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Everything posted by feversend

  1. Would -def/-hp drastically change how the difficulty is if I'm already playing on hard?
  2. I'm planning to play Conquest as a male mechanist and he will marry Camilla. Should I go +def/-luck? or +Spd/-luck? And what class should Kana be that would benefit from the pairing?
  3. I made my female avatar a kinshi knight. Who would be a good father for Kana and what class should Kana be?
  4. Which children should I not bother with in each path?
  5. I thought I read something about using diviner as a dark knight. What are your skills?
  6. What should I choose for boon/bane/talent/pairing/skills? Birthright
  7. Thank you. I chose to get luna because I'm inheriting aether from Lucina. Is there a better Fem Morgan build? So, Cavalier LVL. 10->Great Knight is the general idea? Should I also reclass into a second tier at level 10 if there aren't any skills I want at level 15?
  8. I'm still a little confused on using second and master seals. Would it be better to do this: Mercenary(Starting class) LVL.20(Second Seal)->Knight LVL.20(Master Seal)->Great Knight LVL.15(Second seal)->Pegasus Knight LVL.15(Master Seal)->Dark Flier LVL.15(Second Seal)->Dark Mage LVL.15(Master Seal)->Sorc OR Mercenary(Starting Class) LVL. 20(Second Seal)->Knight LVL.20(Master Seal)->Great Knight LVL.15(Second Seal)->Dark Flier LVL.15(Second Seal)->Sorc Or is there a better way to use the seals? And I'm assuming I should get to level 20 for all starting classes except for donnel since I won't have access to seals for everyone early on.
  9. I came up with a new team. Chrom!Inigo - Hero Olivia!Lucina - Great Lord/Paladin Vaike!Nah - Hero? Gaius!Noire - Sniper Sumia!Morgan - Sorceror MU!Cynthia - Dark Flier Lon'qu!Laurent - Sorceror Ricken!Owain - Sage Donnel!Kjelle - ? Gregor!Yarne - Berserker Henry!Brady - Sage Stahl!Severa - Hero Virion!Gerome-? Kellam? Not sure if I'm missing anyone else and I'm not very fond of having such limited classes. Any feedback for class changes/marriage? Supposed to be Kellam x Nowi and Vaike x Cherche.
  10. I changed it a bit. Any feedbacks? Chrom x Sumia Libra x Olivia Gaius x Tharja Henry x Maribelle Lon’qu x Cordelia Fred x Panne Nowi x Vaike Donnel x Sully Ricken x Lissa Vaike x Cherche Virion x Miriel +mag/-def MaMU x ?
  11. It was my pairings on my first playthrough so I just stuck with it. Is it common? Rather than being dead set on the pairings, any pairings would do if you could provide me with skill sets for each character if that's not too much of a hassle.
  12. This is my first attempt at building an actual team. I'm using a MaMu and want to be a grandmaster. +mag/-def? However, everything else I'm clueless about (skills for parents/children). Olivia x Chrom MaMu( (Tactician -> Mercenary -> Myrmidon -> Dark Mage -> Sorcerer -> Sage -> Grandmaster))x Nowi Sully x Donnel Maribelle x Lon'qu Tharja x Gaius Panne x Kellam Cordelia(Pegasus Knight -> Mercenary -> Bow Knight -> Sorcerer/Falcon Knight -> Falcon Knight/Sorcerer -> Dark Flier.)x Stahl Sumia (Pegasus Knight -> Dark Flier -> Sage/Great Knight -> Great Knight/Sage -> Dark Flier)x Henry Cherche x Frederick Miriel x Gregor Lissa x Ricken
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