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Everything posted by LetsGoForIt

  1. NOTE: These are personal opinions, and do not reflect the opinions of the project staff at large (only my own), so take them with a grain of salt. All the same, thank you for the feedback!
  2. Seconding what CopyBot said; feedback is very appreciated in the thread, except for 'secret' stuff that a new player shouldn't have access to knowing such as where the hidden treasure is whaaaaaat I didn't say anything. EDIT: Oh yeah I suppose I should mention that I helped make this. Hi there everyone! I made a character in the demo (they can be seen in the screenshots above), and a couple more as well for when the full release is ready.
  3. The Queen's Lament is now up on Serenes Forest, and so the link can now lead to the post here instead of the one over at FE Universe.
  4. I've been playing this hack for a bit now, and I've got to say that I am really impressed by it! The spritework is amazing in a very unique way (and please don't take the following as a criticism, it's actually a strength) thanks to the fact that not all the playable characters are 'conventionally' pretty or beautiful, the multiple ways the story can go is interesting and promotes different playstyles, the music is fantastic (I was pleasantly surprised to hear Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle music being used in some scenes; I love that game with a passion~), and so much more. If I have one minor complaint so far, it is that Puledra starts as an Exorcist instead of a normal Priest; healing with him feels so much slower with experience-gain than it did with Moulder, for instance. Otherwise, wonderful! I cannot wait to see more.
  5. I actually think the pirate's swivel-arm is charming. It also gives a bit more of a legitimate reason as to why a Berserker who promoted from a pirate suddenly decided that two axes was too much to use. My only complaint is that the pirate doesn't seem to move very much. Magic-users can get away with standing relatively still, but melee units generally are a bit more active in their sprites. They walk, run, jump, or whatever towards the target, and at the current moment the pirate isn't doing that.
  6. I think the eyes look a little close-together, but otherwise it's a really good splice! Also, Desmond+Jahn+Limstella works surprisingly-well together.
  7. Oooooh, I'm really liking those battle-poses! Reminds me of the Chemist from Final Fantasy Tactics. What sort of frames would they have at melee range? Or would they be similar to a Mage in that they have the same poses no matter at one, two, or ten range?
  8. Gatrie's a weird case, but Virion also falls under the Angular banner (dat daggerchin tho). I wish you the best of luck.
  9. It's less "softer features = womanizer" and more "Hector doesn't exude that girl-loving personality with his face". Traditionally womanizers in FE have either had large, expressive features (such as Sain or Roger) or been angular in their nose and eyes (Saul and Inigo). Hector's default face is in that weird middle-ground where he's too harsh to be large & expressive, but too neutral to be sharply-pointed with his features. Maybe mixing in a little bit of Legault or Oswin would help give his face a more angular, defined appearance. That's just my two cents, though.
  10. For starters, this would probably do better in the Sprites subforum. Secondly, I think the helmet and such are alright; it's really the horse that's getting me. Such a lightly-barding'd beast carrying a heavily-armored unit is a major juxtaposition. Perhaps widen the horse's legs, make it look more stocky like a Clydesdale?
  11. People can bring up old stuff as long as it's not incorrect information. Anyway, regarding the new sprite. It looks decent, and I especially like the shirt and torso overall. However, the face is in need of some changes, since it is pretty obviously just Hector's head with some pointy ears. Perhaps changing the eyes or nose to be a bit more forceful-looking? Alternatively going the other direction and soften his features, since he's as you put it a 'womanizer'. I think there was a "Totally Not Xane, you guys" shapeshifter in TearRing Saga that was a womanizer, but he was blonde and actually looked a bit like Jeorge and Julian's forbidden lovechild. But that's neither here nor there; the point I'm trying to make is, the face needs to either be more angular or less so. The current one is Brown Hector with no other mods.
  12. Seems interesting! I might end up sending a few things your way to get them out in the open, who knows. "Bandit, Knight, and Villager" maps though... hmm. I see a lot of prologue-and-chapter-1 maps in the future.
  13. I was also wondering about the healing thing, but I do want to say that sprite looks awesome right there.
  14. I agree with Shugey on most accounts, although Tamiko reaching 20 isn't too strange; what with the increased experience staves give she could already get to 20 by the second-to-last chapter anyway. Giving someone access to axes in Shon's tale without needing to resort to Noah (I just realized he shares a name with the FE6 Cavalier) would also be greatly appreciated, although maybe instead of Kevin (and thus forcing him to get swords on promotion, and thus making him the best goddamn character in the whole game), perhaps you could make Shuuda an Axe Mercenary, granting him Swords on promotion?
  15. I can only assume the Bandit Twins are named William and Edgar? They look amazing, although William's 'neck-ruffle' thing looks vaguely like a sharpened tumor on his neck due to the coloration. Don't suppose you have a spare color to work with it? Otherwise they are fantastic.
  16. Thank you for the swift responses. And again, my apologies if it sounded pushy or ungrateful or harsh. But, the point remains that harshness doesn't help against anything, even other harshness. We shall soldier on without, and hopefully learn how to hack using the tools at our disposal. Or, alternatively, the project dies and people forget about it. Either way, thank you for the quick replies!
  17. I apologize for the 'silly' comment and questioning. There isn't a need to get hostile, a simple "sorry, not until it's officially released" would have sufficed. I've waited for years on other interesting objects, so waiting on this to be completed isn't anything new. The fairly-rude and high-assumption response wasn't necessary.
  18. It's less a 'ROM hack' and more "lots of people got really excited about making something and being able to properly contribute to the community". The real question to be asked is: is there a way that we (or a single someone, at least) could get a copy of it so that we can begin hammering away and hoping for the best? The current fear is that interest in the project will die if we don't start proper work on it (beyond making mugshots, battle spritesheets, etc.), and FEXNA looks like one of the most effective and useful tools for that. The fact that it is in Private Beta, however, means that it would be difficult to work on something like this unless it was allowed to be used as of right now. Thank you for your understanding in-advance!
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