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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Yeah I don't see it happening. I got it to glitch again but it just freezes whenever you actually go onto the forge screen, try to save, or try to load a skirmish/chapter.
  2. While playing, I sort of accidentally tapped my 3ds, (Derp. I know) game didn't freeze at first though. I went about my business about to forge weapons and stuff, but then when going into Chrom' items, I noticed: Falchion was forgable O_o So like any sane person would do I tried to forge falchion and it went to the forge screen like usual, then the game froze (SD card was removed, blahblahblah) so read errors can cause this stuff. I'm gonna back up my SD card and try to duplicate the glitch on my master file. Forging Book of Naga, Helswath, Forseti, ect would be pretty amazing.
  3. definitely. Pretty sure we had one of these threads before. He shoulda necro'd that one. speaking of necro. what do alcoholics and necrophiliacs have in common? The urge to pop open a cold one. (☞゚ ∀゚ )☞
  4. yeah I still exist :v You aren't rid of me just yet. :3
  5. uh maybe, but I've been away for long periods at a time. I've just been too lazy to post.
  6. my parents used to not care if I flunked, then high school came and out came a lecture if I scored an A- on a test =| Now I'm in college and my parents want me to constantly update them on my grades =_=
  7. nope, macs are actually set locally so you cant actually do anything with it. There are plenty of people with the same mac address since there is no system preventing duplicate macs.
  8. rey, you should streetpass me. I already put myself on quite a few "prime macs". I can set a few private ones too. edit: Vince, what is your mac? I'll streetpass you and in 8 hours from your last connect to it you can streetpass me.
  9. I did this throughout the entire day so I used the saves to take breaks throughout the run.
  10. Berserker gives +5 str and +3 speed as a base pair-up unit and has really high STR. In normal route, all you want are galeforce powerhouses, no strategy required.
  11. I like keeping units in their default classes or most fitting ones, which is why I didn't make gerome a warrior or inigo and owain into berserkers. And Elincia is just a temporary rallybot. I'm working on maxing katarina and Palla (since they can get all rallies including str)
  12. hey woah don't hate on battle saves. I only used them in this run so that I could get both wave 2s and both wave 4s without redoing the entire map.
  13. Normal Path | | Secret Path And Of Course: Just the Blatantly advertising my youtube channel and videos
  14. I actually no damaged the normal path easily. Though the alternate path is on hold until I finish grinding all the kids' supports to "A"s and 1 S
  15. I actually thought of this myself discussing with a couple of friends and one of them suggested basing a pair off of dual strike. I then made this setup.
  16. Lead Unit: Sorcerer (Dark Mage may work better if you are confident miracle will activate) The Higher your luck cap, the better. Maxed in everything EXCEPT SKILL Skill MUST BE AS LOW AS POSSIBLE! Skills: Vantage Miracle Wrath Gamble Limit Break Weapon: Waste+ (+3MT, +5Crit) Partner Unit: Any Class Maxed Out Stats Skills: Hit Rate+20<-Replace with Dual Strike+ if available. ____Faire(Use the corrosponding one) Dual Guard+ Armsthrift Limit Break Weapon: Any Brave-type weapon+ (+5MT, +3Hit). The point of this build is for lunatic+, to bypass the excessive appearances of pavice+, Aegis+, and Counter. Your lead unit won't attack successfully ever, so counter never works on him/her. Your partner unit does all the attacking, which bypasses pavise, aegis, and counter. As long as you do 22 damage per hit (x4 is enough to kill a hp+5 capped enemy), your lead unit will never take any damage, so he/she will never get killed. Edit: Waste is forged for crit so that if you do hit, it increases the chance that it is a killing hit.
  17. So high school internet sucks. Filters, filters everywhere.
  18. so anything interesting happening?
  19. so I have mech armour and laser beams. Actually not too bad ^_^
  20. S support doesn't do shit for stats. you get +1 at C and +1 at A
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