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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. shall know that iron tager is hard to do real shit with in blazblue
  2. Got an astra with MU using book of Naga on Grima. And all 5 hits of the astra crit. Then I activated Ignis. And it crit also. 1 turn kill whooooooo. (my cri rate was only 20ish percent)
  3. shall know i need a new sig and a new member title.
  4. I spent an entire day doing that. WTF am I doing with my life?
  5. also be a noble and be rich and famous and good looking. Thaaats all i got.
  6. Maxed out, all units have a stat cap total of +3 from class bases so if you max stats in all classes and have all the same skills, they will cost the same. Spotpass Pr. Marth has 3 unique skills too but males get one less class than females (Fighter, Warrior, Berserker, Barbarion, Demon Fighter) (Peggy, Falcoknight, Dark Flyer, Troubadour, Valkerie, Bride) All other classes they can all get access to. So with no exclusive skills, a female has 1600 cost more than a male with all normal skills obtained. Add on the extra skills for 800 each, and est comes out on top.
  7. is....... DLC Est? Wut? (Skills add 800 cost in avatar logbook each and she gets 3 skills DLC/Spotpass characters don't have ready access to.) But why does Est get 3 exclusive skills? (Underdog, Aptitude, Luck+4)
  8. Spotpass and DLC characters don't work on streetpass teams.
  9. Wait, There is an infinite version of Ragnell? Which DLC chapter is that?
  10. Iunno. There just isn't much that Nah!Morgan needs. You COULD put renewal or pavice on there too but I don't see much need for it.
  11. Kellam!Nah!Morgan MU has to be Male, +Def, -Mag Armsthrift Galeforce Limit Break (Hold spot with Bonds, all stats+2, or Astra for now) Sol Aegis
  12. I remember tempting him with my pasaran plush >w<
  13. 3ds is hacked, resources and tools aren't publicly available. Dammit I want dragonskin and rightful god on everyone ;~; Though you can try your luck with This if you manage to get your hands on an FE13 rom rip in order to gather data.
  14. Galeforce Boots Nosferatank all the way through while paired up with a Dark Knight!! Also supported by galeforce Mires and Olivia Dancing from further away. (Good thing I have like 7 sorcerers with 100% armsthrift when paired up and quite a few have galeforce.) Haven't been able to update my spotpass yet but that's the strategy I always use.
  15. I have it. Keep hiring and firing Mist[lv1] (FE:PoR), Edward[lv3] (FE:RD), and Florina[lv3] (FE) over and over since they are the cheapest ones. soon you can also use Fee [lv4] (FE:Holy War Gen2), Nanna[lv3] (FE:Thracia776) and Wolt[lv4] (FE:SoS) If you have golden gaffe, its easily the fastest way to up your renown. (5000 gold for 150 renown and keep repeating)
  16. Snipers are good. Longbow/Double Bow Counter Renewal Sol Lifetaker Armsthrift Done.
  17. Chrom and Co. from a different timeline? (Use Tiki and the children characters to fight them)
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