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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Shall know that tomorrow, ESR is going down when I play him in blazblue. *Has new tricks*
  2. knows ESR is prolly watching the UN OWen auto mario I posted.
  3. may have seen this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt8upKaWzy0&feature=related
  4. not playing pokemon right now...most likely.
  5. Shall know I found an epic song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KQfqttKjGI
  6. knows I played blazblue terribly today.
  7. Platinum IS OP in the damage output field... but only that. I know because shes one the characters I play for fun a lot. Of course, she stops being OP when you know exactly how to block all of her attacks. She has literally 5 Overhead attacks, and 4 of them are aerials. The last is slow. Just block low. =)
  8. should play blazblue with me in around 30 minutes ASDFHGHEASREQR
  9. Platinum is OP. An easy-to-land lolicar does 1500 damage unscaled. a minimum of 500 with the damage scaled. The minimum is the same as Jayoku's. THAT is OP.
  10. Needs moar subordinate B. But yeah, if relius has a cool damage loop like CS2 Carl, I'ma drop carl and have my second main be Relius. Also, old news. Like...a full day old. I posted the news in FFtF yesterday.
  11. wont play relius in the next blazblue patch
  12. knows I didnt' even bother editing my ninjad post just then.
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