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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  2. Probably knows hazama always keeps a good grip on his hat, even when fighting.
  3. shall know I beat most touhous. On the hardest difficulty (Why play any other difficulty than the hardest in anything?) and I hate hot weather.
  4. knows I have 4 blank favorite spots in my favorite characters.
  5. Or it could be a guy in dance shoes of some crazy sort and I'm pretty sure hair doesn't indicate gender.
  6. my good sir, that is the style of pissing that takes the most skill. You have to first angle your leg perfectly, and then piss in the perfect angle so that your piss goes into the toilet through your pant leg wtihout touching it OR your leg.
  7. Shall know I'ma sleep early since I have school tomorrow. T_T
  8. not a zombie covered in the blood of wild animals.
  9. Not dreading that he has school tomorrow.
  10. Well, its generic, but well inplemented. Have you ever played that MMO Aqworlds? The battle system and skills are sorta like the older system of that. Where you have an auto attack. And skills. You use a skill, it has an recharge time before you can use it again.
  11. Shall know that though my new avvy is epic (IMO), its temporary for until I find a better nu avvy.
  12. shall know I was thinking more of using a character from my favorite characters list in my sig.
  13. shall know I feel its about time I got a new avvy. But what to use...
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