done in Tellius.
  11. Here's another idea for the West. If the East has a claim on the Pegasus (according to the trailer), the western powers can have gryphons. Gryphons feel more Greco-Roman than dragons do. Speculation here but since "small country gets invaded by big country" is a reoccurring trope in Fire Emblem, and that historically Japan has often been on the defensive against MUCH larger powers, it would be pretty easy to write a story about Japan repelling the Roman empire. Whether it be "divine intervention" or strength of arms, it can't be said that Japan lacks tenacity. If this is an alternate reality Earth, you could justify Japan holding it's own by saying they are just fighting the fringe of the empire. It might even be more interesting that way, because if the Romans either allied or conquered part of China, it would justify having "Eastern" troops on the enemy side. All that said, it's just fantasy so they can write the powers to be as strong as they like.
  12. Here's my proposal to IS. Have Myrmidons promote to Swordmaster and Dread Fighter. Now we have our samurai and ninja bases covered. Miko (Bow) can promote to Priestess (Bow and Lance) and Yabusame (Bow and Sword). Yabusame are Japanese mounted archers. Also, here is a Western and Eastern Bishop. Good ideas. I like the magic/melee hybrid classes
  13. As long as it's not determined by the level of certain units. There are certain chapters I NEVER played in Blazing Sword, my favorite game, just because the units I liked to use were not the right level to play the alternate missions. I think a system that passively changes your route, ie by actions you take within a chapter, is the best method. As mentioned above, opting not to kill a boss, finishing a chapter within a certain number of turns, and so forth.
  14. I'd like the Miko class more than the Bride class, which just seems out of place in any setting. I think 3 weapon types is a little excessive anyway. Bullet hell FE when? Awakening Warriors already have a gladiator feel to them. Some people have been speculating that Mercenary/Hero will be favored by the Western side and Myrmidon/Swordmaster by the Eastern side.
  15. Of the games I've played, all international released games + Binding Blade, I'd say Sacred Stones is the most underated. It built off of the already solid GBA game engine and added in great things like branching promotions and skills, a great lord and cool monsters. A lot of people discounted it for its shorter length and debatable cliche story. Shadow Dragon is just bad. I'm still trying to force myself to beat the thing.
  16. So there has been a fair amount of speculation over the trailer and what Eastern/Western themed characters and weapons we will be getting. Roman themed Paladins, Japanese themed Swordmasters... What I haven't seen as much of is people talking about what they WANT to see. What Roman/Japanese themed classes/weapons/monsters/stages are you hoping to see? For classes, they can be purely aesthetic choices depending on the faction or brand new classes altogether. The first new class for the eastern side I'd like to have is a shrine maiden (miko). They would use a Bow and Naginata, some of the more feminine Japanese martial arts. The base class could use just bows and the promoted class would use bows and lances. For an Eastern theme monster, the lion-like statues that appear in front of many shrines, Komainu, would be neat. Lastly, for the Western side, a Halberdier fashioned to look like a centurion would be cool.
  17. What I want to return: Varied mission objectives Relevant terrain GBA magic types, staves and weapon variety Quality supports Awakening-style support points Magic weapons doing damage based on the user's strength, not magic Class based skills but also scrolls Soldier class and promotions What I don't want to return: Children Everyone supporting with everyone Easily acquired Second Seals "Rare" items being purchasable from the world map "People die when they are killed, except when they don't." paralogues
  18. I was hoping people could have moved on by this point but the popular, new anime 'Attack on Anacybele' continues. This thread is about more than debating one person's social views, guys. Yes, this is something serious to consider. The more fractures you have, the less content you'll have for a single play through (Sacred Stones for example). I don't think the plot has to change dramatically for the choices characters make. Rather than a SS-style route split, it could be more perspective focused like the differences between Eliwood's and Hector's routes. The general direction of the plot would stay the same but there would be a few 'route' specific maps. For the other maps, it might be the same area but what units you have to fight with and with whom you fight will be different. Let's say that there are several clans and if you marry any member of that clan by a certain point in the game, you'll be fighting on behalf of that clan, at least in terms of story.
  19. The game is complex enough with just 4 weapon types (discounting magic). Maces/clubs should just be a sub-category of axes.
  20. Sexuality shouldn't be the center focus of characterization, but it is a part of it, which is why I call for consistency. If a guy says "I'm straight" and the next day he's seen making about with another dude, people are going to raise eyebrows. It's inconsistent. The bolded is the important part that some people need to understand. If Legault flirting with Heath or Mathew makes you uncomfortable, don't pair them up. I generally don't ship gay characters either but I'm not going to insist the game lets me romantically pair Heather with Sothe. Let's try to get this thread back on the rails. How would people like it if the person Kamui/Avatar started a relationship effected the plot? Like, if you chose to romance a character from a certain faction, you'd take a certain route to ally with them. I'm thinking political marriages. It could be for other characters too.
  21. What people write in their fan-fiction is their own business. We're discussing how relationships should be handled IN GAME. As in official. As in canon relationships. The reason everyone is jumping on Anacybele is that she is suggesting that all characters (or perhaps just heterosexual ones) should be shippable, disregarding whatever sexuality they actually have. That she prefaced a lot of her posts with "No homophobia but..." didn't help matters. Contrary to your sentiment that consistency doesn't matter for fictional characters, quite a few people do care about having believable characters. The more I read this thread, the more I think Awakening was a serious misstep for enabling such...disagreeable individuals. This is a strategy RPG, if anyone forgot.
  22. I think knives could carve (forgive the pun) out a unique niche if they were low might but had some degree of armor piercing. It would make them more effective than swords against heavily armored targets but weaker against targets with low armor. Crossbows were implemented before but they had static damage making them lackluster. They could change it to make their damage based on Skill instead of Strength. Or they could make them do static damage but have armor piercing. I think Katanas and Naginata will just be variations of swords and lances, just like blades and great-lances were. I can't make a solid statement on maces or ice magic as that's all speculative at this point. If Hammers are axes, maces can be too. Ice looks like a variation of anima to me.
  23. So you prefer that the character's sexuality is up to the player? That's good to hear. Most discussion I've heard makes it sound like it's still pretty contentious.
  24. The only problem I can see with that is all your characters being on-board with whatever your mission is. Would all of your characters WANT to support you if your ambitions are to conquer? Wouldn't a lot of dialogue need to be edited to suit how people react and relate to your world altering decisions?
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