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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Hybrid classes can be a little tricky. Physical units gaining magic and magical units gaining physical weapons often leads to them having low ability in their newly acquired skill-set. The promotion gains and level up stat gains should be carefully examined to ensure that these classes can succeed in both of their roles, not just their primary weapon skill. That said, I think turning healer classes into hybrid melee ones was always a bad idea. It's not wise to make a hybrid out of contradictory roles (a soft target that should be kept far away from danger and a close range melee fighter).
  2. Would Archers even be Archers if they could attack at melee range? Having an exploitable weakness makes them what they are.
  3. If I recall correctly, if the Risen were on a place you wanted to shop, you had to defeat them first. It's just a nuisance to people who don't want to grind. They should just have a Tower of Valni equivalent for optional grinding.
  4. I'd like rescue to come back and for pair up to change so both units are targetable by the enemy. One is safer for the paired unit but you a stat penalty. The other is more dangerous but your stats are buffed. If constitution and weapon weight come back, I want them to be properly explained in-game.
  5. This is quickly going to turn into the bow thread. What if Snipers had an ability that let them double their range but prevented them from activating other skills or doubling? It would give them utility beyond what other bow users can do.
  6. This is more of a general skill overhaul than something class specific but any skill that passively increases stats under very specific conditions should be changed. The mage's Focus skill, for example is borderline useless. Skills should define how a class is intended to be used, such as the Dark Mage and Sorcerer being a front-line magic user. For some class specific changes, Snipers, Swordmasters and Berserkers should innately have higher critical hit rates and some more commonly acquired unique weapons.
  7. If the game is balanced properly, there won't be a need for grinding. I think being able to turn it off or on, would be like being able to change the difficulty setting without starting over your save file. It would just be weird.
  8. Oh boy.... As for your world map idea, rather than turning it on or off, I think it would be better if you could turn off random encounters.
  9. Those are understandable breaks from reality to accommodate for this being a game. It would be too much trouble to program an animation for every imaginable reaction to damage. I'm insisting that the writers make a believable story/character relationships.
  10. This. So much. Seeing the master skills activating in Radiant Dawn was way more exciting because everyone had a unique animation. It's almost enough reason for me to want the game to go back to a SS like promotion system with no reclassing.
  11. Ehh, Henry's supports with Cordelia is him being a super Nice Guy until Cordelia renounces her Chromosexuality and instantly falls for Henry. It's rather cringe-worthy. The GBA games did a good job of presenting believable relationships. Erk was a bodyguard to Serra and Priscilla. Lyn and Rath shared a country and culture, etc. A lot of the supports in awakening just felt like excuses to get two people to make a baby. If Waifu (or Husbando) Emblem continues, I hope they give options to take the Avatar in a unique direction. It's not realistic for one person to be able to relate to EVERYONE, least of all to the point where they would feel like getting married.
  12. But Fire Emblem is special because it ties story/character development to in game bonuses. It rewards people who like story and/or gameplay. When you think about it, pair up is kind of a "support everyone" feature already. Two guys stand by each other and get stat bonuses.
  13. What if they lowered the resistance of magic users a bit and increased the hit/avoid bonuses of the triangle? If a physical fighter can take off 50% health off of another physical unit in a favorable engagement, magic user vs magic user should be the same.
  14. It's weird, right? Sprites have so much flair compared to the 3D models. This is especially noticeable for spell effects.
  15. The content will likely be specific to the characters. I imagine Marth, Robin and Lucina will be unlockable in Fire Emblem IF through their Amiibos. Perhaps some items as well. Amiibos are more exclusive due to their limited distribution so the bulk of the available DLC will still be available to other players. It's mostly just a token thing for diehard fans. Even though I love Fire Emblem, I have my doubts that there are enough applicable games to warrant the Amiibo purchase.
  16. Even as someone who avoided grinding too much, DS and DG activated frequently and trivialized many encounters. That doesn't mean you can always run in without thinking but the sum of a pair is larger than its parts. It's less an issue early on when your shared support rank but people are going to pair spouses so...yeah. For good game design, it shouldn't be up to the player to hamstring themselves so the game doesn't get too easy. I like pair up but it should be toned down a bit.
  17. And there you go. It might be a gamble to pick Thunder over Fire or Wind if you are able to double, but it would undoubtedly be superior if you cannot double. A situational weapon, but that's the essence of a strategy game.
  18. If you can elaborate on specific changes you'd like to see, it'd be easier to discuss your viewpoint beyond "more complexity, guys!". Interesting ideas. 1. Lightning strikes me (pun unintendo) as something that would have a high critical rate but lack the ability to double. The killing edge of magic, if you will. You could explain it with "lightning never strikes the same place twice". Alternatively, it could be effective against armored targets. A little overkill perhaps, considering those unit types already have low res but the same can be said for Wyvern riders and wind magic. I think it would be cool if all anima magic did effective damage to some kind of unit, just as it did in Tellius. Wind vs Air, Lighting vs Armor, Fire vs...Horses? It would have to be more limited. 2. Dark Magic doesn't need to change much. 3. I like the idea behind Light Magic being the magic type to tackle other magic users. I don't think Light Magic users should curbstomp other magic users but they should have a healthy advantage in both damage and hit/avoid. You could have the Purge spell do effective damage to magic users to make it a long range mage killer.
  19. Dual Strike needs to be rebalanced (definitely lower the cap to at least 50%) but I wouldn't like it if the enemy paired up. It would just leave more encounters purely to chance. Now you'd have to factor in enemy Dual Strikes into your calculations of whether or not your unit could survive an encounter. It was the same way with mastery skills in Radiant Dawn. If they activated for the enemy, you were pretty much screwed.
  20. Then I hate you forever! Just kidding. I get your point about physical fighters having a lot of diversity and magic users being a minority, but it wouldn't hurt to have the magic triangle in the game. I like the game in it's current form, but if I were to make my own FIre Emblem, I would have more magic users, honestly. It's not the same. A thief attacking a general is asking to get slaughtered. Mages can actually be effective against other mages precisely because they won't take as much damage. Your units have higher stats than the enemy (generally) so you can do a decent amount of damage to the enemy to allow a melee fighter to finish them off in one blow. You can also use them to tackle targets with difficult to combat magic like Nosferatu and Luna. A lot less intimidating if you have a monk on hand, and that's thanks to the magic triangle. Those tomes were either rare or only available late game so they were mostly absent (dark magic in RD was also disappointingly rare). Plus the absence of the magic triangle and variety of magic classes made their "light" type as irrelevant as ice magic in Blazing Sword.
  21. If you think there should be a separate mechanic that is similar to the bonuses of supports, that's fine but Supports have since become a core element of Fire Emblem and one of the series' most charming aspects. I haven't enjoyed games without supports half as much as those that do because the characters feel shallow without them. Even if people thought Awakening characters were one-note, a single one of them was more interesting than half the cast of Shadow Dragon.
  22. Magic can and should be varied for bother flavor reasons and practical. Magic in the GBA games was varied enough, with Dark tomes being the strongest but least accurate (axes), Light being the weakest but most accurate (swords) and Anima being somewhere in-between (lances). That's not even going into the special effects some spells have such as weapon effectiveness or life draining. If magic user vs magic user conflicts are not deemed relevant, the stats can be tweaked. It's not like anyone is going to say "Don't bother fighting physical fighters with physical fighters. Physical fighters just exist to fight low defense units like mages". Filthy casuals are ruining Fire Emblem.
  23. It's unclear at this point what Kamui and the players relationship will be. Kamui could simply be a main character Lord like any other but with some customizable features such as gender or appearance. Kamui could be just like the Avatar in Awakening and be a player stand-in that we are encouraged to "ship" with whomever we please. Or maybe he'll be a mix of both. The "Chrom" type character would imply Kamui has set relationships (we can already assume Kamui has canon relationships with his maids) and it's not up for the player to decide who they bond with. The "Robin" type character would imply that he can support with anyone and his life won't be especially relevant to anyone in the army. I like the "alternate personality" option that would limit Kamui to a set of support partners the best because it would allow the player to support with whoever they like, but still have a defined personality and past that fits certain characters more than others. Each Kamui would be a different person, but share some key points such as their overall role in the story.
  24. Can you elaborate on this? Do you mean support points gained by participating together in missions? I think that would be a worthy addition.
  25. How would people like supports to be done in this iteration of Fire Emblem? This thread is to discuss everything concerning concerning Supports including how they are gained, what they do, with whom you do them and what they talk about. What would be the optimal system? Method of Acquiring I think Awakening did it best so far with having units fight side by side which works well especially with Pair Up. This can still be a problem for units who have no business fighting next to each other (such as healers) but maybe that could be corrected if a healer could heal the unit they are paired up with. What they do I don't have a problem with what Support bonuses do at the moment. With whom you do them Just as Awakening, I think you should be able to support as many people as you can but only 1 person to the highest rank available. Romancable Pairs If the S support rank comes back, it should be to solidify romantic relations. What I mean by 'solidify' is that there would be hints of a budding relationship before the S rank so it doesn't just come out of the blue. The development between each rank should be subtle, with no sudden "Marry me!" conclusion. The romance options should also be limited to those it most makes sense. I don't want Fire Eugenics back. All that said, it might also be interesting to have two people be able to S support and NOT be romantically involved. There's nothing gay about it in our eyes. It's guy love between two guys.♪ In regards to the Avatar/Kamui As "support with anyone" cheapens the value of each support, maybe Kamui can only support with a selection of his or her units. Or Kamui could have different personality options at creation that effect who they can support with. I like Waifu Emblem as much as the next person but quality relationships take priority. What they talk about If a compromise needs to be made between fewer and better supports and more but weaker supports, I definitely support (heh) the former. Supports should be used to develop character traits that are irrelevant to the main story but still valuable to understanding the characters. I don't want supports to discuss each others anime tropes. I want to get invested in the lives of my soldiers.
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