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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Would handcuff me to a table to force feed me if he could.
  2. *Warily looks around* Shall know I found this epic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSoKDX2A0iE
  3. Homo for that one guy I'm looking for the amazing mirror boss remix, and some good dark mind part 2 remixes.
  4. Shall know I'm on a search for kirby and the amazing mirror remixes.
  5. Doesn't even have an inch. (Ok that was bad, insulting, and uncalled for, I'll admit, but it was perfectly set up)
  6. Shall know I can't wait for the My little pony fighting game. =D
  7. I'm almost anorexic. I don't eat enough to make big poopies.
  8. Now that thats over, can you make a group titled "Masochistic"? And add me into it? And make name color something other than green? Please? (Looks around warily) This is gonna get ignored isn't it. Oh well, doesn't hurt to try.
  9. I'll just be taking that claim on Kos-Mos, since no one has done so.
  10. HP: 2 (I'm not quite anorexic, but I'm way underweight) STR: 1 (I use physics to lift heavy shit) Mag: 10 (Because I magically manage to do everything I need to.) Skill: 12 (I am skilled) Speed: 13 (I can go fast, but not like, track athlete fast) Luck: 10 (I get lucky only when it counts. Nothing extra. But I never get luckhaxed IRL) Def: 4 (I can enjoy pain to a certain amount, nullifying it) Res: 30 (Magic? WTF is that shit) Move: 14. (I need to move quickly to get from shady area to shady area. I take 10 light damage per second in the sun) Con: 2 (I'm tiny. 5'4") Weapon Skills: Sword: S (I can handle a rapier very well. Normal swords or broadswords? Not so much. But I rock with rapiers IRL) Spear: F (AKA Null) Axe: F Minus (I can't even lift one) Bow: F (I can't bend a bow. D=) Knife: B (Just enough for kitchen work) Light: F Minus. (I can't be in sun) Fire: F (Can't Handle Da Heat) Lightning: A (I need some way to power my electronics) Wind: C (Thats all I need) Dark: SS (I'm dark. Though I'm asian and pale white, I'm still dark) Staves: F Minus. (I can't hold a staff...) Strike: C (I have nails for that) I guess that makes my class a Beastkin Necromancer Assassin. =)
  11. It makes you seem like a douchebag...at least, around here it does. Thats all. People hate grammar mistakes, but hardly anyone corrects other people.
  12. may be random sometimes...occasionally...rarely...one of the 3.
  13. Shall know I hate my computer sometimes. Way too slow.
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