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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. No. even then, no. Do you have any idea how much pain that gives? Think about how painful the cramps and stuff are during a period. Now multiply that by 2 thousand. Thats just the initial feeling.
  2. The 4 eragon books. I can totally see them as a fire emblem game.
  3. have you seen those "I am the 99%" signs? When they say they failed to complete high school, thats a sign of failure on their part. They didnt get good grades. Very few say they have had to drop out to suppor themselves or their family. Its not my fault most of the protesters look uneducated or apathetic. And yeah im not in a _Good_ position. Just, average.
  4. My choir teacher had that kind of life and all he did is work hard and now he is leading a pretty good life. The US gives you equal oppertunity. Your luck does not.
  5. Now first off i think social classes should be divided like this: The top 1% who got lucky and are now set for 3 generations without doing shit. The Next 19% that tried really hard in school and got into a good college and are now making enough money to support their lives for a bit. The Middle class: 40% are people that have gotten pretty much what we in oak park and thousand oaks to be average. We have a lot of what we want but cant have everything. The low 20%: These are like the people living in smaller houses or apartments. They have an OK life but still struggle. The bottem 20%. THe people with the crappy lives. The bottem 20% are the real problem in this society. These are the assholes at occupy wall street. They didn't give a fuck in high school about thier grades, They didn't care about college until it was too late. They didn't prepare for their futures. They are butthurt that people who actually tried in high school have better lives than them, though they had their fun when they were in school and now need to work to survive. I think that its perfectly justified that the top 1% makes all that money, but my only quirk with them is that they should be doing whats best for the country with their companies, not doing what makes the most profit. I mean, those should be hand in hand though. The best should make the most money. Those are my thoughts anyways.
  6. Waaayyy unluckier than me, but much luckier than someone i know (0n these forums =O). I'll keep him anonymous but here is his story. ---Childhood--- His dad abused him and his brother (verbally, physically, or both, im not sure since it was never clarified). He ended up starting to play an MMO starting when he was 6. He liked escaping reality so much that he ended up being able to type at 100wpm in under a week. Yet that was only an escape, not a solution. (Moral of this? Play a MMO if you need to vent) ---Girlfriend?--- He met a girl through that game (in elementary school years O_o) and eventually went to meet her. She was later raped by her uncle and moved away and he got even more depressed than at first. That girl cut off all contact with everyone because she thought every guy was now a rapist. Now he decided he wanted to get her attention with something he knew she would watch. He took up competetive smash bros (lol). A few years later that worked. That girl had been arrested for shoplifting and met another guy in jail (I think, not sure on this part) but when she hear of him through competetive smash bros, wanted to get with him again. He was all like "but you are with someone else right now, f*** no" She attempted suicide but he called an ambulance on her and she was saved. And she keeps getting his number though he keeps changing it. Like just last tuesday (or the one before?) he got a text from her. (Women love competetive gamers lol) ---Bigger Problems--- His dad is rich, but a complete asshole. So his parents divorced. His mom is given a certain amount of money each given period until he graduates from high school and moves out. His mom plans to move to Arizona and wants to force him into going with her and paying rent (easy way to support yourself? lol) Therefore, he wants to go to college. The only way for him to afford it though, is to work for his dad after going to law school until his dad dies from an unfortunate accident or passes away. He is now working his ass off at multiple jobs, still playing video games, and getting good grades at school. And he is not asian. He is struggling to (ok now hes not but he was) set a foundation for getting into a good college. He is the 99% Pretty much all you have to do is prepare yourself for your situations and act accordingly. He was in a just as bad, maybe worse situation (unable to have a future even?) than you but manages that. hmm. maybe i shoulda used spoiler tags.
  7. shall know my room is the cleanest its been in months. (it wont last though lol)
  8. He got depressed that i refused to post an image of my latest cosplay. or he just hates you all.
  9. perhaps he had his account hacked into? or he clicked "Save Password" and someone got onto his computer?
  10. probably not out enjoying halloween at the moment.
  11. Im going to just hand out candy in a Nu-13 costume.
  12. Shall know im almost done with making my nu cosplay >w<
  13. guys are not shallow. I use every chance i get to help others. =<
  14. Shall know im really depressed. 800$ ticket to Zelda 25th anniversary live concert i secured for 50$ then can't go because of my fuckin parents.
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