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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. shall know I'm going to finally learn to play MU12 in blazblue soon. I'm that bored.
  2. Knows japanese game/anime people appear younger than they are.
  3. Shall know that all 3 NOL girls make up the top tier, and the NOL guys and litchi make up High.
  4. Forgot about OP tsubaki. Platinum WAS OP. Then people learned to block heart car.
  5. Doesn't believe I haven't done S&M roleplay stuff yet.
  6. Shall know only once, and not S&M roleplay stuff, just usual, generic, average abuse.
  7. shall know I suddenly have an urge to be tied to a coffee table and abused by a woman...but there isn't one willing to do that, that I know, unfortunately..... sometimes I question my wants........ *Starts questioning self even more.*
  8. OR get a simple job at a grocery store or fast food restraunt or actual restraunt. Discounts ftw.
  9. Seriously. i only just realized. Now whenever I try to walk, I look awkward...
  10. Just increase the max supports so that you can have 2 'A's. You can romhack to do that right?
  11. Get a job then. It isn't that hard to work under the counter. If you get paid 7$ an hour under the counter, you still make more than the min wage of 8$ because your gains are not tax deductible.
  12. Shall know the only time I ever killed a unit off was for gaiden chapters in FE11
  13. Shall know I find it weird how the maids in GO/Dagrons' sigs/avvys have the same names as the Bro/Sis in Tales of hearts. (Isn't Hisui a guy's name?)
  14. shall know I'm trying to make a bug hail team in pokemon. So far its: Ninjask, Abomasnow, Cloyster, Latios, Escavalier, Leavanny.
  15. shall know I hate when a food product's "Servings per container" is like... 2.75 or something like that. I don't wanna do more than simple math for my calorie counts. =<
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