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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Shall know my right eye's sight issue is still bugging me. (I don't use the eyepatch in public cuz my hair covers that eye anyways so I don't see dat idiotically annoying blur.)
  2. Shall know that I'm actually getting all my hw done now. O_o
  3. Think about it. How stupid is the average person? Now keep in mind half the people in the world are stupider than that.
  4. Shall know I don't plan to. At least, never on a school night.
  5. better be being sarcastic. (Its a school night....)
  6. Shall know I just found a few zip ties that I SWEAR I WON'T DO ANYTHING WITH.
  7. I play competetive pokemon...if you play pokemon, it better be competetive.
  8. I'll start. 1. I'm a pirate in the internet. 2. I'm asian and proficient with computers. Generic and nerdy... 3. I have a quiet, soft, somewhat high voice. No one can hear me half the time. 4. I'm a bit maso. (Which is creepy by itself) 5. I play pokemon. 6. I can't hum on tune. I sound retarded. 7. The average person can't comprehend my IRL vocabulary range. People dont understand what I say sometimes. 8. I walk superfast. No one can keep up with me to socialize with me when I am headed somewhere. 9. Long Hair <3 (I like long hair both on me and women. Sometimes makes it look like I'm a lesbo girl) 10. I wear the same 4 jackets all year. Normal people have multiple types of outfits.
  9. Well? Hopefully the poll won't screw up this time.
  10. Fuck this, remaking topic. Stupid board won't let me add a poll
  11. Knows I like purple, silver, and blue hair colors.
  12. Shall know one user here made the joke of saying my previous partner didn't get the memo about how S&M should leave your partner alive. because of my username
  13. Shall know I stopped watching/reading it. Too creepy.
  14. Shall know I'm creeped out by the anime/manga High School of the Dead. (Yes, I'm maso but scared of zombies.)
  15. Shall know there are like.....3 to 4 songs in the tales of xillia soundtrack I like....out of 82 Bad soundtrack....
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