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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Shall know I have no idea how I'm skinny. I eat ~2K calories a day, I get no exercise other than for my hands due to gaming and typing, I lay/sit around all day other than school.
  2. Shall know I hate idiots that can't spell correctly. Not wanting to but being able to and proving it is one thing, but the lack of that ability is annoying and what I hate.
  3. You can't knock out that which is already dead. Hehehe.
  4. Its very unsettling. Eh. I don't mind though. Its not like any will want me if they really think thats the truth. /lowselfesteem Shall know that I hate when my hard work is plagerized.
  5. Shall know that people are after me to get the AR codes I make for FFCC: Echoes of time. And more than half of them seem to think...that I'm a girl. .-. I mean. COME ON! As if setting my gender to "Male" or "Not Telling" isn't enough to make it clear.
  6. knows that recently, ITS BEEN SO HOTTT!!!! I"M DYING!!!!! =(
  7. Awww, whats wrong, my favorite gumball human. D=
  8. How do you feel when its mostly men that answer to a topic with that thread title?
  9. knows anyone would like to win any lottery.
  10. would probably like to find a large sum of money on the ground.
  11. probably not a meteor about to fly into a star somewhere.
  12. Shall know I'm about 40% done with making my Nu cosplay.... (Eyepatch=Done a long time ago, cloak=almost done.)
  13. shall know I'm really glad my psr in blazblue is now 158.
  14. im surprised this topic got 2 3 (I hate typos) pages overnight. Well. I just looked back again. And Wow I was idiotic. I thought I was at the top of the world because of my romhacking....
  15. Shall know I can still probably put up a good match (As in taking out about...uh... 10% of my opponent's health before losing) Well, I'ma go get tortured in my dreams now. Gnite.
  16. Shall know I can only trash the casuals I play with, I still get my ass kicked by good competitive tourney players.
  17. shall know there are few. THe one I found had his ass kicked across the pacific by a carl.
  18. SHall know I don't often use training room. And theres no good Lambda players with videos. I think up my own comboes randomly, and then test it out during a match. (I can get 4K midscreen with 50% meter or 6K midscreen with full meter now)
  19. Shall know I only taunt to make my opponent play better. Its no fun winning every other time by over half a health bar. Maybe I should get my stick out again. But then. Lambda needs controller for maximum effectivity. I mean. ABCD need to be in that diamond shape, with easy access to RC, and barrier, and burst (Since my only DP takes 50% heat)
  20. plays bb more than me (Total time, not currently) yet, sucks compared to me. (Ok, not sucks, but worse than me) Yeah, I'm gonna keep saying that till you beat me regularly. Unless people I can play against laglessly get better, theres no way I can get better.
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