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Posts posted by Candlejack

  1. Tana is beastly with them growths and the B-level supports I got her with Ephraim and Cormag. I be rollin through them monsters with just Tana and Cormag like alomst nothin can hit her

    But she has Wind for a support which is the worst in the game. And she has supports either with characters who have better options (Ephraim, Cormag, Eirika) or are complete rubbish (Syrene, Innes, Marisa).

    Vanessa IS awesome, has an awesome affinity, has TWO awesome characters with awesome affinities to support, and has an awesome promotion to Wyvern Knight.

    And it's much more beneficial to an argument if you argue bases over growths, since bases are immediate and growths only benefit over time.

    Tana wins in HP by 3, STR by 2, SKL by 2, SPD by 2, lolLCK by 4, and lolRES by 2. They both tie in DEF and CON so yeah. And you get Vanessa MUCH MUCH earlier than Tana, plus the former gets more time to build up her lance rank, and is a tremendous help for the chapters she is in. Tana? Not so much, unless its Eirika Ch. 9 and 12. Otherwise, you get more benefit from using Vanessa or even Cormag; not to say he doesn't end up spectacularly but still.

  2. I figure they'd cut you some slack while playing ME1 if you saved them. Whatever, as long as I am a Spectre, it works out for me.

    Unless I killed them and put Udina up for Councilor status. Although that's mostly to keep Anderson from a worse life.

    And Legion gets to sit on my lap. :awesome:

    What? There are 1184 programs in there, one of them is BOUND to be female/male.

    Not to mention he is probably better than every single female romance option, with Jacob being a cardboard box, Thane being a lame copypasted assassin type, and Garrus being a much better friend than lover.

    Well, I guess Kelly is good too.

  3. Were you a Marine? Because 70% of playing as a Marine is watching your ass, head, and sides. Because if they're smart, the Aliens won't bumrush you in the front.

    You have a block button too. LB + RB blocks light attacks, and if they rear up for a heavy attack you can either fill them full of lead or knock them on their ass with a melee attack before it completes. Also, if you manage to block a light attack and follow up with a quick melee attack, it knocks them down and they're pretty much fucked.

    You also have grenades, a motion sensor, and a flashlight. USE THEM

  4. Event Hubs will put ANYTHING on their site. It caused problems one time when they put a crappy, inaccurate tier list that anyone could edit on their site as if it were the latest official tier list, which it wasn't.

    There's also the fact that Event Hubs' health and stun values for all characters are wrong.

    So stop treating Event Hubs as some sort of gospel truth. They themselves even say to take it with a grain of salt.

    I know this is probably necroposting but it's to keep information on the game updated.

    And to prove him wrong.

    So they managed to predict all seven unconfirmed characters for the cast. It's not often something like this happens.

    And the little oil up thing at the end of the trailer just REEKS of Hakan.

  5. So yeah, I've been hearing some seriously mixed reviews about this thing and it even got Gamespot to troll itself harder than the Gerstmann Incident. So I picked it up...

    And it's pretty damn fun once you get the controls down. Multiplayer is a blast and the brutality of this game hasn't been seen since Mortal Kombat Armageddon, and even THEN, this game is insanely gruesome; I'm talking "throat-ripping skin flapping" gruesome.

    It's still definitely worth a try though. IF you like it, then buy it. If you don't then, okay then.

    But yeah, if you've played it, give it a whirl; favorite campaign, your main race, how awesome Infestation is, etc.

    Oh, and there is one rule in this zone:

    If you've managed to get five kills in a row with the flamethrower in multiplayer, you are officially a GOD.

  6. So yeah I'm playing through this again and have realized some... idiotic pieces of dialogue.

    Namely the gaping plot hole when

    Your entire crew leaves the ship in a 4-person shuttle while your ship, UNDEFENDED, is testing the IFF.

    Also there is going to be a new squad mate named Kasumi. Master thief found on the citadel with an incredible like for ramen.

    There are actually videos of YouTube about her getting sent through the vents and getting WTFSHOT

    Although that is probably because she wasn't loyal because her loyalty mission never existed yet.

    Also, I've figured out which classes are the best to worst, in order:

    Sentinel- Tech Armor plus being able to strip down every layer of defense is just balls. Godly defense makes up for a meh offense.

    Infiltrator- Cloak is awesome and so is the Widow Rifle. Access to Overload AND Squad Cryo Ammo is awesome too.

    Vanguard- Is better at killing enemies than the above two, with Heavy Charge/Shockwave/etc. Problem is that this guy pretty much relies on close quarters combat to win, and on Insanity... yeesh.

    Soldier- Access to every gun + every ammo type is good. However... unless you spec him with Warp Ammo, he'll have trouble against Barriers, and since those are prevalent in pretty much 99% of endgame... Well, that and he doesn't have any active powers outside of Concussive Shit- oh I meant Shot.

    Engineer- Weak offense + weak power isn't good. Luckily, it gets points for absolutely RAPING protections with Overload/Incinerate/etc. It has problems against Barriers, but then again, so does every non-biotic class. This one just has... more problems to worry about.

    Adept- I KNOW RIGHT? Purely biotic supergod BOTTOM? Well, simple; it rapes unprotected enemies... UNPROTECTED enemies, A.K.A, the same mooks you can take down in one or two seconds of gunfire. Not to mention a rather mediocre class move that is only GOOD when upgraded (Unlike Tech Armor/Charge) and a lack of offensive and defensive prowess.

    Also thought out who is the best teammates:

    Miranda- She is the ONLY teammate in the game who is able to flawlessly strip down enemy defenses for you to finish, bar none. Any complaints about her can be immediately rebuffed just by MENTIONING how invaluable she is during Insanity missions such as Horizon and Purgatory. Not to mention DAT ASS and a class ability that benefits the ENTIRE squad. Oh, and DAT ASS

    Grunt- Crazy son of a bitch is also the most durable son of a bitch. Just make sure he is assigned to Assault Rifles; squad A.I. have a tendency to rush enemies with shotguns equipped, and on Insanity, that doesn't end well EVER. Either way, his class bonuses + Fortification + Krogan regeneration = godly tank, which might be something your squad is missing.

    Everyone else either isn't really worth mentioning or blows epic chunks; I'm looking at you, Jacob and Jack. Jacob is just blargh; it's either shotguns or pistols with him, and lolFire bullets and lolPull are pretty much worthless when you can just shoot them and be done with it. Jack is a little worse since she tends to rush even MORE than Grunt but doesn't have the tanking ability nor the regeneration. She gets points for offering Warp Ammo, AKA the best ammo type in the game.


    And Vido was just a wimp. If Zaeed goes after Shepard, what do you thinks going to happen to him?

    To Shepard or Zaeed?

    Because if its the former, he'll be fine.

    If it's the latter... not so much.

    I am also astounded by how moronic the Council is for still failing to realize the Reapers actually exist. Sort of the reason why I kept the base intact so I can pretty much wag my human wang in their faces. Especially that Turian asshole.

    God I hope I can shoot him.

  7. Uh......except Thany always has a resistance stat that makes a difference against everything not named Fenrir or Aircalibur, a plentiful avoid and attack speed lead on top of that even when her low constitution figures in, an actually practical support list, and an affinity that raises her attack.

    It doesn't matter if her Western Isles fielding is largely consumed by visiting villages. Flight is insurance against having them destroyed that's a large step up from simply being mounted, which Miledy isn't around to do and isn't given much opportunity to stand out for after she joins.

    Come ch. 13, Thany's wrapping up her unpromoted level quota and can use the horseslayer to one-shot some cavaliers without getting doubled by any horsemen while Miledy has double attacking problems out the wazoo, *gets doubled* and certainly hurt by some cavaliers and nearly one-rounded by paladins with the horseslayer (8/9 AS, pfffft) and that's pretty meh considering she has notably shaky hit with the thing considering her HM boosts.

    It's very feasible for Thany to reach 20/1 at the start of Nabata, so she's not far behind in attack power per blow at all, supporting Dieck/maybe Tate, can tote any lance she pleases and getting a headstart on her sword rank while Miledy's struggling to double things in the desert or banking on crits from a killer lance in a mad rush to level up and probably wants to wuss off to the lowly populated northwest, all so she can promote after 14x.

    The lulz is on you. If anything, Miledy's the overrated one and looking at the overall picture I'm not seeing this tier gap between them. If you don't know or care to test your HM, you might want to kindly STFU on this matter.

    ... Interesting proposal. Even an amateur such as I can dissemble this poorly constructed argument.

    Uh......except Thany always has a resistance stat that makes a difference against everything not named Fenrir or Aircalibur, a plentiful avoid and attack speed lead on top of that even when her low constitution figures in, an actually practical support list, and an affinity that raises her attack.

    Too bad resistance is going to be absolutely useless for most of the earlygame, if not for the rest of THE game. Seriously, bad RES is equal to bad LCK in terms of importance, or WHO THE HELL CARES? That and this game places more emphasis on DEF than anything and since Thany is going into an axefest for, like, six or seven chapters, she'll show little combat potential. And who cares about AS of you're getting into single digit HP by around 95% of the enemies on your JOINING MAP? Also, her support list consists either of people who do NOT want her (Roy, Dieck, Lott) or just plain suck (Wade, Zealot, Yuno, Tate). Well, maybe Lott can pity her and get a B with her. Out of pity. She also has a TERRIBLE affinity to compliment her stats; no defensive bonuses are terrible for somebody like Thany.

    It doesn't matter if her Western Isles fielding is largely consumed by visiting villages. Flight is insurance against having them destroyed that's a large step up from simply being mounted, which Miledy isn't around to do and isn't given much opportunity to stand out for after she joins.

    Miledy AT BASE LEVEL is already wtfraping most of the enemies you encounter when she joins. Sure Thany can help out by visiting villages, but that doesn't raise EXP. It's purely utility role and when you have competition for that role, plus they have better offense/defense for, like, the entire game, then you know you're outdated. And when Miledy joins, you can pretty much bench Thany for the rest of the game. Unless you like purposefully wearing a crutch by benching Miledy for whatever reason.

    Come ch. 13, Thany's wrapping up her unpromoted level quota and can use the horseslayer to one-shot some cavaliers without getting doubled by any horsemen while Miledy has double attacking problems out the wazoo, *gets doubled* and certainly hurt by some cavaliers and nearly one-rounded by paladins with the horseslayer (8/9 AS, pfffft) and that's pretty meh considering she has notably shaky hit with the thing considering her HM boosts.

    Okay *Miledy gets doubled for 0 damage* what's this? MILEDY HAS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF FLIER UTILITY WELL HOLY SHIT. IF you need to give a unit a specialized weapon to get even SLIGHTLY closer to OHKO'ing a cav, when everyone else can do it no problem, then that certain unit is pretty much done.

    It's very feasible for Thany to reach 20/1 at the start of Nabata, so she's not far behind in attack power per blow at all, supporting Dieck/maybe Tate, can tote any lance she pleases and getting a headstart on her sword rank while Miledy's struggling to double things in the desert or banking on crits from a killer lance in a mad rush to level up and probably wants to wuss off to the lowly populated northwest, all so she can promote after 14x.

    Nabata is Ch. 14, right? Well, unfortunately for you, I can name quite a few characters who will have a higher chance of getting deployed since Thany will pretty much die on this map. The entire slot would nearly be filled and MILEDY would be a part of it. I'm seeing some sort of pattern here... Also, how is it feasible you get Thany to 20/1 by Nabata OUTSIDE of favoritism/arena abuse? You'll have gotten Lance, Allen, Dieck, Rutgar, Gonzales, and Miledy by the time you get to Nabata, and I'm not even counting the smaller time units like Roy or Lugh. They all could USE the EXP and properly put it to good use by endgame. Thany? Not so much; she'll be spending too much time riding around the battlefield. AND WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND SPEED MAN? Miledy can double just fine in HM; loses 1 AS from a Silver Lance and NOTHING from a Killer Lance. Better CON than even promoted Thany, so lulz to the whole "can't double" argument. You said it yourself that most of these enemies have pathetic AS, right? And lol at the babying argument; if anything, Thany HAD to be babied in the earlygame AND midgame to come out SLIGHTLY usable.

    The lulz is on you. If anything, Miledy's the overrated one and looking at the overall picture I'm not seeing this tier gap between them. If you don't know or care to test your HM, you might want to kindly STFU on this matter.

    Miledy isn't overrated. Thany is getting too much attention for her flier "utility" which only works for, like, two whole chapters before you get Miledy and actually NEED it. Throw in awesome base stats, equally awesome growths, little to no AS loss from most weapons, has a great support for affinities, and will cap FUCKING EVERYTHING once you level her up, except for the lolstats like LCK and RES. Well, DEF too, but she gets Dark affinity.

    So those stuff > limited flier utility plus non-existent midgame capability.

  8. I forgot about that...she tears up your funds...


    Why not? Vanessa rarely has anything better to be doing. Ch 9 Eir is really the only place I can think of where you need a flier to acquire something significant.

    To be fair, she has use in earlygame; can rescuedrop the villagers in Ch. 6 and rush the western enemies for easy EXP. Also a tremendous help in Ephraim Route for Ch. 9-13 and Eirika Ch. 9, 10, 12, and 13. Lategame, she is incredibly useful on the desert stage and Ch. 17 since she lols at the rivers and mountains. Same with Ch. 18, and she's one of the only characters that can manage to go through Ch. 20 without getting hit.

    Granted, she'll need some level ups and some sexy, sexy double Anima supports first, but afterwards...


  9. The arena is there. You might as well have a few free units get some money and exp rather than doing nothing.

    I'm not even suggesting abuse in the first place, just drop him on it like the goddamn a-bomb and he'll rack up EXP faster than Lachesis can wrap up STDs.

  10. Soul, Seth really is awesome. For one, he already has two A's in weapon types, has awesome bases with good enough growths to keep those stats up, unlike Marcus in FE6, has the best affinity in the game for supports, and has one of the best availabilities in the game.

    You could solo the game with Seth only using an Iron Sword, a Javelin, and probably a legendary weapon, but only for Formortiis and that is STILL a maybe.

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