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Posts posted by Jediabiwan

  1. Isn't there a translation name change section in the General Fire Emblem section on the main site?

    Good catch. I think he stuck to most of the changes there, but there was one I noticed that he might want to consider. Shaman -> Light Priestess seems to make a lot of sense in this game as Shamans are not the dark magic using classes as they are in english, but instead light-using classes.

  2. I don't think any of the translations are bad enough that they need to be changed. As was being discussed in the Thracia 776 thread, its much better to just go with what people are used to after all these years like Celice and Oifey than to come up with new names, except in a few special cases like Yurius.

    i don't think you understood

    TheEnd is right; presentation and quality of translation should be reworked. but why change things (i.e., names) that are already in common use?

    also brevity is the soul of wit etc.

    To be redundant.

    A translation that is useful focuses on removing the language barrier, that is, making it possible for people to PLAY the bloody game without having to memorize what menus and commands do what by translating them. In the case of story, you just need to translate it so people can understand the plot, whatever the hell the bloody names are is irrelevant so long as x character is referenced with a consistent name.

    Changing characters' names from what the players are already used to is pointless, specially if the translation is by fans.

  3. In addition to "Barhara -> Valhalla" and "Jugdral -> Yggdrassil," all the names in Northern Thracia are hopelessly fucked up. Assuming they're using the English versions of the Irish province names, they pretty much are supposed to be...

    This isn't even debatable. They were clearly intended to be the Irish provinces (in English), but the translators' spelling (in English) is wrong. There are probably other town names that are wrong but I'm not going to go out on a limb over things like Madino or whatever when there's no consistent theme, but in the case of the Northern Thracia castles there's seriously no room to wiggle here.

    Why would you assume this? Honestly, I hate when video games just copy-paste names of other locations for their setting. The way FE4 did it made it pretty obvious what it was referencing, but also had its own slight twist on the names and they were translated so that you could actually pronounce them. I can't imagine the game being set in the continent of "Yggdrassil". That just sounds so stupid, and I'm no expert on the mythology, but I don't think it makes any sense.

    Tordo is the thunder god in FE4/5, an obvious reference to Thor. Indeed, the ultimate spell used by descendants of Tordo is Thor Hammer: トールハンマー - tohruhanmah. This spell used the katakana "トール", "tohru", to refer directly to Thor. However, Tordo is referred to differently, as "トード", "tohdo". It can be no mistake: while Tordo is meant as a reference to Thor, it is not meant to be Thor - and it would be incorrect to translate it to Thor.

    This lends good evidence that other such references were similarly adjusted slightly.

    Once again Othin offers a good example to support the point.

  4. No they aren't they are gods. Manakete means "Man that isn't a Man" in Fire Emblemese, these are not "men who are not men" they are deities. Dragons are not Gods, Gods can look like Dragons though. And again, Thracias Dragons are literal dragons, even if you want to draw the distinction between a God-Dragon and a Thracian Dragon, the fact of the matter is they are not Wyverns. In any sense of the word. It is not just a mistranslation to call them Wyverns but directly violating the canon. It would be like me calling Manaketes in Elibe 'Laguz' or calling the Laguz in FE9/10 Manaketes, they are not the same thing.

    No, they are the same Manaketes from Akaneia, which is shown pretty clearly by this http://serenesforest.net/general/designer4_2.html.

    FE8 made Forrest Knight --> Ranger an official translation. With that as the only point of reference, the similar Forrest Knight class in FE4/5 must be translated as Ranger.

    Meanwhile, the Forrest class can just be translated as Hero. It's accurate enough and fits with what people expect.

    Wyvern Rider --> Dragon Rider

    Wyvern Knight --> Dragon Knight

    Wyvern Lord --> Dragon Master

    Forrest --> Hero

    Forrest Knight --> Ranger

    All of these fit with currently established translations.

    ^Yep, this is how it should go. I think You might have the wyvern/dragon changes backwards tho.

  5. These classes being

    1. Ike's class in FE9 (which is a fellow sword-only, merc-like class)

    2. FE8's Forrest Knight

    Wow, I totally forgot Ike was a ranger in FE9. But yeah my point was about FE8. It would make a lot more sense if he changed forrest knight to ranger but it seems strange changing a hero-like class to ranger. If FE8's class really was called Forrest Knight in Japanese, than I think that class should be renamed in FE4 instead, Forrest Knight really doesn't make much more sense than forrest. Anyways, its not a big deal, now I just need to go find some proof for celice.

  6. You literally had me until Serlis and Aoife. But those might just be a deal-breaker.

    I can't stand this change, any chance you can realease a patch without these changed names? Or no changed names at all? I agree with most of the other changes though, but I believe forrest should be hero instead of ranger. Ranger makes no sense as there is a much different class named ranger in all english translations. Also, the class was originally supposed to be called hero http://serenesforest.net/general/prerelease.html#fe4.

  7. Flyers are just about at the lowest point in the series in FE4. No rescue, can't use roads. Uncrossable yellow tiles usually prevent you from getting them ahead when the level geometry would otherwise allow it. No terrain bonuses either, with no dismount. Pegs in particular are even worse off and have only 8 move promoted.

    About half the time there is an obvious "This is for a flyer!" mini-objective in a chapter, which doesn't actually matter for seizing and only has some minor effect on the overall game (e.g. getting the thief ring on someone in chapter 8). And sometimes the Peg will even be obsoleted for the obvios Peg mission just by playing fast, like when you can seize-vanish all the stuff in the northwest area in chapter 9, or getting the Tyrfing in 10 with Rescues and dances before Fee can do much at all.

    So what's left? Besides a couple of early village rescues that no one else can realistically do, there are a few good times to put a Return staff on Fee; particularly in Epilogue. Claude!Fee in addition has amazing resistance and you can just send her anywhere to spam Restore and Libra even with Sleep staves all around, but it's a slow pairing.


    Pretty much the way I feel. Plus pegasus knights seem really weak in my experience, at least compared to other characters you get, although obviously they can take out those annoying mages. Without terrain bonuses they just don't seem to cut it for me. I do really like the fact that she can use staves though, plus the early join time is pretty helpful so 7.5/10 for me.

    I feel I might be under using her a little bit, but she just looks so retarded, and the way she talks doesn't help in proving otherwise. I won't take away any more points for that though.

  8. While it would nice to be more accurate, I would prefer if most of the names of locations and characters matched the FE4 translation patch. Since we aren't redoing that one two it would nice it it was consistent so I know what they're talking about. I have no part in this so it doesn't really matter what i want tho.

  9. Right Stats

    Leader (Of your army)

    Leadership Stars

    Movement Stars





    Upper Left

    Attack Critical

    Hit % Evasion


    Opposite, that's the Story Translation, the Menu Translation looks like this


    It looks very nice, but I can't stand that the class name goes over the portrait. Abbreviations like Swd. Master would be nice to fix this.

  10. Maybe when the FE12 patch is finished and released, but I don't see to many people caring about the Thracia translation anymore considering the full script is on this site and there being another better menu translation patch.

    I'm not speaking for anyone, however, and I could be totally off track on this.

    I assume this can't be used on top of the normal translation patch? I haven't played Thracia yet and was about to start, but half the menus are just horrible, and it would be nice if I could see the stats. I decided for a harder playthrough of shadow dragon first, but I am looking forward to playing Thracia so I would love if anything could be done to make the translation better.

    I seem to remember reading about this, but is there really no way to simply patch the patch and just change a few things?

  11. she looks like a damcer to me.

    off topic i know but,is th blonde elfish girl in the trailer nono?and is she a manakete?bear with me ive probs missed loads.

    Yep, she's a manakete. I wonder what sort of manakete she is? Normally we get divine dragons but the blue scales seem hint at maybe being an Ice Dragon or something? Or hopefully she can use several different dragonstones like in FE3/FE12.

  12. Oh never mind, I made a mistake.

    Still, that only makes me wonder more why Tiamo would get art over someone who was featured in an actual cutscene.

    Seems a lot like FE12 art to me, you have a few important characters and then some random ones like luke, rody, and maris. Anyways, I really hope everyone has character art. FE12 art was awesome I was just so disappointed with how little of it we got.

  13. I never realized Lilina was considered that bad, she usually turned out pretty awesome for me. Anyways, I always use the lords a lot so whichever of those are considered bad. I especially use Eliwood way too much, and give him so many stat boosters it's crazy. I also use manaketes a ton, except bantu, nothing can save him. But I don't think they are really ever considered bad most of the time. I don't know why but I don't like the dragon laguz very much, except Kurthnaga, he's awesome.

  14. Either they won't be able to catch up in an abusive playthrough (like in Gaiden), or the Change Proof will simply reset their levels.

    You forget the possibility that they'll just be so good that they won't even need to reset their levels to cap everything!

  15. There's a hint about that in the developer details.

    Also, there's no way a Level 1 Dark Pegasus has stats over 30.

    So the "train endlessly" thing is the only reason people are assuming that? I would think that refers more to the fact that there are monster battles which means infinite exp to train you units, I hope so at least. Though the thing about the stats is a good point, and I don't really have a good explanation.

  16. Velvet is the last of the Taguel.

    Thank God, I hope they really mean last when they say it.

    Pegasus Knights can promote to Dark Pegasus, which can wield magic.

    Sweet, I guess I was wrong in the other thread.

    This limited version of reclass looks pretty awesome, though I'm not a big fan of the fact that it resets your level. Oh well, should be pretty sweet anyways.

  17. I would have agreed until we saw Clerics swinging around axes - then Priests. If multiple caster classes can use axes, surely some can use lances as well.

    Mage Pegasus might quality as a "crazy new" combination, but healer Pegasus wouldn't; it's the same as FE4 Falcon Knights. (And FE5 Falcon Knights, but those never appeared in the game.)

    Yeah, I'm hoping for a pegasus healer. Especially since we had elincia in 9/10. Hopefully this game offers a bit better choices than FE8 for branched promotions. And please let Krom have multiple promotions, especially if one of those is a knight lord/lord knight.

  18. Indeed. FE11/12 had a class system with all combinations of the physical weapons; I get the idea this game is expanding on that, using all the combinations of melee weapons and magic. We have Battle Monk/Battle Cleric with axes/staffs; we'll probably have a Troubadour promotion with swords/staffs and a Pegasus Knight promotion with lances/staffs. Meanwhile, we have Strategist and its promotion(s) with swords/magic, and we'll likely see Mage Knights with lances/magic and some other class with axes/magic.

    Also, regarding Mage Knights, their FE8 map and battle sprites never showed them with staffs, just like other primarily offensive magic-using classes like Sage and Druid. So it's a safe bet that this class is some Troubadour promotion rather than Mage Knight anyway. Of course, then there's the question of what Troubadour will promote to, since it certainly has two options. It may have a Valkyrie-like class with staffs/magic; as a primarily staff user and promoting from a different class, it could have the opportunity to differentiate itself from Sage well enough to work.

    Odd that this seems to project Cleric, Priest, and probably some Dark Mage class all having axes with one promotion option, while only Mages would gain lances and only Troubadours would get swords.

    There's also the question of one remaining space to fill, if they're going this route. We have Paladin and Horseman confirmed, and probably Hero, Warrior, and Dracoknight for five of the six two physical weapon combinations. But what's going to use lances/bows? I doubt it'll be Generals again. Of course, it's also possible that they might have lances/axes/bows or swords/lances/bows instead of swords/lances/axes like in FE8 and like Great Knights, which just raises more questions about possible three-weapon classes and whether or not they could be understood as a substitute.

    I wouldn't count too much on having every combination possible. Mage knights will probably be using swords and magic as they had in FE4/5, the lances guess doesn't really have any previous class to base it on (but it could still happen, I'm sure they're will be plenty of new classes). Hopefully soldiers will return as playable and they can have a bow/lance using class as their promotion. And yeah, great knights will very likely be using three weapons unless they lose a weapon on promotion.

    Also, wyvern riders are using primarily axes again. That's all they are shown using in the trailers and that's what their map sprite has equipped. Also, I'm pretty doubtful on seeing some crazy new combinations like mage pegasus or wyvern rider or something.

  19. Well, his entire sprite looks green so I'm pretty sure he's an allied unit that is being recruited. That makes it extremely likely that he's in his base class, whatever that is. Also, even though it looks like a general, that's actually a knight in the upper left. You can tell because callum is always shown with that sprite and I assume he's a knight. I think this makes it pretty likely that he's an unpromoted class so I'm going with priest/curate or whatever.

    Edit: I'm almost 100% sure now that he's a priest/curate. You can see a character of that class in several earlier chapters meaning that its not likely not promoted. I don't see a battle monk being an unpromoted class that can use axes and staves so I think it rules out that possibility. Also, I watched the trailer again and its extremely obvious he's a green allied unit, not a blue playable one.

  20. Still I'm pretty sure there was a black pegasus in one of the battles so I wouldn't give up hope yet! And wasn't the first pegasus rider male anyways or something? At least that's what I learned from clash of the titans. Anyways, I'm all for a male pegasus rider and hope we see one!

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