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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Knows that though I find platinum cute, I will always prefer the Murokumo units. Especially Nu.
  2. ninjaed sometimes. Seriously. That looks fun.
  3. Shall know Relius will soon be playable in blazblue. (its confirmed)
  4. Anyone who mained Carl is gonna likely switch to Relius when the patch comes. This is gonna be fun.
  5. I see....Well its more that I enjoy the pain, not that I don't feel it.
  6. Shall know that I am having a very off day today...
  7. Not unhappy about parents not letting him go to otacon (or was it otakon. W/E I never could spell)
  8. Will fall victim to me in blazblue again. Wow. I didn't refresh in the longest time. Fact still applies?
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