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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Huhh, if you add an asset/flaw to anywhere there shouldn't be one, your team won't send with streetpass if you use a character like that. Or if your asset/flaw number is over 8
  2. Inside marriage pointers: Red: Parent 1 Blue: Parent 2 Yellow/Orange: Grandparents. Green: Asset/Flaw (Works even for non-MU characters for determining stat caps) Brown/Purple: Unknown.
  3. Heres something i wanna figure out. Where are children stat caps stored? I wanna update my morgans to reflect my MU's changed asset/flaw edit: I'm the best. 5 minutes after looking at a dump. Red: Parent 1 Orange and Yellow: Parent 1's parents. Blue: Parent 2 Green: Parent 2's Asset/Flaw (if MU)
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A-ebxb0kQ6_WTtsb7kQkmM0PwroSAel7bP1vtgGoc7U/edit?usp=sharing assets will be here order: HP, STR, Mag, Skill, Spd, Luck, Def, Res
  5. so since i have this entire week off, i'm gonna test out all values 0009 through 00FF for asset. lets have some fun :3
  6. @rey the pointer i found is so that you can modify whichever character is currently highlighted. Though there HAS to be a constant pointer for that too. Finding it would be great :D
  7. Paralogue Morgan Test 0135147C 15345368 01351480 154C78C8 01351490 15639860 01351494 00000000 01351498 738898A2 0135151C FFF18708 E1638ED5 00000030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 This is what i used to recruit morgan twins: First part is: Character pointer, Class Pointer, Parent Pointer, Zero out enemy pointer, Copy Morgan Original's unknown 4 bytes (maybe linked to something relevant?), hair color Second part zeros out the event string.
  8. So there is definitely a gender byte in character blocks. This is what says if someone can use wedding bouquet/dread scroll. Other reclasses aren't affected regardless but i wonder where this byte is. Also how to recruit twin morgans in their chapter? This seems to be the only way to make both morgans show up in everyone else's supports. (though you can just access the supports from the morgans) wait i think i got it.
  9. So uhh. where is the convoy relative to your gold amount? I never actually found how to edit my convoy.
  10. My game kept crashing when i do that. Maybe theres a mistake in my code and i'm deleting the wrong pointer then. Thought it doesn't matter to me now since i got my twin morgans.
  11. I got my twin morgans working. You need a parent pointer for morgan or else the game crashes. Doesn't seem to be the case for other child characters.
  12. So i've come to the conclusion there is no way to trick the game into giving you map-specific characters. You cannot recruit validar with cheats :|
  13. you can search the forged weapon's name to find out where its stored and modify it.
  14. @jacien 013D0220 would be the start of your character block. When highlighting character 1, thats what you search for to find the pointer. I think the pointer at the end of what you are highlighting points to something that points back to it. Sort of like a linked list? (unit 1: Next = slot XX, unit 2: Prev's next = unit 1's next) or something like that. ohoho after the weapon ranks is the support points. Innnnteerresstinnnnggg
  15. basically you highlight a character, then search for the address of the start of the character data block in the ram dump. Then highlight another character and search for the changed address to the start of the new character's character data block. And there is your pointer. All you'd have to do is change the pointer address to your own. The rest of it stays the same. So you only need to change the first two lines of the code. for example: 0199CA38 - Pointer Location 0134DCD8 - First Character if i highlight character 1. the data at 0 will be D8DC3415 which points to 0134DCD8 in the ram dump. (reverse bytes, subtract 0x14000000) So the code have the addresses based off of where the pointer is pointing. So if it points to 0134DCD8 and i want to edit 0134DCDC the second line of the code would be 00000004 XXXXXXXX not 0134DCDC XXXXXXXX so 6199CA38 00000000 B199CA38 00000000 00000004 XXXXXXXX would write to 0134DCDC if the pointer were pointing 0134DCD8 and would write to 0134DCFC if the pointer were pointing to 0134DCF8 without needing to change every address in the code.
  16. 0199CA38 - Pointer Location 0134DCD8 - First Character 6199CA38 00000000 B199CA38 00000000 // QuickMax Skills 2000001F 000000FE 00000020 FFFFFFFF 00000024 FFFFFFFF 00000028 FFFFFFFF // Character Portrait 00000064 XXXXXXXX //Class Modifier 00000068 XXXXXXXX // Logbook Pointer 00000074 XXXXXXXX //Marriage Pointer 00000078 XXXXXXXX //Stats 00000084 SK MA ST HP 00000088 RE DF LK SP //Level 2000008A 000000XX //EXP 2000008B 000000XX //Inventory (u = uses, x = item id) 000000A0 00UU00XX 000000A4 00UU00XX 000000A8 00UU00XX 000000AC 00UU00XX 000000B0 00UU00XX //Skills 000000B4 00WW00VV 000000B8 00YY00XX 200000BC 000000ZZ //Weapon Ranks 100000BE 00005A5A 000000C0 5A5A5A5A //Hair Color 00000104 XXXXXXXX This is what the code should look like. The addresses are correct anyways.
  17. you know what. I'm gonna finally get this done. I'm gonna find the character pointer for when you highlight a character. So you only need one code to modify the character block. I do have a test to study for this week but during my free time i want to also make a code that will basically dump the hex code address to a logbook unit name for pointers.
  18. NPC Portraits (Risen, and merchent) are assigned based on what class they are. The portrait will automatically change if you switch the unit to another class. Merchent Unit + Merchent Class will have an altered Anna portrait. RIsen + any class risen can use will have the generic portrait for that class if you do a combo that doesn't exist, the portrait will be a silhouette. Merchent unit + Merchent class is completely glitchless as a player unit. Grima class is a silhouette. Use it with the headless character pointer and you get a silhouette that has a black 3d model too.
  19. If you could figure out how to give risen units portraits or modify the portraits that would be fun. My risen is just a silhouette. Got it once but it froze. Portraits are auto-assigned to risen i guess. Something fun: 15346E08 - Unknown (Marth Head) 15347040 - Unknown (Headless) Those two pointers are after priam for me. goofy issue with map sprites.
  20. Based off of what i found, some units are loaded into the ram from map files? or loaded into a temporary character data list in ram. You would be able to use that unit only on the maps where they appear. character values: Enemy units are placed on strange places in the ram and freeze when used outside of their map so its likely they are only loaded in ram as needed.
  21. The main firmware doesn't matter. But the dash after you want to be on -22 i think its either -20 or -22. Someone check for me.
  22. The hair color in the character block is what affects inherited hair color. You can temporarily change a father character's hair data to give the child that hair color.
  23. next i think i'm gonna work on the boots byte in the character block.
    1. shadowofchaos


      Not really interested in just copy paste hair customization.

    2. shadowofchaos


      I misunderstood, and didn't actually look. It was late last night. Good job on finding that.

  24. Found the color byte in logbook pointers: Exactly 0x20 down from where the logbook pointer in the character block points too there will be: RRGGBBFF The code will be entered as FFBBGGRR for the value. Example: Catria (DLC)'s color is 0887F1FF MU Purple color is: C8A2D6FF and if you plug it into http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp you get exactly the colors you see in-game Keep in mind, your logbook pointers change each time your logbook updates and you reset the game. So you will need an updated dump. This is only one instance though. I need to work on finding every instance. You will actually have to search for every MU block for that MU and replace the color. Basically, go to character block, grab your MU's ORIGINAL hair color. Then CTRL F for it, get the address, F3 for next, F3 for next, and make a code that replaces every single one of your original hair color with the new one. Updated Character Block Data To completely change my hair color 0099A2D0 FFF18708 0099A43C FFF18708 009B41D0 FFF18708 016349B9 FFF18708 0163563A FFF18708 016399C8 FFF18708 019B7EB8 FFF18708 019B960C FFF18708 019B96DC FFF18708 http://i.imgur.com/ncIYpPv.png Success! And Video Proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vpiGIFNGn8
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